Where Magic Happens | Norwich, CT Photographer

    Little A has come to me a few times before with her sweet mommy! As a matter of fact they were one of my very first clients when I opened my season officially last year and I have grown quite attached to them. They are the perfect example of a wonderful client turned friend relationship! S gave me full creative control over Little A’s wardrobe and when I found her dresses online I knew that they would be perfect for A. She is such a little fashionista through and through. She also has a ton of personality and is a total treat to work with. When we got to the location it was a little bit cooler then it had been initially that day but not much. It was pretty mucky and hot and our location was fairly wooded and required a bit of walking. Miss A started out chipper, excited to model and had quite a little arsenal of poses. We snapped away and got some REALLY fun photos. Roughly 20 minutes into the session though I think Miss A was done with the heat and the posing and we kind of nurtured her along. I know this is going to sound nuts but I am kind of glad that the mood changed. We got such a range of photos from this day. Some fun and quirky and some a bit more emotive. You really got to see the bond between Miss S and her daughter A. Seriously S was so patient and so nurturing. I got to sit back and photograph their amazing relationship. I love these two!! I of course though that Miss A had some fun on our session and I look forward to our very next meeting whenever that may be!! She is def going to be a model of mine for commercial work because she is the prettiest little girl and so sweet to boot!!

    I think there is this stigma that photo sessions need to be all smiles to get beautiful photos. I guess my goal isn’t to be perfect. Its to be real. πŸ™‚ And we certainly got photos that represented Miss A’s mood on this particular day. I love when kids aren’t pressured to perform any certain way. It allows to really get some wonderful moments. Moments that can not other wise be fabricated.

    I hope you genuinely enjoy these S! I also hope by now you know how much I adore you gals and print a couple of these super big for your new home!! I can’t wait to see it!!

    And I am now booking fall sessions particularly October and early November so contact me if you are looking for the opportunity to preserve some special one of a kind moments for your own sweet family!

    23 Lovely Comments  •  Leave a Comment for Sarah

    23 Beautiful Souls Commented

    1. These are beautiful, as usual. You are famous! You were anyway, but you are really famous! How does it feel? I’m so happy for you!!!
      And my usual, I’ve always liked you.


    2. Yuri says:

      Gorgeous Mom and Daughter:) Your work is absolutely STUNNING!!!

    3. Rachel says:

      Gorgeous Mom and Daughter and absolutely STUNNING photography!!!!!

    4. Michele Q says:

      This is art! beautiful!

    5. Amy Lucy says:

      Sarah, these are truly sensational. Great work!

    6. Can I say it’s almost silly how beautiful these are. I love all of the perspective. The hands shot is simply priceless. I also really enjoyed the sun flare image. It was done so nicely, there just enough blacks so as to not have haze but still have streaming light, really pretty;) Big Fan:)

    7. your work is beautiful and this session is no exception!

    8. I love your work and this session is no exception!
      Beautiful little girl

    9. Donna Good says:

      what a lovely session!

    10. Crystal says:

      What a doll! These are adorable Sarah!

    11. JodyM says:

      Just beautiful as usual Sarah. The last one really makes me smile and is the perfect last photo.

    12. Krystal says:

      wow these are incredible!!! LOVE every.single.one! you are so talented!! =)
      btw…. WHERE is that cute pink dress from???

    13. Leslie O. says:

      Beautiful, beautiful session! What a doll!
      Your photography is so simple, but natural and inspiring! I love it! I’ve become a bit of a stalker to your page πŸ™‚

    14. Michaela says:

      These are absolutly stunning and very emotional. Your photos always speak so clearly and I love that about your work. And of course mother and daughter are totally gorgeous!!!

    15. Aleisha Iamaio says:

      ABSOLUTELY STUNNING! Almost makes me want to cry! Beautiful mommy and daughter!

    16. awesome session! I adoreeeeeeeeee that first dress. sigh.

    17. Gwen says:

      Love these! Definitely magical, and I love the range you captured. Just beautiful!

    18. Vanessa says:

      I just love these photos! You captured this little girl. You are certainly talented and see beyond a pretty picture.

    19. These are beautiful! Love the facial expressions!!

    20. Sarah, you’ve outdone yourself! Wow!!! I kept saying, “ooh, that is my favorite” then I see another that would make me gasp. This is some of your best work, amazing portraits!!!

    21. Love these pictures! I love everything about them.

    22. Tali says:

      Absolutely stunning, Sarah, as always. Amazing location. Love the dresses you picked for her. What a pretty girl!

    Leave a Lovely Comment


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