Inspired, A Very Special Project | Life Photograpy by Aniya

    I discovered Aniya through Flickr when she jumped in our project 52 project last year. Her work is incredibly inspiration and her talent screams from every pixel and every image she shares, but what really moved me most about Aniya was her kind heart. She is an encourager. She is much needed in our community and she just envelopes everyone in love. She truly is one of a kind. I am beyond honored to share her work here. Let’s get right into her interview!


    Name: Aniya Emtage Legnaro
    What is your Business Name?
    Life|Photography by Aniya

    What is your Facebook Fan Page?
    What is your Camera Body?
    What inspired you to become a Photographer?
    Photography has always been a part of me, and this came from two things: the national geographic magazines, and my family albums. As a kid, I remember anxiously waiting for the next issue of natgeo. I just wanted to immerse myself in those images of amazing things in this world. It was through that magazine, specifically that 1984 cover of the Afghanistan girl, that a) my love of travel was born, and b) my affair with photography began. The second inspiration came from my dad. He was an avid photography hobbyist, and he pulled his kids right in.. getting new rolls of film, anxiously waiting for them to be processed, and finally opening the package.. magic. Thanks dad ☺ How did I get out there and realize that this was my path? Three years ago I was trying to get money to go to India and Nepal, and one of my best friends said “you know, you need to charge for your photography”.. and I did, and that was that!


    If you could only keep three things in your camera bag at one time, what would they be and why?
    Do my camera and lens count as already in it? If yes, I’d keep my tripod, trigger, and my body shop Satsuma lip-gloss. The tripod and trigger are a MUST! Just in case I want to get in the photo, or do some compositing, it is essential. And my lip-gloss? Because I cant live without it!

    If you are a Professional Photographer, what was your first paid session like?
    Well.. back then I thought I was on fire! I literally should have been begging for some water to put me out!! Really, it was exhilarating at the time, but all wrong. I shot on Auto at 9am for about 2 hours. Can you imagine the sweat, heat (we live in Barbados, and it was July!), squinty eyes, and not to mention raccoon eyes! It was a hot mess looking back on it. Even down to the editing – cringe!!! But funnily enough, I got my client base (still clients) from that first session.. I think its pretty cool they stayed with me.
    Jump in a time capsule. What would you do differently if you could? Do you have a cautionary tale?
    I would have listened to people who said I was creative. I can’t hold a paintbrush to save my life, and so I thought I didn’t have an artistic bone in my body. I never saw in me what others did. Perhaps if I did, I wouldn’t have fought it by sticking to academics and doing degree after degree after degree to deny myself who I really was. My cautionary tale isn’t to listen to what everyone tells you, you are.. it’s to find what makes your heart flutter, and be that person and no one else.. we creatives often times put ourselves down because we don’t see our work as valuable, as if we were say doctors or lawyers. We are seen as hobbyists, and daydreamers. But I once saw a quote that Sarah Cornish posted along the lines of “people will only value you, when you know your value.” And its so true.


    What’s in your camera bag?
    A Nikon d600, 85mm 1.8g, 50mm 1.8D, 50mm 1.8D hacked for freelensing, sigma 50mm 1.4, and 35mm 2(truth be told I borrow this from my nephew!)

    Above all, what inspires your art the most?
    History. Knowing that we will never get back yesterday, or even 5 minutes ago. But with the beautiful time machine that we have called a camera, we are literally able to hold on to a time that we can never ever live again. And more.. we can pass that frozen moment onto our children, and their children. (if we print!!!) Our images are creating history. Pretty awesome huh?

    Do you have any personal projects in the works?

    (Head hanging a bit here), no ☹ I started a 365 about this time last year. But it was so hard to keep up. There are so many things I want to dabble in, wet plates for instance. It looks so cool!! The other thing that’s pretty personal to me, which may not count as a project necessarily, more than just personal is my “surreal” work. I love it so much, and I love that this is something just between my kids and me. We think of dream worlds and try to create them. Kids are not tainted, not conforming, their imaginations are something so special – I never want them to grow out of it. So if I can create magic for them, and hang it up in their rooms to remind them that this world can actually be magical, and nothing is impossible, then I’ve done my job.

    Any one token piece of advice to someone that has just picked up a camera for the first time?
    Is it bad if I say no? I say this for one reason – if you are passionate, committed, and love photography so much that it’s what puts that smile on your face and drives you everyday? You do not need any advice from me. You will soak up everything you read, watch, hear.. everything. you will watch videos on YouTube until 4 in the morning, why? Because you want to learn. You’ll make notes in a book, you’ll try everything until you find your own style.. you’ll never put your camera down.. and you will forever be striving and thirsty for more. What I can tell you is never believe anyone or anything inside of you (or outside) telling you you can’t do it. Tell them to bugger off and carry on doing what you do – create your art.


    What is one thing you will never get tired of photographing?
    People.. especially kids. They have an innocence about them.. they just are who they are – I love that.
    If you could sit across any one photographer with a cup of your favorite warm beverage, and talk shop for an hour, who would it be and what would you talk about?
    You know, I cant say just one photographer – this is because I am influenced by so many amazing artists, its that difficult to choose just one. I tell you what I’d love to do though – take a road trip, and have an hour (at least) to chat with every awesome woman I have met through your project. What would we talk about? Our stories.

    Favorite Snack to Edit to:
    Coffee or tea
    Favorite time of Day to Shoot at:
    Definitely in the late evening hours. (also because I have a full time job, so by process of elimination, that’s when I’m forced to shoot)

    Favorite Quote:
    “You’ve gotta dance like there’s nobody watching, Love like you’ll never be hurt, Sing like there’s nobody listening, And live like it’s heaven on earth.” – William W. Purkey
    One thing you do NOT like to Photograph is:
    landscape or anything inanimate.
    If you could Photograph anyone, who would that one person be?
    my grandmother in a different time. She now has Alzheimer’s and it has taken away the essence of who she was. I wish I had chosen photography when she was, lecturing, laughing, disciplining, cooking, baking – she was and is a kick butt lady.

    One thing no one knows about you?
    I have a law degree that I chose to not use – it was just not me. hope I made the right decision!

    Best Photography Investment you ever made:
    hands down the 85mm
    Photoshop or Lightroom?

    If you could live anywhere it would be:
    Italy – it’s where my heart beats.
    Pants or No pants?
    no pants
    Natural Hair Color?
    Last Book you Read was?
    I’m now reading the Brief Wondrous life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz – my last book was “The 100 year old man who climbed out the window and disappeared” by Jonas Jonasson. Guys, if you haven’t read this one, get on it ASAP!!!
    Can you sum up your Photography in just four words?

    quiet, enduring, mysterious, tender

    If your Photography had a theme song, what would it be?
    Summer Breeze by Seals and Crofts
    Favorite Non Photography Related Website is:
    i cannot live without music and documentaries, so I’d have to say youtube!

    11 Lovely Comments  •  Leave a Comment for Sarah

    11 Beautiful Souls Commented

    1. Janice Osborne says:

      Your words are beautiful. Your work is beautiful. You are beautiful!

    2. Michael Anger says:

      I love Aniya’s work! She is so talented, encouraging to others and an inspiration! Loved reading this and seeing the photos!

    3. Elizabeth Humphrey-Roy says:

      Beautiful and inspiring!

    4. Bec Walker says:

      Loved reading every single word. Thank you Sarah and Aniya! xx

    5. Tina Fisher says:

      What a beautiful interview. I love your work Life Photography by Aniya!!! <3

    6. Elizabeth Hardwick says:

      you are totally amaze balls! 😉 <3

    7. Meghan Rose Nesom says:

      Gorgeous work.

    8. Anita Cline says:

      Oh sweet friend…you are wonderful and inspiring and I couldn’t be happier to see this interview with you! You are so incredibly kind hearted..I love you dearly xoxo Congrats!

    9. Jason Prescod says:

      Just a breath of inspiration

    10. Chai Maleficent says:

      LOVE this in so many ways <3

    11. Candice Zugich says:

      Inspirational!!!!! <3

    Leave a Reply to Elizabeth Hardwick


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