Inspired, A Very Special Project | Lacey Meyers Photography

    I am so excited to feature the super talented Lacey Meyers! So excited in fact I am hopping right in!

    Lacey is not only incredibly talented but incredibly sweet. Her work is sublime and so naturally connected with her subjects you can tell what a special experience her photo sessions must be! I love that she chose to share so much personal work with us too!

    You can find Lacey’s Website HERE. You can also find her on facebook HERE.

    Hi Lacey!!

    Let’s get to know you! How would you describe yourself in three sentences?

    Hmmm … I’m a bit of a talker, so 3 sentences is tough!  I am a city-girl-gone-country, when I married my love, Matt and together we’re blessed with 3 little boys … energetic, fun, entertaining boys.    I really enjoy photographing our life and sharing our stories on my blog, but also love photographing newborns and pregnant mamas, as well as helping others learn this awesome art of photography!  And … Jesus, my family, and my wonderful friends are my life.

    What sparked your passion for Photography?

    My grandma and my mom both instilled in me the importance of documenting life through photos, so I did so without abandon from the time I could afford to pay for my film to be processed.  But it wasn’t until I got into scrapbooking, and seeing the images other scrappers were taking, that I realized my images had lots of room for improvement!  There began my obsession … er, interest, in learning all I could.

    What’s in your camera bag?

    I shoot with a gripped Nikon D700 and several primes … 35 1.4, 50 1.4, 85 1.4, 105 2.8, and the 135 2.0.  I also just added a Speedlight, which I’m finding really, really helpful during these winter months!

    What Camera/Equipment did you start out with?

    I started with a Nikon film SLR, but purchased a Canon XS when I went digital.  I was beyond excited when I also purchased a 50 1.8 … I learned an awful lot with that pair.

    If you could only use one lens an entire session which one would you choose and why?

    For sure my 50 1.4G.  I’ve often told people that if I had to sell all of my lenses, that’s the one I would keep.  I photograph the majority of my newborns with it, and could easily work with only it for my personal work.  But… I really do use all of my lenses equally and value each of them very much!

    What advice would go give to someone just beginning in photography and hoping to have a business of their own?

    Not to be discouraging at all, but I would encourage anyone just starting out to think twice, or three or 50 times, before they start their business.  I would encourage them to learn all they possibly can about photography before beginning their business and to make sure they aren’t wanting to start one simply because their friends are asking for photo sessions.    I totally admit that I wonder daily if this business is for me … I adore the photographing-side, but am not sure I’m a business person.

    What was your first official Photographer crush if you had one?

    Megan Squires! Which is awesome because she’s now one of my very best friends!  That girl is an even better friend than she is a photographer, which is saying a lot because she’s an amazingly talented photographer (and mom, wife, and writer)!  I tell her that she is my ‘Vitamin D’ … she just makes me happy.

    What kind of photos do you like to take for just yourself when not working with clients?

    Without a doubt, photos of my kids and our daily life.  I’m super honored to stay-at-home with my boys and home-school, so I have lots and lots of opportunities to photograph them.  I mostly do candid, natural images, and rarely ever put them through photoshoots.   I think that’s why they put up with my camera!
    In fact, I’m so passionate about photographing our ‘everyday’ life that I wrote a Break-out Session for Clickin Moms on my exact approach!  You can learn more about that HERE ( .

    If you could photograph absolutely anyone who would it be dead or alive?

    I would really have loved to have the opportunity to photograph each of my grandparents. All but one has passed away and I wish I could have photographed them doing the things they loved.  Because my mom was such a thorough photographer herself, I do have lots of images of my grandparents, but I truly feel that being there in the moment of taking the photographs is about 90% of the joy.  I feel such a connection to my subjects and wish I could have experienced that with my grandparents.

    Describe your style in 3 words.

    Genuine, Light-inspired, and Story-telling

    Most embarrassing moment on a session would be?

    It was pretty embarrassing when I stepped in a pile of dog poo at a maternity session, especially after I warned and warned my clients to watch their steps!  It’s pretty funny too, when my newborn clients/parents watch their baby poo and pee on me … I think they are usually the embarrassed ones, which pains me because I assure them before-hand that it WILL happen!

    Any challenges you have had to overcome to be where you are today?

    I think my biggest challenge was finding the time to invest in all of the studying and practicing I wanted to do when first starting out.  I wanted to spend all of my time learning and editing on my computer, but with 3 little boys, and my computer tucked in a backroom in our house, it was really hard to find the time.  I had to just take my time and thoughtfully practice and read when I could.  And then eventually, I moved my computer into a corner of our living room and that made studying (on Clickin Moms!) WAY easier.

    Favorite time of day to shoot is?

    I shoot all day long for my personal work, mid-morning for my newborns and pretty much always in the evening for maternity!

    If you had to stop taking photos right now, what would you do instead?

    As a business?  Nothing.    Really though, that question made me shudder!  I can’t imagine having to stop taking photos!

    Have you attended college or had any formal education in Photography?

    I did graduate from Washington State University, but not for photography.    I have a degree in Organizational Communications, actually!  Can you tell?  I love to communicate.  I did study film photography in high school and thought it was pretty magical to develop my own film.

    What do you do to get your clients to relax with you?

    I am naturally pretty comfortable right off the bat with my clients, so I think that definitely helps them feel that they can relax.  I also blog a lot about my life and I think that helps them feel like they already know me a bit. To get my newborn babies to relax … warmth and white noise and lots of cuddling.

    What are your photography related goals for 2013?

    Just to keep learning and pushing my creativity.  I’d also love to be as comfortable with my Speedlight as I am with natural light … consequently creating images that look like they were photographed with natural light, when I actually used my Speedlight.

    How do you push yourself to keep growing and learning? Any Big Aha! Moments?

    Being a part of Clickin Moms definitely keeps me on my toes!  I am constantly learning and being inspired thanks to CM.  It is impossible to be a part of that community and not be extremely motivated to keep learning simply because of the talent and knowledge the forum’s members hold.   I also have the priviledge of TAing for several amazing workshops through CMU and am pushed to grow and learn both from the instructors and the students.

    Biggest Photography related insecurity?

    Well, as a blogger, I also follow lots of blogs (and the CMPro Daily)… most of which are those of photographers I think are spec.tac.ular.  I see their work and sometimes can’t help but long to be as good as them.  I know it is wrong to do that (and definitely not helpful!), but when I’m constantly staring at amazing images that I’d never imagine creating, it is really hard not to.  I’m just not the most creative, outside the box type of photographer and that intimidates me a lot.  Just as often though, those photographers motivate and inspire me, so that is very helpful.

    Digital or Prints?

    My business is flat-rate, so I love that my clients get their digital files with their session.  But personally, I am passionate about printing my images.  Which is also why my clients get a 4 x 6 proof of every image in their gallery.

    How do you set yourself apart from other local photographers?

    I’m honestly not very familiar to any other ‘local’ photographers because I live in the boonies.    But in general, I suppose I would hope that my clients would tell their friends that I’m different from other photographers they’ve had because I genuinely care about my clients and how their images turn out.  I might even care more about how their images turn out than they do.   But, I hope that’s the case with every photographer.

    What do you think your next photography related investment will be?

    I keep hearing about the ExpoDisc and I keep resisting purchasing one because I’m perfectly fine with how I set my white balance … but really.  I hear about how amazing it is and can’t help but want to try it out!

    If you had to recommend ONE thing that a photographer needs in their camera bag what would that be?
    Ooh, only one thing??  Other than their camera (obviously), I’d say a fixed aperture lens.

    What would you say your biggest muse is?

    Well, my kids are my Number 1 subjects, so I’d have to say my three monkeys.

    Fun stuff:
    Favorite Color: Gosh, I totally don’t have one.
    Favorite Season:  Summer

    Biggest Guilty Pleasure:  TV … not really ‘guilty’ but I really love to relax at the end of the day watching TV, when I’m sure there are more productive things I could be doing with my time… it’s just fun to turn off my brain for a bit.

    Pet Peeve:  I asked my husband, and he told me my pet-peeve is when people drive the wrong way in a parking lot.  I’m not sure how those big yellow arrows could be more specific and directional.  LOL …

    Favorite Pandora Station:  I am a part of this decade, but I don’t have Pandora.  Or, maybe I do have it on my phone, but have never used it.  

    Studio or On-location:   Some of my clients come to my in-home studio for their newborn session, but I love shooting on-location.  

    What did you want to be when you grew up? When I was little, I wanted to be a mom.  And then when I was a teen-ager, I wanted to move to New York and be a career-woman.  

    One thing no one knows about you is: Um, I make it seem like I only play “Just Dance 4” with my boys to make them happy.  But truthfully, I really enjoy it and really wish I was a fabulous dancer!  LOL …  

    Pc or Mac:  PC

    Lightroom Or Photoshop:  I use both, but could probably live without Lightroom.  If I had to.  

    Film or Digital: Digital

    Props or No Props:  I veer toward no-props.  

    If you could travel anywhere it would be:  If I could get over my fear of travel, I’d say somewhere warm and tropical.  But I’m such a homebody that I freak out when I have to fly.  

    Glass Half Empty or Half Full:  I try to be pretty positive, so I’d say half full. But it really depends on the day for me.  

    Favorite photo ever taken: I completely don’t have one … that’s as hard has picking my favorite color … or lens … or child.   

    Raw or Jpeg:  I’m so thankful for RAW

    Favorite Music to Edit to:  I usually edit with the TV on in the background.    

    Favorite Quote:  I have lots, but I always hear John 3:16 in my head … “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” It is a perfect reminder of not only God’s love, but of the love we should have for others.   

    Most valued material possession: Our house … my husband and I built it (well, had it built) from scratch … from removing the trees on the piece of property to digging our well to pushing in our driveway, ect.  It is soaked with memories and we hope to be here forever.   

    Processing Style: Clean.  I’ve not even come close to mastering the creative side of post-processing.  I leave that to people like Sarah!  LOL …

    Coffee or Tea:  Coffee for sure … but only with CoffeeMate French Vanilla creamer.

    If you could photograph a Celebrity who would it be:  Totally random, but either Blake Shelton or Guy Fieri or Mike Rowe.  I think all of them are hilarious and it would just be fun to hang out with them.  OOOOH … or, Bill and Guiliana Rancic, when they have their next baby.  THAT would be amazing.   

    What kind of Camera bag do you rock?  I have a Ketti, which I’m pretty sure will be a collector’s item with as popular as they have become.  It was my first pretty camera bag I’ve purchased and I still love it.    My husband recently gave me the Kelly Moore 2Sues bag in Mustard, too, and it is a seriously fantastic bag!


    3 Lovely Comments  •  Leave a Comment for Sarah

    3 Beautiful Souls Commented

    1. I am so excited to see Lacey in the spotlight. She is one of my favorite photographers. She is so inspiring the way she captures her family. <3 I loved learning more about her and enjoying these gorgeous images.

    2. Amy Lucy says:

      I am such a huge Lacey fan! When I see her photos, read her words, or talk with her I am always left inspired. She is amazing in every sense of the word!!

    3. Steph Connor says:

      I absolutely love your style, Lacey, and find it refreshing that sometimes you compare yourself to other photographers too — even though I know that can be more harmful than helpful! Your work is one that inspires me in this way! I am curious if you use your Speedlite on camera. Sometimes, I find that I could use a little extra fill with family sessions outdoors but am so unsure of how to use mine correctly on-camera to do so. I can’t imagine bringing a light stand and mounting it off-camera with a softbox and still being able to capture genuine, lifestyle shots! And advice or tips would be greatly appreciated 🙂

    Leave a Lovely Comment


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