Colorado will miss you | Northern Colorado Family Photographer

    Years ago, I taught at a scrap booking conference/retreat in Vegas and finally got to meet my sweet friend Lizzy in the flesh. I have never laughed so hard in my life. We stayed up all hours of the night gabbing and cracking up over burgers. I knew we were destined for a great friendship. My family moved to Colorado from Connecticut a few years back now, and Lizzy and her family kindly helped us find a place to stay being natives to the area. She scoped the area we were planning to move to and talked to landlords on our behalf. She has been a major blessing.

    Her beautiful family is moving to Texas, and while we are sad to see her go we look forward to visiting her in her new home state soon (and maybe even taking some Texas sessions yay!) Texas is very lucky to get the R family indeed!

    Love you Reibers.


    2 Lovely Comments  •  Leave a Comment for Sarah

    2 Beautiful Souls Commented

    1. Linda Walton says:

      AH-mazing shoot Ms Sarah!!! Such a special family. What beautiful memories you have captured for them and for you! <3

    2. Stephanie Rawcliffe Photography says:

      What a beautiful shoot, Sarah. Girlfriends are so hard to find and you’re blessed to have such a nice friendship.

    Leave a Reply to Stephanie Rawcliffe Photography


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