Our January in Images | The Parenthood Project

    My husband and I started a pretty special (to us) project this year. We decided we would aim to take a daily (or close to daily), image of our family. It could be anything relevant to our own story. It didn’t have to always be deep or profound or even beautiful, it just had to be whatever was indicative or our moods/children/family in that moment. We made it all through January with 31 images. I took one yesterday but didn’t post it.

    Then we decided if this was going to stick, we were going to take the pressure off. We started a page to keep accountable on Facebook, but we both will only now be posting images a couple times a week instead of daily since real life has to happen here too. Balance doesn’t exist for us, but being realistic is a pretty important part of the process. We also decided maybe there is an image here or there we might find too intimate to share… and maybe that will change with time, but we need to be flexible.

    Even still here is my perspective for the month of January. Full captions can be found respectively here on the Parenthood Project page, along with Wes’s images.

    I think what has proved to be the most amazing thing so far however is watching our children grow. You don’t see it everyday. It sneaks up on you. Going through the images however, you see their personality shine on through. You watch their features morph and mature. You learn so much more about the people they will be and not just who they are in that very moment. Having six children, it is yet another way to celebrate them as individuals. There isn’t a day I don’t rejoice in being their mother.

    I don’t know what a year from now will hold… I just know that if this sticks, at the end of the year our children will have a very special gift indeed. They will have a tangible record of how loved they really are.





    7 Lovely Comments  •  Leave a Comment for Sarah

    7 Beautiful Souls Commented

    1. Kasia Znana says:

      Love it and want more 🙂

    2. Kc Hoang says:

      Your work is simply beautiful! Capturing everyday life of my kids is the hardest thing for me but you make it seem so simple and effortless.

    3. Absolutely stunning. I love your vision and the way your love for your children shines through your images of them. It’s like you’re sharing your heart and soul with the world.

    4. Emily says:

      Your photos are beyond gorgeous. I love that they capture your normal everyday lives. Your children will cherish these forever.

    5. Debbie Wibowo says:

      Sarah, you captured your everyday life and your children so beautifully. I really enjoyed looking all the images.

    6. Megan says:

      I am so inspired by you!–So much so that my husband and I are doing a photography project together as well. If you get a chance check it out! https://www.facebook.com/tolukeyandmogz/

      Thanks for sharing your art and family with all of us!

    7. Jen Cooke says:

      Too beautiful for words! <3

    Leave a Lovely Comment


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