Inspired, A Very Special Project | Leah Cook Photography

    This Tuesday edition of Inspired, I have the amazingly talented Leah Cook. This gal is not only incredible at what she does, but she is genuinely kind as well. One of those rare, special people that I find project her soul into her work.  You will surely see for yourself!

    You can find Leah’s BlogSite HERE, Instagram HERE and Facebook HERE.

    Hi Leah!

    Lets get to know you! How would you describe yourself in three sentences?

    I am a boymom to three crazy-adorable guys, a wife to my incredibly supportive husband and am so grateful for my family.  I’m a loyal friend and often described as sweet, but I certainly have a sassy side that those close to me get to see!  As an only child (to the best parents ever) I do feel pressure to succeed, but I’ve got many flaws…including getting easily stressed out + worrying about things that are out of my control.

    What sparked your passion for Photography?

    My dad loved taking pictures when I was little and my Gromma was very artistic so hopefully it’s in my genes.  Even before my first son was born, I discovered how much fun it was to take pictures.  Of course, like lots of mommies, my drive to get better happened when I had my own precious subjects to photograph.

    Whats in your camera bag?

    Canon 5D MkIII + MkII

    35 1.4L

    85 1.2L

    50 1.2L (just upgraded from the 1.4)

    24-70 2.8L

    100 2.8 macro

    17-40 4.0L

    Lensbaby Composer Pro w/ Sweet 35

    Extra battery

    Speedlight (in case of emergencies)

    Millions of CF cards! My favorites are 8GB

    Smarties, Gum (for me) + Bugspray (I hate bug bites!!)

    What Camera/Equipment did you start out with?

    My first DSLR was a canon rebel, but I started shooting for other people with a 40D

    If you could only use one lens an entire session which one would you choose and why?

    Hmmmmm…that’s so hard for me.  I bring everything to every session and thrive on variety.  Either my 35 or 85.  Both are so sharp and don’t let me down.

    What advice would you give to someone just beginning in photography and hoping to have a business of their own?

    I would say to pace yourself.  Dream big of course, but getting overwhelmed + overworked by taking on too many sessions is so easy in the beginning.  It’s hard to recover from resentment and sometimes that’s what can happen when others take advantage of you when you’re just starting out.  Also to be patient with your creativity, your technical skills and your personal style.  It will happen but not overnight…instead of rushing to know everything at once, enjoy your journey and the experience.

    What was your first official Photographer crush if you had one?

    Michele Anderson of Pinkle Toes Photography…she completely rocks!!  And now we are great friends…obviously Michele is an incredibly gifted lifestyle photographer, but she’s also an amazing person.  I feel so lucky to have some close relationships with talented photographers…never have to look far for inspiration!

    What kind of photos do you like to take for just yourself when not working with clients?

    Last year I completed a 365.  It was so eye-opening and I grew a ton.  It feels awesome to shoot everyday (wrote about that here: )  I started again this year, but I’ve taken a little break now that we are adjusting to three boys at home + starting sessions again.  Shooting for myself means shooting my kids – anything about them I love to document.  It’s fun to find awesome light and creative ways to capture them just being them.  Also sometimes shooting for me means using my iPhone + olloclip.  Love that I can create fun images with that tiny little thing…and it even inspires me to get the big camera out.

    If you could photograph absolutely anyone who would it be dead or alive?

    Audrey Hepburn

    Describe your style in 3 words.

    gentle, emotional + pure

    Most embarrassing moment on a session would be?

    I fall ALL the time…there’s never been a session where I didn’t trip, stumble or completely eat it.  When in the zone, I space out on what’s happening around me so that’s my excuse for being clumsy!  and I usually end up calling Mom by her daughter’s name or Dad by his son’s name during a session.  My post-baby brain is fried.

    Any challenges you have had to overcome to be where you are today?

    Absolutely!  Too many to count…but I wasn’t about to let a few negative client experiences get in the way.  The challenge that stands out the most is learning how to manage my time…that can still be an issue of course, but I’ve gotten so much better at saying ‘no’ and knowing my limits.

    Favorite time of day to shoot is?

    Lump me in with the other photographers that love golden hour…there is just something so magical about that low sunshine glow.  It’s completely addicting and pretty light is so flattering for any subject.  If I’m inside, my favorite time would be mid-morning because I would be shooting newborns + children…they seem the happiest then!

    If you had to stop taking photos right now, what would you do instead?

    If I no longer had photography clients, I would continue to stay at home with my kids.  It’s the hardest job in the world but sometimes I do dream of not being a photographer.  I’d eventually love to work with other children again one day…not going back to teaching but possibly Special Education counseling.

    Have you attended college or had any formal education in Photography?

    Long ago I took a short class on exposure + beginning photoshop…but my real education came from experience and trying new things.

    What do you do to get your clients to relax with you?

    I feel like if the photographer is relaxed + comfortable, then that will help their clients feel the same.  Communicating with clients before we meet is so important for both of us.  I am myself during a session, silly + giggly, but I also take charge and stay in control as much as possible.  Clients follow our lead and if they believe you know what you’re doing, then they enjoy themselves so much more.

    What are your photography related goals for 2013?

    I’ve got a project in the works with CM and I’d like to get organized enough to start mentoring…one day in-person teaching as well.  For my family I want to continue shooting daily since my sweet babies are changing all the time.  I’ve got to get all our pics in albums and on the walls so we can see them!

    How do you push yourself to keep growing and learning? Any Big Aha! Moments?

    Shooting everyday is the best way to grow, in my opinion.  I will never stop learning new techniques and tricks or how to work in certain types of light.  When you stop trying new things, photography can lose it’s magic.  I have those light bulb moments all the time…and especially when I’m helping new photographers.

    Biggest Photography related insecurity?

    Getting overwhelmed when on location.  Often I will walk into a clients’ home or find a fantastic location and my brain goes into overdrive.  I want to shoot everything, everywhere and can’t get enough.  It’s really hard for me to pull back and put limits on my photography.  I worry about stressing the families I’m working with and at the same time exhausting myself to the point of not producing quality work.

    Digital or Prints?

    Digital.  As a lifestyle photographer I shoot + share a lot with my clients…I want them to have everything.

    How do you set yourself apart from other local photographers?

    Honestly I don’t think *that* much about competition.  Mainly because there is so much talent that surrounds us – it’s suffocating when we try and compare ourselves.  One of my best friends is a local photographer (Sara Seeton) and I have great relationships with some others as well…I wish them nothing but success!  I try so hard not to get caught up on families choosing other photographers in my area…clients that are drawn to my style + work will find me eventually.  I believe in being professional and standing behind my work…I trust that it shows to others.

    What do you think your next photography related investment will be?

    Lightroom + the 45mm tiltshift…borrowed that from a friend when Sam was born and fell in LOVE.

    If you had to recommend ONE thing that a photographer needs in their camera bag what would that be?

    It doesn’t matter which one…but a lens that you just ‘know’.  One that you feel so comfortable pulling out that it gives you confidence.  It’s different for everyone…find which one you can’t live without.

    What would you say your biggest muse is?

    Currently that would be my perfectly squishy little 3 month old, Sam.  During a client session it’s definitely the love a family feels for each other that pushes me to be creative.

    Fun Stuff:

    Favorite Color: purple

    Favorite Season: spring + early summer

    Biggest Guilty Pleasure: Real Housewives, Candy Crush + wine

    Pet Peeve: It’s random but I try not to put exclamation points after the lowercase letter L and I use a lot of exclamations!!!  So for example “lol!!” makes me cringe but only if I type it…could care less if someone else does!  I may be crazy.

     Favorite Pandora Station: I tend to make playlists rather than listen to Pandora…but Dave Matthews + Guster are all time favorites.

     Studio or On location: on location

    What did you want to be when you grew up? astronaut or ballerina

    One thing no one knows about you is: maybe that my very first job was a checker at Target.  Actually, I’m probably there more now than I was at 16.

    Pc or Mac: Mac

     Lightroom Or Photoshop: Photoshop

     Film or Digital: digital

     Props or No Props: for newborn sessions I try to use my clients’ props

     If you could travel anywhere it would be: Australia

     Glass Half Empty or Half Full: half full

     Favorite photo ever taken: it changes every day…I’m way too self-critical + indecisive!

     Raw or Jpeg: RAW

     Favorite Music to Edit to: depends on my mood…something I can sing to!

     Favorite Quote: “It’s all relative”

     Most valued material possession: anything that was my grandparents…I appreciate their belongings so much as I get older.

     Processing Style: soft + hazy with occasional pops of color

     Coffee or Tea: coffee w/ cream + sugar

     If you could photograph a Celebrity who would it be? no idea…I’d be too nervous to photograph a celebrity!

    What kind of Camera bag do you rock? Lowepro rolling bag that holds everything, but I also have a purple classic Kelly Moore + the Chevron Ketti bag from CM.

    5 Lovely Comments  •  Leave a Comment for Sarah

    5 Beautiful Souls Commented

    1. Bethany says:

      Leah if you start doing in person mentoring/education, I’ll be getting a flight to Dallas!

    2. Elicia says:

      So fun Leah! I am with Lisa and I am excited to see what you have in the works. 🙂

    3. Beth Bedell says:

      What a wonderful interview! You are so genuine and passionate, which really shows here and makes you an absolute dream to work with. I feel fortunate to call myself a client and can’t wait to see you again next month!

    4. Lisa Harrison says:

      You’re an amazing lady! Beautiful inside and out. So glad I got the chance to meet you in real life. I love you work. It’s very inspiring. I can’t wait to see what your project is <3

    5. What a beautiful interview, Leah. You are amazing and I am looking forward to seeing what your upcoming project is. <3

    Leave a Lovely Comment


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