Take nothing Forgranted

    Cherish the day. Tomorrow isn’t promised, next week isn’t promised, but you have this very moment. This minute. This hour. Life is fleeting. It is precious. It is sacred. It is ours. I am going to embrace it. I am going to love myself and my family with every bit of my being. I am going to go forward with no regrets, no reservations. I am going to pursue what I love. I am going to strive to be better with every breath and every blink. I am going to cry hard and laugh harder. I am going to submit to humanity and God and appreciate all the blessings that have been bestowed on me. And this little girl is my inspiration.

    Jocelyn was diagnosed with Ewing’s sarcoma. We had actually planned her session well before she was diagnosed. I am so incredibly humbled and amazed at her energy and light and beautiful spirit. I came away from this session with a new appreciation of not only the gift of being able to photograph others with the unique perspective and approach I seem to have but the desire to go further and be better. To be not only a better photographer but a better person. I want to give more. I want to do more. Jocelyn and her mother have no idea what  gift they bestowed upon me this day. I am incredibly honored and rocked to my core. I will never be the same.

    A photo my husband snapped of me giving Jocelyn a piggy back ride. I love her expression. I hadn’t met her until this day but she took to me and I just absolutely adore her. She is so precious.

    Jocelyn’s mama keeps a blog for her. If you would like to follow her progress or would like to donate anything at all big or small you can find all that information right here.

    This is by no means her official blog post but I had a great response on my fan page to this session and wanted to give people the means to read a bit more and possibly help if they were interested.

    Thank you Valerie. Thank you for letting me in even for a couple hours. I owe you much more then I could ever repay you. If you ever need anything please do not hesitate. I have a feeling we are going to be fast friends. Stay strong. I am in awe of you.

    And on another note if you know of any child or have a child that is fighting cancer and would like photos I am willing to do them completely free of charge. It’s on me. Please contact me at Sarah@Myfourhensphotography.com

    Off to hug my babies.


    26 Lovely Comments  •  Leave a Comment for Sarah

    26 Beautiful Souls Commented

    1. Hope White says:

      Jocelyn and her battle is an inspiration to all of us and other children battling life threatening illnesses. Sarah, God has given you a glimpse of what your photography can do and how this gift was bestowed upon you to bring awareness of childhood cancer. Thank You Sarah for this Inspiring and Beautiful gift of photos of my cousins daughter, Jocelyn. Truly God’s Gift!

    2. keri bryant says:

      Oh Sarah…
      TEARS!!!!! These are beyond beautiful and priceless. I am just in awe of how mommas can go thru to fight for their little ones.
      You might not be so inspired when you meet MY 15 year old Jocelyn in September, but I am sending her this link to little Jocelyn and we will be thinking of her and wishing her well. SO very kind of you to do a free session for another family like this ones. Bless you.
      keri Bryant

    3. shana says:

      Boy did this make me cry….Love this post and Love!! your work more than I can say:)

    4. Krystal says:

      You have me in tears! What a beautiful post!

    5. What a lovely post. Sending up prayers for this sweet little girl. Now, I must go hug my kids. Thank you so much for this post.

    6. Valerie Espeleta says:

      You are amazing Sarah. We both thank you for taking the time to be with us. Again, I had chills and tears reading this post. xoxo Valerie & Jocelyn

    7. Jess Cadena says:

      Sarah, you are so amazing! To capture this sweet young lady in such a beautiful way. Thanks for sharing, it’s what I needed tonight. Cherish ALL that you have<3

    8. Well done, Sarah, and well said, too. When I lost Debbie in April, it forever changed me too. Then I got to photograph Renee and it inspired me in very deep ways. Your post resonated with me and has recharged my spirit tonight… just what I needed. Jocelyn is a beautiful little girl and it is obvious how much she touched you. I love that your husband snapped this genuine moment and that you shared it with us. I’ll keep her in my prayers. <3 <3 <3

    9. Kim Klinefelter says:

      You are just a beautiful person. I’m sure that this little girl had a wonderful time with you. It showed in her beautiful face. Thank you for sharing your experience with us. I am grateful for you, your sister and brother, and all my grandchildren. I’m so proud of you.The wonderful pictures you share are amazing. I love you. XOXOXOXO

      Love always,

    10. Elle says:

      Just beautiful Sarah, your words and sweet little Jocelyn…

    11. Adele Humphries says:

      Just back from hugging my babies – the first thing i wanted to do after reading your amazing post. Thank you for the fresh reminder to appreciate everything i have. i needed that this dull, ordinary Thursday. Wishing for strength, health and joy for this brave and beautiful little girl.

    12. Celeste says:

      Sarah, these images are stunning. That little girl is beautiful and courageous.

    13. She’s beautiful, Sarah, and your words and your spirit are too.

    14. Julia Noack says:

      Beautiful! You inspired me! I posted this blog link on my facebook page and I’ve offered to follow in your footsteps and give free sessions to children battling cancer in my area (St. Louis MO) as well. Thank you for sharing!

    15. Beckie Wallace says:

      Tears in my eyes and inspiration in my heart – you captured her spirit beautifully Sarah!

    16. Caroline says:

      As a cancer survivor myself, I am brought to tears every time I hear of such a young survivor. It is truly awe-inspiring to see the beauty of these precious little ones shine through their suffering. If she is anything like a little girl I photographed during her battle, she is wise beyond her years, and has already inspired more people in her three years than most of us will in a lifetime. I am changed just by viewing your gorgeous photos…inspired by her AND you! I can only imagine how you feel. Don’t ever forget the lessons you have learned from this beauty…they are some of life’s most important.

    17. melody says:

      You are an amazing person, a one of a kind soul. This is an absolutely beautiful post! Jocelyn will be in my thoughts! xo

    18. I have always been grateful for what God has given me,mostly for my amazing children. I have always been thankful that they are healthy and havent been stricken with anymore that a cold, flu, or poison ivy…But after seeing these images and reading this blog my gratitude for my children’s wellbeing is beyond words! I teared up at the images and the happiness for life that this little one has, I will pray for her well being and for her family for no parent should have to endure the pain of watching their child suffer. Thank you for sharing this experience with us all.

    19. Cynthia says:

      im in tears! this is so beautiful! you have an amazing heart!

    20. Melissa B says:

      Sarah, you captured her beauty.

      What a beautiful girl.

    21. Gina says:

      Thank you so much for posting this. This is near and dear to my heart as right now we have a little friend 6 who was just diagnosed with a rare from of brain cancer and is starting treatment in the next few days!! It has rocked my world as well! They are angels given to us from God and we are so blessed to share a minute with them! I am so glad that you had a such a wonderful time with this little angel and I pray fro healing and restoration to her little body!! Thank you for all your inspiration and I love your work!!

    22. Lisa says:


    23. I had to share this on my Facebook, and I will be sharing it in a blog post. I am so moved. I love this session. Medicine has come a long long way from 1986. My wonderful cherished older brother so bright, so charismatic was the first person to ever be my hero and nearly 26 years later he is still my hero in heart and memory, I wish I could photograph him, so the world could see how amazing he was. You have truly captured a celebration of life here, I am rocked to my core!

    24. Jaimie says:

      What an amazing little girl. May she dance for a VERY long time with NED.

    25. Carrie says:

      I got chills reading this! Amazingly put and what a beautiful little girl!

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