So you want to be a Photographer….

    Well I have got good news for you! If you own a camera and you love to take photos you already are.

    I get so many wonderfully kind and supportive emails daily, sometimes with many questions regarding just how to be a photographer. How to get started. What kind of equipment to invest in. Even how I began my own journey. We all learn and grow at different paces. We all have different perspectives, different objectives, different goals and dreams. This my friends is what makes us unique. We all start somewhere and starting out in photography is most definitely like learning to walk. We put one foot in front of the other, we stumble many times but we get back up and we do it all over again.  I know its scary. But coming from someone that has been there, trust me. It is not as hard as you think.  Don’t get me wrong. Its HARD work.  But your over thinking things nine out of ten times.  It isn’t a popularity contest. You do not need to be the next big thing. You just need to be able to sustain your family and do what you love.  Everything else is icing on the cupcake!

    There is a stigma in this industry that you have to process your images a certain way, take a certain kind of photograph, follow certain trends. I know coming into the field I felt very much like the new girl the very first day of high school. Better yet I felt like the new girl half way through the school starting out at a new high school on a new planet. There are a billion workshops to consider, processing tools and templates to consider, versions of Photoshop to pour yourself over, camera bodies and lenses to research and its all so overwhelming (and expensive). So what is a new photographer to do?

    For one. STOP FREAKING OUT. Yep. Take the stress out of the equation.  Good air in, Bad air out. Just breathe!  I have heard so many say “Well, I am not a real photographer but…” or “I know I have a long way to go but…” or worse and let me tell you.  We all feel that way sometimes. Every last one of us.  Seasoned or new it is totally and perfectly normal.  I am not posting this in anyway to make anyone feel bad.  I want you to know that you are human.. normal even and the way you are feeling right now is totally typical of how we have all felt at one point or another. The best way to honestly grow in anyway is to stop beating yourself up.  Once you let your guard down and stop worrying about how everyone else feels about your work I truly promise you will be able to focus on all that is good and constructive and how you can grow! Trust me, you will begin to grow! I have your run of the mill starting out story and if it makes you feel better I will totally share. But before I truly get into the grit and guts of the matter this is my one biggest piece of advice to those starting out.

    Learn your equipment. Take your camera everywhere you go. Put it on manual if you haven’t already and discipline yourself to learn how to use your camera to the fullest potential. Ingest and digest every tidbit of information you can find.  You do not need a fancy degree.  You do not need to spend thousands of dollars on equipment.  You just need to learn what you have.  Diligence pays off and the more you practice the easier it will get.  If you stumble, get right back up.  Business will be there, all that will come.  Having confidence in yourself and knowing the hows and whys behind the photographs you take will be way more rewarding then anything else you can imagine!  Be your biggest fan and drown out the negative!

    Starting at the beginning I suppose is the best and only way to do this right.  I apologize in advance for any rambling. I tend to do that LOL! Feel free to skip any part that bores you! Aside from the part of the story you know about me. My inspiration and my reasoning for beginning out this is how I actually BEGAN pursing photography.  It was a long bendy road, one in which I am still traveling.  It was all worth it though.  Anyone that is a friend on flickr or has followed my fan page for sometime has most certainly seen the changes, the growth (hopefully anyway!)  I wasn’t a born natural.  It took time and dedication.  There are times i seriously feel the need to pinch myself. I digress though. Proceed at your own risk lol!

    In 2002 I had my daughter Lillian.  I could in no way afford a digital camera so we sufficed with a point and shoot. Typical of most new parents actually I am sure.  My son Wesley came in 2004 and by that point my oldest had been diagnosed with JRA and we just didn’t have the money to do much of anything but I needed to be able to take some sort of photos of my kids and the cardboard and plastic film disposables weren’t doing it so I rocked out my camera phone for a while.  I am totally mad at myself for not sticking with the disposables. The photos I have of my kids first couple years are not only unprintable but horribly edited in a program called Ulead photo impact I stumbled upon.  Still then I thought I was a total ar-teest. Yes. You won’t be seeing those images LOL!  My family smiled and nodded.  Only I seemed to grasp just has masterful and beautiful these images were. Still my interest was peaked. In 2006 came my son Noah.  By this time we had in fact gone through many point and shoots. Most pretty cheap and they all broke shortly after we bought them.  Income tax time rolled around and I decided to buy a decent point in shoot. I believe it was a Canon s3is and oh boy was I proud of my photographs.  My family and friends began to marvel over my “gorgeous” photos (eye roll.)  I did it all.  The funky tilts, manic over processing and all on full auto of course.  But everyone I knew I insisted I had an eye so I pressed on.  I was on a mommy board at the time with a pretty awesome photographer friend who then smiled and nodded but I can only imagine what was going on in this woman’s head.  I proudly paraded those photos on baby center, in emails to my family and on myspace.  Of course I thought I was a photographic pariah, but umm yeah.  I was in for one mean reality check.  Fortunately my friend was kind enough to take me under her wing and give me a few pointers.  Also fortunate for me that same point and shoot brook little less then a year later so I bought my very first dslr. That is when my real journey began. And just a proof that I have been there here a few of my old favorites LOL!





    After getting my dslr my friend was kind enough to let me pick her brain. She directed me to a forum known as My rock star complex from there was totally downhill. Talk about a reality check. If I can say one positive though I put my camera on manual and never looked back. I took it everywhere. I read everything I could get my hands on.  I seriously don’t remember much but after getting on Ilovephotography I knew I wasn’t going into business until I was ready and there was no set timeline but I knew it wouldn’t be soon.  I went through every stage imaginable. It was discouraging, scary and amazing.  If I can say anything it was definitely a journey but I put one foot in front of the other and with time I saw growth.  I didn’t compromise my vision, my perspective or my goals to conform and I can honestly say it was the best thing I ever did for myself.

    You don’t need much honestly.  My first two years I seriously used a Canon Rebel and a 60mm macro and I loved it.  I only upgraded when I was ready to go into business.  Only when I knew what I was using inside and out. Otherwise I was worried that I was throwing my money to the wind.  I wanted to be sure that it was necessary. And even then I went with a canon 5d Classic opposed to a Canon 5d Mark II so I knew that the money I was spending wasn’t totally lost on my goals.  I began portfolio building in 2009 so there was almost a good three year window before I made the leap from hobbiest to professional. Now do I recommend you take that long? That is totally up to you! We all grow in different strides and in different ways and some people are most certainly ready much sooner then others!  I think sometimes there is this perception that those that have “made it” in this business were born with a camera in their hands. That their images were what they are right from the jump. I promise you that is almost always NEVER true.

    I am going to share quite a few below and it may be a bit image heavy so feel free to skip that entire part of the post.  I just thought by being completely honest with you all about where I was to where I am now maybe it would inspire some on the verge of throwing in the towel that with time you would be shocked at how far you can come.  I hope this helps some.

    Remember the only person that can possibly be responsible for your growth is you.  You don’t need fancy equipment or gear, that all comes with time.  You just need to know what you have to the fullest extent!!
    Good luck and in the words of Dori from Finding Nemo. “Just keep swimming.”

    Just as proof here are a few more images:

    My 3 little ones

    Rachel and Lillian

    Lily in front of the window

    Beautiful Girl

    2009: Rebel

    Day Sixty-Four

    IMG_5521 copyweb

    Day Sixty-Nine out take

    Just for fun

    Sleeping Princess

    Save me mommy!


    2009: Canon 5d Classic


    The crew

    On the Farm


    And my First Photobuilding session:



    Ms Attitude

    And then in 2010 with a Canon Classic 5d:

    Just another

    Day Nine

    Pose Much LOL


    New toys

    Bling Bling

    And a few of my first sessions:

    Love this Bokeh

    This is my current fav of the day


    So sorry

    This past year has been good to me. You may be totally seeing some growth (hopefully)

    Late 2010



    My fav


    Yesterday's session


    And my favs of 2011:
    Mostly with a Canon 5d Mark II

    Miss sophia

    My Little Assistant | Lifestyle Week 4

    8 gong on 16

    gorgeous couple

    Our Crew

    Happy Birthday Princess

    Cutie Pie on the last session


    Recent cutie

    I am convinced

    Upside down lol

    Water Fountain Ballet

    Sweet sun


    Daddy's girl


    I hope this helps some 🙂

    45 Lovely Comments  •  Leave a Comment for Sarah

    45 Beautiful Souls Commented

    1. Sophie says:

      Such a refreshing post, and your work is truly an inspiration!!

    2. Gina says:

      This helps immensely!!! I have been on this path for about a year & a half now- picking up my first DSLR last July. Just looking back a year ago- I am amazed that anyone left me any positive feedback. I cringe when I look at them. So while I continue to grow- I finally signed up for my first class to start next month. I can’t wait to see where it takes me. The goal is to get consistent. Know how to achieve the concept in my head & maybe one day I will be where I need to be so I can go into business. I can’t beat myself up about where I am now- because when I look back, I would have never dreamed then that I would be capable of the images I create now. I’m sure a year from now I will say the same thing about today’s photos.

    3. Michelle Holland says:

      This brought me to tears. I’m almost 42 and have had a camera in my hands since 4th grade. I love taking photographs more than anything. I always thought I’d be shooting for National Geographic. I wrote them a letter that first year I had a camera in my had. Well life happened and although I have never stopped taking photographs I decided to try to make a go out of stating a business about 2 years ago. It’s been so hard. Photographers don’t share there craft and apprentice anymore, they charge large sums to offer classes. I am dying for someone to take me under there wing more so for the business and Photoshop side so I can began to make some money. I have yet to be paid for a job yet I keep plodding along. You gave me some hope that I needed today and Once again I send out a prayer for that right person to take the time to teach me and do it out of love , not to make money off me

    4. Wonderful post…thank you for taking the time to share a portion of your journey…very encouraging and promising!!!

    5. Linsey Wilt says:

      What a wonderful post, thank you for sharing your journey with us!!!

    6. Thanks so much for sharing!

    7. Bobbi Earp says:

      Thank you for sharing! 🙂

    8. Candy says:

      Thank you for being so open about your journey. As a newbie I often feel overwhelmed, and stress myself out about how my clients will see my work. I’m so glad to hear I’m not the only one. I am so grateful to the photographers that share their stories and inspire us (newbies) to keep growing and learning. Thanks agian 🙂

    9. Janecke says:

      Thank you so much for sharing. You are a true inspirations and your growth amazing. I can’t wait to learn and grow this year, and I will continue to watch you do the same.

    10. Karen says:

      Thank you. I am in that limbo stage, not knowing what to do? Pro or not. Everyone says I am ready but I am too scared……

    11. Mom says:

      This is wonderful. I’m so proud of you and all you have accomplished. Keep it up. Love you. xoxo Mom

    12. Julia says:

      Thank you Thank you! Just what I needed to hear!

    13. Corry Heinricks says:

      thanks for sharing that, was definitely worth the read, and for your honesty and for all the help you are to those of us starting out. I opened shop 6 months ago, still using my rebel xti and although I know there are limitations with it I am trying to learn how to best use it on manual, with the lenses I have, lighting and technical stuff so I can move forward and grow my business with a solid foundation.

    14. April Peter says:

      You are the most amazing person for posting this!! I can’t even begin to tell you how inspiring and helpful this was.

    15. Rebecca says:

      Now Sarah this is exactly why you are one of my faves:). Thank you so much for sharing this! I have a feeling I’ll be coming back to it again…and again!

    16. eva says:

      Bravo,bravo! Beautiful and inspiring text.. I also follow you work for about 1,5 year now. I like how every your snapshot tells it’s own story, and you approach to every session is so personal (hope you understand what i mean).
      Photography is my hobby starting from a school trip at age of 13 when my dad borrowed me an old Russian Zenith, all manual of course.. Wasn’t easy to remember all the controls 😉
      The beauty of photography is that you always know the story behind the lens, and you capture it in time forever. Maybe one day i will be also able to live from what i love.
      Hopefully my spelling is right, i am from Croatia (Europe) so you have followers here also! 🙂

    17. Emily Cox says:

      This post made me cry. I guess I am overly emotional lol. It is so nice to see an experienced professional that is so postive toward the newer photographers. I have been so scared to post any of my photos on the sites I haunt because I do not know how they would be recieved and honestly I love an honest critque (do this try this) but to have your image you put your heart in made fun of and torn apart by others who you look up to, well I am not down for that. This post gives me the inspiration to keep trudging foward and doing what I love!
      Thank YOU,

    18. Debbie Wibowo says:

      Sarah, it’s amazing to see how you grow. Thank you for sharing this and for being so encouraging. You are beautiful inside out. I hope you will make another post about how to start building a portfolio. After 2 years, I think I want to started pursuing this professionally but I just don’t have a clue how to start building a portfolio. Thank you, Sarah.

    19. This is such an amazing and heartfelt post! It is so common to see others negatively commenting on new photographers. It is very discouraging and can leave me (a newbie) feeling very upset, hurt, and feeling like I’ll never amount to anything. This post was a breath of fresh air! You are truly an inspiration! I absolutely loved seeing your work evolve and grow in even more beauty than what it began with. Thank you for this. Whenever I feel down in the dumps about my work, I’ll be reading this.

    20. gina says:

      See “some” growth?? LMAO uh yeah! Your style and processing has really evolved.

      I hope my journey will someday take me as far as yours has 🙂

    21. Heather says:

      Wow Sarah! Thank you for sharing your story! It makes me realized we all come from somewhere, and we don’t have to know it all right this second! Just do what we love to do, and live!

    22. Shannon says:

      Oh my, just like the previous poster, I’m also moving to CO (windsor) and hoping to get noticed down there too as a beginner photographer haha.. great post. thanks for sharing with us! 🙂

    23. Tonya Boyce says:

      I would also like to THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I’m in the process of my journey. Getting my portfolio built up, learning learning learning & learning more as I go, being upmost & foremost a Mom to 3 children, struggling with a budget that doesnt allow the biggest or best equipment & trying not to allow that little voice of doubt overcome my extreme passion to move forward with this as my career ! This was like a warm cup of soup for my soul today! Thank you 🙂

    24. Thanks for sharing Sarah! I’m in my first year of business and have days where I feel like I’m really improving and days when I feel like I’ve taken a step back. Thanks for your cheerful and encouraging post and picture share. 🙂

    25. Thank you so much for sharing your journey! I am a recent, new fan on FB and I saw your blog post and decided to read. It’s inspiring and encouraging! Lovely photographs, too! It’s nice to be able to visualize, all in one post, your growth so that people like me can see where we’re at.

      By the way, I LOVE that ice cream photo! hahahahaha That’s awesome 🙂

    26. Thank you! It is so inspiring to see how you started. I am truly tired of some of the “holier than tho” photos around these days. I hope I can always learn and grow but more importantly help others to learn and grow too. You are an inspiration! I know you are busy, but if you ever get bored and want to give some constructive criticism I would love and appreciate it! Thanks again!

    27. Lisa says:

      Thank you for this. I don’t know if I have the desire to go professional as much as the desire to take great pictures of our travels and my own kids. It is great to know that there is a learning curve and that I should continue learning and not give up! Thanks for your inspiration!

    28. Jessica Wray says:

      I am grateful for every photographer that has been so willing to share their journey. I totally agree with the word “journey”. I have been on mine for three months now and feel that I have what it takes to be successful. My struggle has been setting aside the time to stop and LEARN! I find that since I am not a big reader (or enjoy books at all), there are plenty of tutorials online that I can use. However, I allow my two littles to take my time and that is well worth it, too. Thanks again for sharing.


    29. Tamme says:

      THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! I’ve been following you for at least a year now and just marvel in your work. Have to say being a Colorado photographer who IS STRUGGLING to get noticed so I can start making money I was a little freaked out when I found out you were moving to Fort Collins!! LOL! These words of inspiration are the best and couldn’t have come at a better time for me. You are fabulous and maybe someday we will meet – I would love that! Thank you for being so amazing!

    30. Kerri says:

      In a sea where there is so much negativity about new artists entering our industry, you are a breath of fresh air. Thank you for this!!!!

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