Inspired, A Very Special Project | Heather L Photography

    This Tuesday I am bringing forward a wonderful photographer for this edition of Inspired. Her work speaks to me. She has an amazing eye for creating images that are not only beautiful to look at, but tell a story. I had the pleasure of getting to know her over the course of my Creative Processing workshop last year, and she was such a gem to get to spend time with and get to know on a more personal level. I have no doubt you are going to love her as well!

    You can find Heather’s work here on Facebook and her website here.

    Hello Heather!

    Image Credit: Corinne McCombs Photography


    Lets get to know you! How would you describe yourself in three sentences?

    I consider myself a very passionate girl, full of heart and conviction. It’s the simple little things in life that mean the very most to me. I believe everything happens for a reason and even if it’s only a small dent, I hope to make a difference in this world.


    What sparked your passion for Photography?

    My children, 100%. Emotion is what draws me to photography and my girls bring more joy to my life than I’ve ever experienced before.

     Starting out Image from Heather! She was kind enough to share one of her first photos! Caption reads: “This was one of my very first images shot in full manual mode.” 

    Whats in your camera bag?

    My camera with my 50mm 1.4 attached. A wireless remote. Lens cleaner. Two backup batteries. And cherry chapstick.

    What Camera/Equipment did you start out with?

    A Canon Rebel XTI and stock lens. I loved that body. It had a lot of sentimental value to me so I had a hard time giving it up. I sold it to a dentist to take pictures of teeth. For some reason I thought it would have a safe home there.


    If you could only use one lens an entire session which one would you choose and why?

    Well, this is easy. My 50 1.4 because it’s my only lens. Yep, it’s a true fact.


    What was your first official Photographer crush if you had one?

    My first real and tangible favorite local photographer was Amy Schuff of Amy Schuff Photography. I just had the honor of photographing her beautiful family and it brought my photography dream full circle.

     What kind of Photos do your take for yourself when you are not photographing clients?

    I adore taking images of the real everyday moments of my children’s lives, the wonderful things they do, and the precious scenes they leave behind.


    If you could photograph absolutely anyone who would it be dead or alive?

    I don’t tend to get star struck, although there are a few country singers whose music I swoon over. But I can’t say that I would want to photograph them. My favorite people to photograph honestly are the favorite people in my life. I know, boring.


    Describe your style in 3 words.

    Simple, Honest, Imaginative


    Most embarrassing moment on a session would be?

    I don’t recall any, but that’s not a surprise because I don’t embarrass easily. I think kids can have that effect on you.


    Any challenges you have had to overcome to be where you are today?

    I think my greatest challenge is not having the funds to buy fancy equipment. I would love to have a 35L or experiment with a couple of other lenses, but I make it work. My love is in the art, not the equipment I use.


    Favorite time of day to shoot is?

    Evening golden hour. I’ve never once shot in the morning. I’ve always wanted to, but I’m a little slow to get my brain working in the early hours of the day.


    If you had to stop taking photos right now, what would you do instead?

    Oh gosh, photography is the gateway to my soul. I think it would be a challenge to find another creative outlet I could love so much. I might spend more time sewing. But I sure hope I never have to stop taking photos.


    Have you attended college or had any formal education in Photography?

    I have a Master’s of Science degree which couldn’t be more unrelated to photography. I am mostly self-taught with the exception of a few incredible and invaluable workshops I have taken along the way, one of them being your processing workshop. It was a substantial influence on my photography journey.

    What do you do to get your clients to relax with you?

    I usually know my clients ahead of time. But if not, I really just try to be myself and get to know them and their relationships. I really enjoy the process of creating meaningful art for my clients, so it feels very natural to me.

    What are your photography related goals for 2013?

    I have a few projects that I am working on right now that I hope to share when I complete them.

    How do you push yourself to keep growing and learning? Any Big Aha! Moments?

    Photography has never been an area of my life that I’ve needed a push in to keep myself growing and learning. My issue is usually forcing myself to slow down now and then.

    I’ve had a ton of big aha moments. When I learn something new or something comes together it’s always a big deal to me, no matter how small. I get excited very easily with photography.



    Biggest Photography related insecurity?

    I think there are moments of weakness within me when the whole social media arena can start to suck me in. After all, I think it is human nature to feel easily lost in the cyber abyss. I am also very blessed in that I am usually able to identify that slip into the black hole very quickly and center myself. I think social media is so fantastic for photography. Sharing and being involved with groups is a huge source of camaraderie for me and I have made so many dear friends. But social media also has its demons and I try very hard to avoid that side.

    Digital or Prints?

    I love love love prints. There’s nothing more gratifying to me in my photography world than seeing a big giant beautiful print.


    How do you set yourself apart from other local photographers? 

    Because my work is my art, I’ve never considered how I might set myself apart. I think that might distract me from tapping into my heart.


    What do you think your next photography related investment will be?

    I am saving my pennies and I think I would like to someday invest in a 35L.

    If you had to recommend ONE thing that a photographer needs in their camera bag what would that be?

    A camera.


    Fun stuff:


    Favorite Color: I changed it last year to purple.

    Favorite Season: Spring, no question.

    Biggest Guilty Pleasure: Apple fritters but I haven’t had one in over four months since our family started the paleo diet.

    Pet Peeve: Smoking and really loud motorcycles

    Favorite Pandora Station: I haven’t set this up yet. I actually don’t even have cable TV. I’m not always on the cutting edge of technology.

    Studio or On location:on location

    What did you want to be when you grew up? A ballerina.

    One thing no one knows about you is: When I’m alone in my car I sometimes turn up the music all the way and dance and sing like there is no one watching.

    Pc or Mac: PC

    Lightroom Or Photoshop: PS CS5

    Film or Digital: Digital.

    Props or No Props: Props only when they work with the overall vision.

    If you could travel anywhere it would be: Kauai. It’s my favorite place in the whole wide world besides home. Montana would be next on my list. I left my heart there.

    Glass Half Empty or Half Full: Half full 95% of the time.

    Favorite photo ever taken: #1 on my photo list

    Raw or Jpeg: Raw

    Favorite Music to Edit to: I really like to edit in the quiet. I have to get into my art brain and that means no distractions for me.

    Favorite Quote:

    Most valued material possession: My Vitamix (next to my Canon, of course). I use it like it’s nobody’s business, at least 3-4 times a day.

    Processing Style: Imaginative

    Coffee or Tea: Coffee on a regular basis but warm peppermint tea with honey and lemon to lift my spirits on a melancholy day.

    What kind of Camera bag do you rock? I have a plain black canon bag that I received with my camera. It really does the job well for me, especially since I don’t carry a bag around. One day I would love to get a Ketti bag though.



    3 Lovely Comments  •  Leave a Comment for Sarah

    3 Beautiful Souls Commented

    1. Anita Cline says:

      I am such a fan of Heather’s work and after reading this, even more so. I love her real life images and her approach to photography…both beautiful!

    2. Dawn Shiree says:

      Love Heather’s beautifully inspired images… and getting to know her a bit more here also. Great choice for your wonderful series. 🙂

    3. Amy says:

      I always love reading the Inspired articles on the M4H blog but I’ve never had a photographer whose answers struck me so much and almost made me cry while saying, “hey! That’s so much like me!” at the same time. Heather, your photography is beautiful. the fact that you make such lovely images using only one lens is a real testament to your skill. I do hope you get the 35L sometime in the near future, though…it is a wonderful lens and I can only imagine the photos you would take with it.

    Leave a Reply to Dawn Shiree


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