A second outting with Little Miss A | Connecticut Baby Photographer

    I can’t say how deeply I was touched by my last session with Miss A and her beautiful Mommy L! I seriously knew that I wanted to do it again and attempt to get a few more photos for them in the Gardens we didn’t get to utilize the last time we were at this particular location.Β  Me and L share something very special in common. Our best friend. So my friend J came along to hang and we had a good time getting some more photos for L to treasure of her little princess! Miss A was a bit fussy off the start so we waited a bit for her to cheer up and eat a little. It is amazing what a little snack can do for a girl’s temperment, I can totally relate cause it always seems to pick me right up too! The light was beautiful but we were losing it quickly so we had to work fast! Got to love fall. While the scenery is amazing it does get dark quick! Here are a few we got that day!! Enjoy L , your gallery will be up soon sweety!

    I have little ones to get ready to head to the pumpkin patch! (if we can find one open later then 5 lol!) Have a fabulous day everyone!! Oh and how cool are my new blog frames. I am so proud of myself! I made them myself lol!


    8 Lovely Comments  •  Leave a Comment for Sarah

    8 Beautiful Souls Commented

    1. Kyrstal says:

      awww honey you did AMAZING!! I swear you out do yourself with each shoot! You are such an inspiration!! AND yes I LOVE the new frames!! They are definitely one of a kind and all you! πŸ˜‰

    2. Your work is so inspirational and beautiful. It’s art!

    3. Laura says:

      Sarah, these are amazing!!! Absolutly beautiful, these will forever mean so much to me!!! Thankyou so much for these wonderfull gifts I will always Treasure and keep!!

    4. Desiree says:

      GORGEOUS! These are soooo beyond stunning!!

    5. Mom says:

      I’m so proud. They are beautiful. πŸ™‚

    6. Shauna says:

      Every time I visit your little corner of the internet, I’m inspired a little bit more than the time before.

      Oh, love your new blog btw.

      Thanks for being you πŸ™‚

    7. Kristen says:


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