M4H P52 Theme “Raw” Eye Candy and Winner

    Hopping right into all the lovely images this week!

    (This is so creative!!)
    By: jennifer ku

    i shoot raw

    I Shoot Raw
    39/52: raw

    Lots of Eye Candy:

    By: Intrepid Winter Fox


    Since raw means untrained and inexperienced, it’s the perfect word to describe me and my photos πŸ™‚ This one is about the frustration we all feel sometimes.

    By: jenkashak

    M4H: Raw

    In this society, when sometimes everything feels fake to me, retouched and virtual, the raw beauty of a sunset feeds my soul.

    By: ShutterBugCat

    P52 Week 38 - Raw

    I struggled this week, but we went for a walk in a nearby town and found a park surrounded by benches. Way too many benches to be normal. They were all dedicated to someone who had died and this particular one was covered in flowers. The sentiment was so raw and this sign hanging beneath it was so poignant – I had to capture it. It says: You know that place between sleeping and awake, that place where you can still remember dreaming? That’s where I will always think of you.

    By: Shawna Lyn Photography

    M4H P52: 39/52 {Raw} {or in my case Raw'r}

    M4H P52: 39/52 {Raw} {or in my case Raw’r}
    I can’t help it, from the second I saw what the theme was, I had a dinosaur raw’r in my head and I just couldn’t shake it.

    By: Sheryl Salisbury

    39/52 Raw (M4H)

    Raw seeds waiting for me to plant them in the spring.

    By: captnoddball

    m4h week 39 "raw"

    I finally got a new camera and moved upto the dslr’s and first time shooting in Raw format. with all the new camera options and new settings is a lil intimidating. but i’m loving every second when I use the camera and loving the outcome.

    By: austinsGG

    M4H 39/52 {raw}

    M4H 39/52 Raw
    Mothers & Daughters….there is no other relationship like it…not another one that can replace it. So, when something like cancer creeps in and threatens that..it’s raw, heart wrenching fear that can take over. This is my sweet grandson’s mama, Kelli…and her mom Vicki. I wanted this picture for them both..I wanted it to be raw and real and full of emotion. That’s what they gave me. Vicki is doing well now…she continues to fight every day and works to get better and stronger…and Kelli is right there with her…mother & daughter <3

    By: Aniya Emtage

    {39.52} raw

    39.52 Raw
    this is my husband.
    he’s trying to figure a few things out……

    By: meadger

    ~ Week 39 ~ Raw ~

    ~ Week 39 ~ Raw ~

    By: egalindo

    39/52 - Raw

    When I think of the word raw, I think about my son and Down syndrome.So I decided to post a photo of my son “in the raw” and write about my own definition. Last week I met with a new mom to welcome their family and answer any questions. As she told her beautiful daughter’s birth story, my own raw emotions came flooding back to me. It’s funny how those emotions can still take my breath, unchanged as if I were experiencing them for the first time. We cried together but we laughed too. I suppose those feelings will always be raw for me.

    By: jfergusonphotography


    39/52 Raw
    Joy. Older sister is in 8th grade, brother in 6th. This baby had to wait until mom kicked cancer’s butt to join the family (thyroid cancer, 4 years ago). The pure, raw emotions that come through when they talk about their little miracle…such a joy to be around.

    By: London’s Bridge Photography

    M4H 39/52 "Raw"

    This little white church is nestled right in the middle of Mammoth Cave National Park along a winding road. As we visited family in that area today, we stopped here to explore. My great grandparents are buried there, and part of my family used to go there. The church is in its raw, original state…and its simplicity is so beautiful. It’s empty and alone, yet holds so many memories and such rich history.

    By: ItsStillLifePhoto

    Raw (39/52)

    Who knew there were so many definitions of “raw” in the dictionary!? I chose, “in a natural state” – the gourds and their vines coated with dew at sunrise. My little guy received these seeds for Easter and through long months we’ve watched them weave and cling and grow. Now I’m not even sure when to harvest them! πŸ˜‰ What possibilities blossomed from the tiny specks of life placed in the ground so long ago..

    By: Justine B7

    39/52 Raw

    It has been a raw and emotional week. Ruby our beautiful cat was purring contentedly on the end of my son’s bed the last I saw her before our neighbours brought her lifeless body to us early on Tuesday morning. As a mother it is the first time I have had to guide my children through the experience of losing a furry loved one. I held it together all day and was strong for them. I even picked up the camera to document her passing – is that normal? I took this photo as we said our final goodbyes – Oscar put a few of Ruby’s favourite toys in with her and then had to run back inside to grab his Ted. To be honest, I only managed 2 or 3 shots; it was just too emotional for them. It wasn’t until after my children had shed more tears at bedtime and had finally fallen asleep, that I was able to allow my emotions come to the surface. My unshed tears came flooding thick and fast. A raw reminder about what it is to be a mother and that you always put them first; one that I would have preferred to have not experienced.

    By: Carla Thompson Photography

    M4H | Raw

    Finally able to capture a mushroom before my little fella stomps it.


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