Sunflare in Seattle

    Back in May, I traveled to Seattle to teach at a Photography workshop, and decided to schedule a session event. Who can pass up the opportunity to take photos in gorgeous Seattle, right?! We were greeted with the most amazing weather. Record breaking, actually. It was sunny and warm. I ended up doing fifteen sessions in all, if you include the ones from the workshop. I have sorely been a bit behind on the blogging so I can’t wait to share them all.

    I am going to blog them backwards, in the order from the last session to the first session. I figured since I edited the other way around it gives the other wonderful families that were so patient a chance to go first lol! Fair is fair right?!

    This family was a dream. We got to meet up on golden hour, on a sunny warm spring day in Seattle. There aren’t the proper words really.Spirits were high, and I had spent the day photographing so many wonderful people I was ecstatic to meet them. This mama actually was so kind to even help me scout locations while I was still home in Colorado. She was a total dream client all around. Now we have plans to do more family photos when she finds her way to Colorado!


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