M4H P52 Grateful Winner and Eye Candy

    I truly feel like I know so many of you. Every Monday morning, taking time to really take in your images and going through our group for our Eye Candy Post, I am always amazed at how many perceptions of one little word there can possibly be. I am grateful for all of you. Thank you for being a part of this group. Whether you love to delve into the personal, or take the themes completely literally and utilize this project purely for photography purposes you are appreciated. I also love seeing new faces, and plan on continuing this through the next year if the interest is there, so please feel free to share the word with anyone you think would love to participate along with us. Perfection isn’t our goal. I love to hear your stories, get to know you and watch and celebrate your growth week to week. I truly feel blessed to have you all here!

    Okay, so enough with the mush eh? lol! You should all be somewhat used to me by now. Gorgeous images as always! I would love if the winner would contact me to grab a $40.00 gift card to my shop (if they so choose of course.) <3

    Winner: This made me tear up!
    By: Christa Le Photography

    Week 34 | Grateful

    Week 34 | Grateful
    I knew right away when I seen the theme for this week what I wanted my image to be. This is a photo of my 12 yr old son in his neck brace. I am so grateful that back in May, when he fell from our roof, that he did not end up more seriously injured than the 9 fractured vertebrae (which required surgery) and the broken wrist. It was a very scary time for us and we are very lucky that his injuries were ones that he will fully recover from. He has not had the most fun summer ever….he’s had to wear 2 braces most of the time and at one point had a cast on his arm. He is at the end of this road though….only a few more weeks and he will be free from this neck brace and able to be a normal 12yr old once again.

    Lots of Eye Candy

    By: Angela Lynn Photography



    By: cheng bee

    if life was easy, where would all the adventures be?

    34/52: grateful 😀

    By: La Mémoire Vive

    P52 | M4H | Grateful

    This is a photo of an older photo of my two boys that sits on our mantle… the little one was born with pneumonia and stayed in the hospital for a week after being born. Hard to believe because today he’s got lungs of steel and when he screams, I wait for glass to shatter! I’m eternally grateful for them, my little miracles…

    By: angie green photography

    34 / grateful

    34 / grateful

    By: April Burns


    I am grateful for soo many things, but one special person came to mind this week and that is Julie. She came into our lives when my baby was a newborn. She has made by Dad soo happy. She loves and cares for him like no one ever has. She loves our boys and we love her!! We lost my mother in law a few years ago and then we gained an angel. Julie has truly been an angel and blessing to our family! This is Julie with four out of five of the grandbabies going for a walk.

    By: magova

    M4H "grateful" 34/52

    Grateful for today!

    By: StockholmGirl

    All You Need Is... Sisterhood

    All You Need Is… Sisterhood

    By: 24Feet

    24Feet - Grateful

    P52/34 Grateful
    Grateful for all the little things.

    By: Barbara Taeger

    34/52 The gift...

    34/52 The Gift

    M4H – “Gratitude”

    See this guy? Notice how healthy he looks. Now, understand that 1 year after he married our daughter, he was faced with stage 4 renal failure, the removal of one kidney, and 18 grueling months on dialysis. Every time I see him play with his girls, I appreciate his strength and energy, because it has not always been that way. We are forever grateful for the family who during their profound grief in losing their son, chose to help someone else by donating his organs. Nathan’s life has been profoundly impacted…and that sweet little girl hanging around his neck probably wouldn’t be here without the new kidney he received. I hope we never stop remembering to be grateful for what we have all been given. (And yes, I hope everyone who reads this considers registering as an organ donor. It is an opportunity to change someone’s life forever!)

    Our Daily Challenge: Hanging

    Nikon D600, 35-70mm

    By: Natalie Castellanoz

    P52/34 Grateful

    Sweet Bella. I am grateful for the 12 years you were a part of my family. You brought joy, laughter and personality from the day we brought you home. I am grateful you were cooperative for one last photo shoot, even if you did destroy the plastic pearls afterward! We will meet again, sweet Bella. I will see you at the Rainbow Bridge.

    By: indyk3

    Grateful - My beautiful life

    Grateful-My Beautiful Life
    I used a tripod. My kids wanted nothing to do with it..lol. But I still Love it!

    By: Ashley Lauren McAfee



    grateful for her sweet soul.

    By: Wendy Rakvica.



    on the last day of our first family vacation together my 5 month old and I were able to share the sunrise together on the beach…photo courtesy of my very tired hubby…oh and im very grateful for him waking up to take this too!!

    By: RioDeLuzPhotography

    A Salute /M4H Grateful

    This was taken at the burial of my grandfather in Arlington National Cemetery on August 21, 2013. It was so very hot; but the way these men – who never knew my grandpa showed their gratitude for her service made me cry tears of sadness and tears of pride. I will be forever grateful for the honor they showed him when they laid him to rest.

    By: jenniferfaris



    ‘Tank you for da food we eat,
    tank you for da wood so sweet
    tank you for the buwds dat sing
    tank you God for evvy-ting’

    It’s not easy to teach kids the meaning of being grateful, but we have to start somewhere!

    By: mjryckman


    Yes, it’s cliche, but I’m grateful for the new beginning that each day guarantees us. I make a lot of mistakes as a mom, a wife, a daughter, a friend, a teacher, etc. and I love to be out at sunrise so I can think about how I can make that day better than the last.

    I”m also especially grateful for a 16 year old daughter who begs me to get out and embrace the sunrise with her. : )

    By: Liz Godfrey

    My 4 Hens / P52 - Grateful

    I am grateful for the strong tree swing ropes supporting my very cheeky little monkey! The girl has no fear!

    By: Kristy Mulvihill

    Week 34 - Grateful


    After feeling off-colour at the end of the week and with my husband away, I’m grateful for medication and my daughter for being such a big help looking after her Mummy and brother.

    By: Justine B7

    34/52 Grateful


    Grateful for impromptu Sunday afternoon BBQ’s with friends, along with backyard cricket and failed pyramid fun!

    By: Sonnie Mather Photography

    34/52 grateful

    34/52 Grateful

    ….. for these three

    By: Suzie Ziemke

    M4H 34/52 | grateful


    My husband’s grandmother was buried this past week. I am grateful that my children knew her so well and visited her often. She was an amazing lady, and shared so much of herself. We went to her farm yesterday and picked apples from the very trees they have done so many times before, just like my husband and his siblings did when they were young. We shared stories and laughs…grateful for the memories.

    By: meadger

    ~ Week ~ 34 ~ Grateful ~

    I am grateful for the beauty every season brings. As the last of the summer flowers bloom & the first of the fall leaves are beginning to fall, I am grateful for each precious memory from each season as it comes and goes 🙂

    By Stephanie Rawcliffe

    34|52 (grateful)

    I’m grateful for nature’s beauty. That which cannot be pushed into an electronic era. Simplicity.

    2 Lovely Comments  •  Leave a Comment for Sarah

    2 Beautiful Souls Commented

    1. Brianna Hays says:

      They are all beautiful, but my favorite is Jennifer Faris.

    2. Brianna Hays says:

      Amazing images!! Great job everyone!!

    Leave a Lovely Comment


Take a peek into our silly, sweet, raucous, crazy, beautiful, imperfect life, and join me for the #MomentsOverPoses movement!