I’m Not Normal | Personal Alert

    I am a creative soul. At 9 I remember going to the beach with my family and recounting in my head as I ran through the tall grass the ways in which I could possibly write that particular moment into a short story or a novel. Think “And as she ran through the tall marsh grass in the milky sunlight, she had visions of a happy unaffected childhood and endless summer days.” Yes I really thought like that. I don’t know if it was because I didn’t have a “normal”  childhood and things were not all peaches and rainbows that I did have to create happy ending versions for myself quite often. I often dreamed of life with a mother and father in a very Joan Cleaver kind of way where I came home to home made chocolate chip cookies and a dad that sat and read the paper and inquired thoughtfully and meaningfully into whatever adventures that particular day held for me. In reality my father was a bipolar addict (of many varieties) and my mother had to bust her tail to make ends meet for me and my two siblings. I am however not a victim of my circumstances. I grew up to be a loving mother, a happy committed wife and a very creative individual so I totally embrace my childhood for what it is. It made me the strong woman I am today. I am sure you are sitting at home thinking “wow” did she really just say all that?! LOL. I admit that this is a bit raw and against the norm for a blog post on a professional photographer’s blog,  but it is important for my clients especially to understand my vision, especially creatively, and to know that they are not getting a typical photography experience when they book with me. Their images are not going to be generic or provoked. They are not going to be posed. They are not going to be “typical”. They are most likely going to be unconventional, creative, and a bit whimsical. A lot of it stems not only from who I am now but how I saw things as a child. I often created these beautiful magical places as a child to give me a means of “coping” or escape. Not really a bad thing, just the truth. And now that I am older I have manged to marry this into my career. One that I count myself EXTREMELY blessed to have. I really don’t know how I ended up SO lucky. I am married to my high school sweetheart and have four amazing children of my own among other things. I have been blessed with the ability to see beyond a smile or expression. I seem to see much deeper when I photograph. Especially with children. I love to photograph moments, bonds, connections, personalities, love. It all inspires me. Why I am writing this all, I am honestly unsure. I just want to admit openly that I am not perfect but when and if you book with me  you are going to get a very unique experience and some very unconventional family keepsakes.  I really want people to look back in ten years and remember their child’s personality. Not just their smile but their whole being. I want them to remember how they were feeling that day, that month. I want them to have something special. And because I am a photographer I thought I would share a few favorite images. 🙂 And if YOU are a photographer I want you to know that its okay to be YOU. To put yourself into your work. To deliver something incredibly special and unique to your clients and that photography doesn’t have to be all about sitting and smiling and posing. Its okay to be different. Unperfect. Spontaneous.

    20 Lovely Comments  •  Leave a Comment for Sarah

    20 Beautiful Souls Commented

    1. LIsa says:

      Wow…I grew up almost identical to you. Same childhood dreams, similar parents, most likely similar struggles. I was so ashamed of my father as a child and teenager. My mother was awesome and held us all together. It made me who I am today and I am grateful for that. Some one told me once, ” We are all products of our past, but don’t have to be prisoners of it”. I believe that may have been written for adults who have had childhoods like us. Thank you for being brave enough to share that piece of you.

    2. Brenda says:

      Thank you so much for the continual inspiration. I love coming here and seeing your beautiful images and hearing your story just made it so much more amazing.

    3. jennifer says:

      You are amazing and your work is just as beautiful! That first image made me gasp, I just adore it and secretly wish I had taken it! 😉 Thank you for sharing such a personal post with us.

    4. Vanessa says:

      Glad I found this today of all days as I am feeling completely hopeless & considering giving up this crazy dream if doing this for a living {currently its my side business, tho picking up} I am feeling fairly inadequate today and the lack of support or encouragement has really left me beaten. I am a mother of 2 girls, work full-time & have my business. My husband well lets say that’s my lack of support. He’s goes to school 1 night a week & other than that he plays golf with the guys. I’m making dnner cleaning, laundry all the normal Mom, house duties on top of work & my photography which lately plays last fiddle. Which makes me sad. I feel like a failure at all of it. After I read this it gave me a little hope, a little more rope {as I was at my end}. I am tired of being stifled, being “weird”, I am creative & strong .. stronger than I’ve been given credit for. Thank you for sharing that with me & apparently a few others as well.


    5. I just fell more in love with you! 🙂 You are terrific!

    6. Tiffany says:

      Your pictures are truly stunning. Thank you for sharing your story. It’s so wonderful to find out what inspires an artist to create their art, and I can truly understand now how you capture such breath-taking moments of children. <3

    7. Stacey says:

      These images and this message are incredibly beautiful. Thank you for sharing! 🙂

    8. That was very touching! reminded me a lot of my childhood as well. I am a mother of 2 wonderful children, my youngest (Adisyn age3) has a lot of extream medical conditions and needs, however I have been inspired to get into photography because of her and many friends with children like her. I am not by any means the best photographer out there and am still learning. I am inspired by your work everytime i see your posts. You make me want to be a better photographer!! (I need some lessons) lol anyways thanks for the amazing and personal post. You Rock!

    9. Andria says:

      I am just starting out in the land of professional photography and I would like to thank you for this post. I am always so worried that people won’t like my style. So a lot of times I end up giving my clients those shots they think they want- Let’s all stand close together and smile- which is always safe and works. But then I also take those off the cuff shots when they aren’t trying to play to the camera and those always end up being their favorites. Those are the most real.
      You’re work is truly inspiring and it makes me strive to do better.

    10. Kim Stevens says:

      I want to tell you that your words were inspiring, but when I came to that first picture . . . my heart, my soul, was moved in a way that actually brought me to tears. I can’t explain it!

      I have always known that I am not normal, but it’s been til recently that I no longer apologize for it. I heard a whisper and followed it and started a blog 6 months ago to share what I see. I use my camera as a tool for my personal expression of the way I see the world and I’m compelled to share that with others.

      I have learned much about myself behind the lens and along the way have discovered a writer inside.

      Thank you for sharing from your heart – you have inspired me!!


    11. […] here: I'm Not Normal | Personal Alert » myfourhensphotography.com Tags: beach, family, grass-the, grass-the-ways, head, ran-through, tall, the-beach, the-tall, […]

    12. i think… that your work speaks for itself. your images are intimate and amazing. you are exactly where you are meant to be in this life. embracing all of what you are made of, where you have walked and what you do now… is perfection 🙂

    13. Kellie D. says:

      You are an inspiration to photographers and people in general. Your work is truly art! And everyone could only hope to be as genuine and real as you are. I have never met you but follow you avidly online because your work is so truly inspiring. Your vision is compelling! Great post and even greater work!

    14. Cyndi Hopp says:

      Thats awesome. You’re not alone. i think i was a pretty weird kid myself. But i think all artists were different than most kids. In my opinion thers no such thing as normal. we are all unique in our own way. And your photography is great. Very creative and its more than just a smile. Some of them make me wish i was there. haha. THey look peacefull and happy. If i could have you photograph my children i would but i dont live near you. im in texas. -cyndi

    15. Stephanie Allen says:

      I think what you wrote about yourself is very inspiring! I actually grew up with a very rough childhood myself and the way that you just put into words about your life fits mine very much the same way! My childhood is what shaped my life into the one it is today and without that, I wouldn’t be me! So Thank You for sharing that part of your life with us! Your work is beautiful! I would love to work with you if I lived closer to you! Thanks again!

    16. Brooke says:

      Thank you. As an artist I am too critical of myself, always fearing I won’t meet the expectation of the client, especially if they begin to mention something they have seen somewhere else. This post spoke volumes to me, so Thank you for your honesty, for your bravery, and for the inspiring images as well!
      God Bless!

    17. Becki Montague says:

      I’m from Indianapolis and a Mimi to 3 grandchildren…I really don’t even know how I found you, but I am glad I did. I have enjoyed your posts and pictures. I too am a photographer, I love to take pictures. I love to see things differently. I also have a blog: youngatheartwithsomesaggingparts.blogspot.com. I try to find the humor in Menopause and what seems to be happening to me. Thanks for your uplifting, unusual, and beautiful photos.

    18. Sam says:

      Your work is so incredibly lovely. It’s great knowing where you come from creatively. It’s brave and generous of you to share that with us. I would book you in a second if we lived anywhere near you.

    Leave a Reply to Kellie D.


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