Mama & Me Minis | Fort Collins, CO Photographer

    I have been behind on my blogging. I have SO much blogging to do. In fact, I can hardly believe that June is almost behind us because I am certain it was just May! This beautiful Mama and her little guy came out for a Mama and Me session last month and we were greeted by a field full of glorious wish flowers. The light was amazing, they were truly the sweetest and we made just a bit of magic. These seem to be one of my most favorite sessions to shoot these days.


    9 Lovely Comments  •  Leave a Comment for Sarah

    9 Beautiful Souls Commented

    1. Kim Adamson says:

      My favorite thing about this shoot and every shoot you do is your capture of light and raw emotion. You get glimpses into people’s lives, hearts, families, and what they treasure thru all of your work. I just love it.

    2. Lela Johnson says:

      These are so gorgeous! I love them so much!

    3. Stacy Holman says:

      so beautiful Sarah Cornish

    4. Charlotte Wise says:

      How on earth are you this amazing! These are beyond the heart. Wow xx

    5. Sara Jewell Photography says:

      The tears in my eyes…. Breathtaking…

    6. Destiny Dube Schaefer says:

      I die… This is so beautiful and lovely <3

    7. Stephanie Humphrey says:

      Oh goodness! This session is amazing!

    8. Leighellen T Landskov says:

      These all make me so happy. I love you and your love for lovely light, Mommas, and their connection to their children. 🙂

    9. Rachelle Chase says:

      Each image kept getting better and better. I didn’t want these to end. You can see how much she just adores this baby boy. amazing work.

    Leave a Reply to Sara Jewell Photography


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