Inspired, A Very Special Project | Jessica OH Photography

    This interview is well over due and I am so incredibly excited to bring Jessica to the M4H Blog. Her work is creative and distinctively her own, and if I had to name off my top ten favorite wedding photographers she would be smack dab at the top of my list. I love her work. but I also adore her. She is quirky, down to earth, and has the most awesome sense of humor. Whether she is posting about her love for cats, or her passion for photography, she is someone you would love to just sit down and pick their brain over a cup of good tea.  She also has a wild imagination (or I am guessing so by her rad body of work!) Let’s get right into her interview!

    You can find Jessica’s Blog HERE and her Facebook Page HERE. She has a new website in the works as well so keep an eye  out. I know I am excited to see it when it is all ready!

    Hi Jessica!

    (Image taken by Julie Paisley)

    Lets get to know you! How would you describe yourself in three sentences?

    Lover of Jesus, a super hot mountain man + cats.  I have serious wanderlust for exotic places but find myself just outside of New York City.  Even though I want to take life for all it’s got, I really don’t take anything too seriously.

    What sparked your passion for Photography? 

    My friends + family.  Truthfully, I always liked taking pictures + growing up with an engineer dad, I just always needed to know how stuff worked.   Since I had a somewhat handle on how to take a decent picture, people asked me to start snapping their Christmas card pictures + the like.  When I jumped headfirst into wedding photography, I was obsessed with the stories I was capturing.  Love rules + it fuels my love to photography.

    Whats in your camera bag?

    Nikon D4, 35 1.4, 85 1.4, 105 2.8 macro, SB-900 speedlight, Polaroid with loads of film, a Voigtlander 35mm film camera + a handful of prisms.

    What Camera/Equipment did you start out with?

    a Nikon d40x. + a ghetto kit lens.  It was a gift to ourselves when my husband + I got engaged.  We eventually got a 35 1.8 as I started to take more pictures but, until the beginning of this year, I rented most of my equipment until I was sure JESSICA OH PHOTOGRAPHY was really going to happen.  Call me a pessimist. Or someone with commitment issues.

                                                                       One of Jessica’s First weddings EVER. Thanks for letting me share this!

    If you could only use one lens an entire session which one would you choose and why? 

    the 85mm 1.4, for sure.  There’s magic gnomes dancing inside that glass, I swear it.

    What advice would go give to someone just beginning in photography and hoping to have a business of their own? 

    Whatever you do, never become complacent in your art.  Do every single thing you can to keep growing  + keep learning.  Be better than the artist you were last week.  And don’t give up.  If taking pictures is your oxygen, fight for it.  If you aren’t booking clients, get better + give them a reason to want you.  Prove you have what it takes.  Stay up late + research technique.  Drag your friends in front of your camera + practice.  Attend workshops.  Find a mentor.  Keep shooting + exposing the world to your art.

    What was your first official Photographer crush if you had one?

    I don’t think I could name just one.  When I started thinking about starting my own business, my cousin happened to send me a link to RuffledBlog to check out a tea party themed wedding [I collect vintage china.].  My world stopped.  I never saw wedding pictures like that before.  Different.  Personal.  Storytelling.  I spent hours on that blog just absorbing + swooning over everything single artist.

    What kind of photos do you like to take for just yourself when not working with clients? 

    I really don’t take my big, fancy camera out + shoot for myself as much as I’d like to.  I find myself snapping tons of Instagrams + Polaroids while I’m out + about.   They are mostly of my cats + husband.

    If you could photograph absolutely anyone who would it be dead or alive?

    My mother.  She passed away a few months before I really started to pursue photography.  It would be a dream to be able to capture the little things I miss the most about her like her pale blonde hair, her funny toes + the gap in her teeth as she laughed.

    Describe your style in 3 words.


    Most embarrassing moment on a session would be?

    That one time I yelled “BALLS!” really loudly during the cocktail hour at a wedding.  I’m not evening kidding.  A groomsman went by the awkward moniker, “Balls”, + was MIA during the beginning of portrait time.  The groom told me to call for him [I was totally being set up] so I yelled “BALLS!” when I saw him.   Oi. Seriously, like EVERY guest turned to look at me.  The music stopped.  I swear I heard a child ask his mother what I just said.  I almost died.  The bridal party was on the ground laughing.

    Any challenges you have had to overcome to be where you are today? 

    My biggest challenge was embracing my style.  I remember my first year, at my first workshop, having tears in my eyes while the teachers were talking about branding + finding a voice.  My word, I was all over the place with editing, posing, etc., + really not attached to what I was putting out into the world.  Over the last year + a half, I really focused on what I wanted to shoot [engagements + weddings] , the kind of posing + editing I just adore [natural, fun, quirky posing with clean, colorful, film edits],+ embedded who I am into my branding.  I had a very rough break up with lace covered mason jars + vintage style actions but it’s the best decision I ever made for JESSICA OH.

    Favorite time of day to shoot is? 

    Whenever.  I had it beaten into my head that “sunset is best” but I don’t hold to that anymore.  I’ve been digging on harsher light + shadows so much lately + really focusing on embracing whatever is happening in my surroundings + making kick butt art regardless.

    If you had to stop taking photos right now, what would you do instead? 

    Take a nap.

    Have you attended college or had any formal education in Photography? 

    College drop out, here!   I’m self taught + was very blessed by some insanely talented people that came alongside me during my first year.

    What do you do to get your clients to relax with you? 

    I spend a lot of time getting to know my clients.  Most of the time, I walk away from a wedding with several new BFFs.  I almost always meet with potential couples in person before taking them on as clients.  Not only is it great for us to meet + break any ice, it’s crucial for me to book clients that click with me [pun intended].

    How do you push yourself to keep growing and learning?

    I try to always have something new to work on.  I also make it a point to attend 1-2 workshops each year.

    Any Big Aha! Moments?

    Hmm..probably stepping back, unplugging from the photography world online + looking inside myself + at my clients for inspiration.  I want art that comes from my heart + is inspired by my clients…not what’s on wedding blogs + Pinterest.  I am so much more in love with my work now than when I was spending hours online looking for inspiration.

    Biggest Photography related insecurity? 

    Getting lost in the “crowd”.

    Digital or Prints? Both.

    How do you set yourself apart from other local photographers?

    By being myself.  I suppose a lot of people could cringe at how I conduct myself on a shoot, at a wedding or even in an email, but I don’t know how to be anything else other than me.  I’m awkward, I’m over the top, I’m a big hugger + so very emotional.  I think building a relationship with clients is huge + being authentic is the best way to earn trust.

    What do you think your next photography related investment will be?

    Probably another workshop.  I’d love to spend time with Lara Jade or Elizabeth Messina.

    If you had to recommend ONE thing that a photographer needs in their camera bag what would that be?

    Fun tak. It comes in handy during detail shots.

    What would you say your biggest muse is? 

    My sister, Kaylin. She is so heartbreaking beautiful but so hilariously awkward.  She is effortless to photograph + often I see glimmers of our late mother in her eyes.  It’s magic.

    Fun stuff:
    Favorite Color: Rainbow.

    Favorite Season: Whatever’s coming next.  It’s summer now, so I’m wicked ready for Autumn.  When the leaves fall, I’ll be hiding a spoon under my pillow + praying for a blizzard.

    Biggest Guilty Pleasure: Coffee with tons of cream + sugar.

    Pet Peeve: Socks with sandals.  Just say no.

    Studio or On location: On location. I’m not fancy like that. :]

    What did you want to be when you grew up? An astronaut.

    One thing no one knows about you is:  I’m afraid of the dark.

    Pc or Mac: Mac.

    Lightroom Or Photoshop: Lightroom.

    Film or Digital: I shoot digital but I’m growing in my film work.  Both have their merits.

    Props or No Props:  For the most part, no.  I typically bring along some sort of blanket for my couples to lay on or snuggle up in.  It helps add variety + color if I need it.

    If you could travel anywhere it would be: Three way tie : Switzerland, Thailand + Israel.

    Glass Half Empty or Half Full:  Half-full, unless it’s filled with grape juice…then, it’s empty. Yum.

    Favorite photo ever taken:

    My favorite image is a picture of my mother I snapped years before I ever even thought of being a professional photographer.  It was taken with a silly little point + shoot but tmeans more to me than any picture I have ever taken in my professional career.  We were on a family vacation in Long Beach Island, NJ + stopped to check out the beach on our first evening.  My mom was walking in the surf + I snapped a picture.  She died very suddenly one year later.  This image is the perfect picture of her just being who she was, silly, carefree + beautiful, in place that she so adored.  I think that’s the real miracle of photography.  We capture seemingly random moments like this one + never know the impact one image will have in the future.

    Raw or Jpeg: RAWRAWRAW.

    Favorite Music to Edit to: I’m all over the place with music but my current go-to bands are Passion Pit, The Black Keys + Macklemore.

    Favorite Quote: “I urge you to please notice when you are happy, and exclaim or murmur or think at some point, ‘If this isn’t nice, I don’t know what is.'” – Kurt Vonnegut

    Most valued material possession: A cameo locket with my mother’s ashes sealed inside.

    Processing Style: Vibrant + Film-y-ish?

    Coffee or Tea: Tea.

    If you could photograph a Celebrity who would it be? Lady Gaga.

    What kind of Camera bag do you rock? A Kelly Moore boy bag for everyday + travel, a Shootsac for shooting.

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