One Windy Day | Waterford, CT Photographer

    *Sigh* This mama showed up with not only her amazingly STUNNING family but a gorgeous heirloom quilt and a couple of precious outfits for her girls to wear. There are always those sessions where you really just hit it off with your clients and then well by the end of your time together you almost don’t feel right calling them clients because you feel much closer to friends! We had a blast and got to explore some of my favorite areas of the park. I was really excited that they chose the barn area of this particular park because as  much as I do honestly love the gardens and the mansions of Harkness something about that yellow barn just screams my name! We truly had a wonderful time. Their oldest daughter was SUCH a trooper. She turned out to be on the verge of a nasty cold bug and totally stuck it out! I have been dieing to share these images so without further ado. The B Family:

    6 Lovely Comments  •  Leave a Comment for Sarah

    6 Beautiful Souls Commented

    1. Maddie says:

      incredibly lovely !!! Gorgeous family, stunning images

    2. Debbie says:

      Oh I always enjoy seeing all the pics you take. You are amazing, Sarah.

    3. Kelly Timmons says:

      oh my goodness…. the apple!

    4. Cord says:

      Awesome post… what a great location.. Love your work.

    5. Hannah Sons says:

      You have amazing work. My mouth was wide open the whole time look through this session. you truly capture something special. Something I am going to strive more for now. Breath-taking.

    6. Katie Zumpano says:

      what was your favorite lens of the day?

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