Back to School Time | Personal Alert

    So we have started another school year. SO surreal. Where did 1st and 3rd grade go?! Actually where did the summer go?! It seems like we just got out of school.Β  My daughter is now a 4th grader. That is so strange to me because I still remember my 4th grade year. I remember Mr. Macioni. He was one of my favorite teachers. He had one of those really deep dimples in his chin and he loved to read aloud to the class. It’s funny I actually remember a lot about back to school. I LOVED school as a kid. I remember the school clothes shopping and the anticipation that it brought. My mother never let us wear our new clothes until school so it was so exciting to lay out our clothes the night before. I loved the way school supplies and the inside of a new back pack smelt. Weird I know.Β  And now its my own kiddo’s turn. My daughter insisted this year on picking her own clothes out for her first day. I was a bit bummed because it is something I have always enjoyed a little bit TO Much but being 9 years old I totally understand they are finding themselves and their own personal style and I would never hinder that. My son Wesley who is going to be 7 this November is our cautious child. We were fully expecting him to be a handful because he hates back to school but even he was excited. I do think with the power outage we experienced recently (and that I will be blogging about here) actually did us a huge service. The kids got a little more summer because they pushed the very first day of school back and we got to really spend some quality time with them as well. We had gone five days with no power as a result of the storm and we had to be very creative to keep busy and not think about what we didn’t have. We had so much that really it would have been a waste to not take advantage of the extra time with each other. The very last day, day five the kids had been playing hard in the front yard and were filthy. I knew a cold bath would be unnecessarily painful so we actually booked a hotel and that very night (of course) I got a text from our neighbor stating the power was fully restored lol! We enjoyed the two nights we booked though as a mini cation and enjoyed the pool and the extra quality time.

    Anyhow the first day of school was awesome. We had decided that we were going to purchase an additional car on a whim because we didn’t want the kids to have to take the bus all year (our oldest has JRA and its hard on her legs in the colder seasons.) and as an anniversary gift to my husband we got him a shiny new Honda Accord! Okay not NEW its def preowned but new to us! It also happened to pour the very first day which really drove us even more to get that car. All the days standing out in the rain with four kids at the bus stop was less then appealing to say the least lol!

    I thought I would share a few photos. I confess I was kind of a slacker this year but I couldn’t not take photos lol!

    2 Lovely Comments  •  Leave a Comment for Sarah

    2 Beautiful Souls Commented

    1. Sarah Reimer says:

      ah….I so relate as a mom – and hearing your words of how fast this year will go brings tears to my already knowing eyes. πŸ™‚ Mine are in 1st and 3rd grade this year and it meant a school change for my 3rd grader to a bigger school with new routines and “planners”. They were actually given planners! The most awesome thing ever! It puts mom and teacher on the same page instantly! They stepped up security this year as they got a new principal, and as I was headed in to take pic’s of my guy at his new desk, in his new class, in his new school, it was a no go. We live in a small town so I was shocked to the point of tears (once I was in my car) – which is rediculous I know – but I was so bummed. My little guy was now a big guy and the free pass as a mom who frequently helped in class every year just got the no go. πŸ™ So this whole growing up thing, while it is amazing, is also so heartwrenching for mom. I took a million pictures as well – there is nothing quite as precious to look back on – but now fill my days with work work work until I see their precious little feet jump from the last bus step into our driveway back to mom’s arms again! Thank you for the beautiful post! Here’s to our Most Amazing Gifts From God! May we do our most important Jobs Justice! πŸ™‚

    2. Amanda Arch says:

      I loved back to school too, especially the shopping.
      I absolutely LOVED organizing all of my pencils, pens, erasers, etc. in my pencil case. Putting the new crisp paper in the binder! I took a break between high school and college, and when I did finally decide to go back to college I was just as excited to do all of those things as I was when I was a child. haha!
      My parents never let us wear our back to school clothes until the first day either and it was always so exciting to show up at school with new clothes. I remember that feeling very distinctly.
      I love the photos – your children are beautiful!

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