Inspired, A Very Special Project | This Little Soul Photographie

    Today I am spotlighting the very talented Anne Wick of This Little Soul Photographie. She has a truly romantic perspective and whether it is her creative colorful imagery or her dramatic black and white photography, she pulls me right in every time. I can’t wait to show her off so we are going to jump right in!

    You can find her website HERE, Her Blog HERE, Her Facebook HERE and her Pinterest HERE.

    Hello Anne!

    Image by Stephanie Belton

    Lets get to know you! How would you describe yourself in three sentences?


    I’m a French hobbyist photographer and a mother of two. I’m a daydreamer and an idealist looking for beauty in the ordinary. I’m an introvert who likes honest and meaningful interactions with people, but I can also act as goofy as a 9 years old if I feel comfortable enough with you.


    What sparked your passion for Photography?


    It took me a few years to become passionate, but I have always liked photography. I started taking photographs before I had my kids, when I was travelling. After my children were born, I left photography aside for a while, and it all started again when I learned using my DLSR in manual two years ago. I’ve been absolutely hooked since then. I couldn’t imagine my life without a camera.


    Here’s an image I took before I learned shooting in manual. (earlyimage.jpg)


    What’s in your camera bag?


    A Nikon D700, a Nikkor 50mm 1.4, a Nikkor 105 mm 2.8 macro, a Lensbaby composer Pro and the Edge 80, and since very recently, the Sigma 35mm 1.4. This lens is so sharp at full aperture, it’s insane ! I had never used that focal length before and I have the feeling it will quickly become a favorite.


    What Camera/Equipment did you start out with?


    My very first pictures were taken with a Nikon FM2. When I started shooting with a digital camera in manual mode, it was with a Canon 5D classic. It was such a great camera, that even though I switched to Nikon quickly after starting out, I recently bought the 5D again. There is something about its color and its almost film like quality that is unique to it, and that I love.



    If you could only use one lens an entire session which one would you choose and why?


    Right now I would say the Lensbaby Edge 80. This lens has done such great things for me. It has given me the creative freedom that I was longing for and it suits my dreamy side perfectly.

    What advice would you give to someone just beginning in photography and hoping to have a business of their own?


    I would say, learn your craft well first, but also take your time. When I started learning photography, I was so excited that I thought this was what I wanted my job to be, for the rest of my life ! But as time went by, I realized that I was much more fulfilled by the creative freedom and the artistic aspect of photography than by the business side of it.



    What was your first official Photographer crush if you had one?


    There are many photographers whose work inspire me, but my first real photographer crush was Leah Zawadski. There is something so authentic about her work that I feel as though I know her through her pictures. Her work is amazing.



    If you could photograph absolutely anyone who would it be dead or alive?


    My grandmother Marie. I have never met her, but have always felt very close to her.


    Describe your style in 3 words.


    Wistful, quiet and dreamy.




    Most embarrassing moment on a session would be?


    I’m not in business, but my nightmare would probably be forgetting my SD cards or my camera battery.

    Any challenges you have had to overcome to be where you are today?


    My biggest challenge has always been myself. For a long time I’ve had the tendency to compare my work to others and to doubt my abilities. I’m much more confident today, but I still go through phases of doubt. I am learning to accept these as a necessary part of my artistic journey. I have also noticed that after a strong period of doubt often comes a period of growth.

    Favorite time of day to shoot is?

    Any time, as long as the light is pretty.



    If you had to stop taking photos right now, what would you do instead?


    Probably slowly die inside ? Joking aside, I think I would go back to clay sculpting. I don’t have much time to do it anymore. I really miss it.



    Have you attended college or had any formal education in Photography?


    No. I learned pretty much everything I know through online workshops.

    What are your photography related goals for 2014?


    Printing my pictures and hanging them on my walls… Considering that I have printed three pictures in the last two years, that is a huge goal for me! Haha ! On a more serious note, I have started offering mentoring sessions and I find this so immensely fulfilling…I really love helping and guiding others in their photography journey, so this will be one of my goals next year.

    How do you push yourself to keep growing and learning? Any Big Aha! Moments?


    I have recently started to read « The Artist Way » by Julia Cameron, and it’s amazing what this book is doing for me. I really recommend it to anyone who is going through a rut or needs to boost their self confidence.


    Biggest Photography related insecurity?


    Getting stuck somewhere in my journey.



    Digital or Prints?


    Digital… so far.

    How do you set yourself apart from other local photographers?


    By truly letting my heart speak through my photography. If I listen to my inner voice and stick to what I deeply and genuinely love, there can only be one photographer like me.



    What do you think your next photography related investment will be?


    Probably the Sigma 85mm 1.4. I’ve heard great things about it.

    If you had to recommend ONE thing that a photographer needs in their camera bag what would that be?


    Definitely a nifty fifty.




    What would you say your biggest muse is?


    My children, and the beauty of the world around us that goes too often unnoticed.




    Fun stuff:

    Favorite Color: All shades of pink and purple.
    Favorite Season:
    Biggest Guilty Pleasure: Chocolate.
    Pet Peeve:
    Impolite and entitled people.

    Studio or On location: On location
    What did you want to be when you grew up?:
    I wanted to become a perfumer, until I realized that it implied being good at chemistry. Science is definitely not my thing!
    One thing no one knows about you is:
    I’m still scared of dark basements.
    Pc or Mac: Mac.
    Lightroom Or Photoshop:
    Film or Digital:
    Props or No Props:
    No props.
    If you could travel anywhere it would be:
    Iceland, for its amazing landscapes and the aurora borealis.
    Glass Half Empty or Half Full: Full!


    Favorite photo ever taken:
    My favorite photography is the portrait of a woman named Marie-Louise. I took it while visiting Senegal in Africa, 15 years ago. I believe this day was a decisive moment in my photography journey, even though I didn’t know it at the time. That day, I discovered that connecting and sharing were possible through my camera, and I realized how much a photograph could mean to someone.



    Raw or Jpeg:
    Favorite Music to Edit to:
    That’s a tough one. I’ll saythe music that best fits my mood, which can vary from upbeat to nostalgic and sentimental.
    Favorite Quote: « 
    Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakens. » –Carl Jung
    Most valued material possession:
    My children’s drawings and love notes.
    Processing Style:
    Soft and feminine.
    Coffee or Tea:
    If you could photograph a Celebrity who would it be?
    Marilyn Monroe or Audrey Hepburn.
    What kind of Camera bag do you rock?
    A Ketti.


    9 Lovely Comments  •  Leave a Comment for Sarah

    9 Beautiful Souls Commented

    1. Candy says:

      Oh I adore Anne’s work. She fulfills the side of me who craves to view dreamy, gorgeous work. I love this interview!

    2. Cate Wnek says:

      Such a beautiful interview with a beautiful and talented person. Her positive influence is truly lasting.

    3. Anne says:

      Thank you all so much for such kind words, I am blessed to have you all in my life! Sarah, thank you again for featuring me, lovely! It’s such an honor for me. <3

    4. Allison Fay says:

      Anne, I think you know how much I’ve always adored your work, and I adore you even more. Loved reading this post. You are amazing!

    5. Sarah Mazza says:

      I just love you Miss Anne…you have such an incredibly kind and loving spirit and your work is just beyond gorgeous. So happy to see this today…<3

    6. angelique says:

      magnifique interview! totalement toi!!
      I fell so lucky being your friend<3 <3

    7. I really enjoyed reading more about Anne, and seeing her work. Very inspirational. <3

    8. Nina says:

      I adore Anne, and have so much love for her work. Thank you for sharing yourself with us and being a beautiful friend. <3

    9. Anne is such a beautiful person with a unique heart that is so giving and loving. I am thankful to know her. Her work is breathtaking always.

    Leave a Lovely Comment


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