M4H P52 “Focused” Winner and Eye Candy

    Two months just about behind you! I hope you are giving yourself a big huge pat on the back!! I am super impressed with not only you sticking it out for a couple of months, but also for the progress I am seeing already!

    Last week the theme was “Focused” I am excited to see where you all went with this. There is always so much variation and versatility and imagination in our group each week. I hate to say it but we have the most talented group of photographers and I am honored to lead up this project!

    As a refresher, every Monday I browse the Flickr Group, the Facebook Group and the Fan Page for image shares to feature here from our project 52’s past weekly theme. I generally don’t limit the amount of images I choose as it is close to impossible to narrow it down sometimes.

    My “Focused” Image for this week:

    M4H P52/ Focused Unconditionally Mine


    M4H Focused | Unconditionally Mine

    This image will always speak to my mother’s heart for so many reasons. A belly for kissing, little dimpled fingers for nibbling and all those nap and bedtimes I laid my head on your chest to be sure you were still breathing. The beginning of unconditional love, and unconditional worry.

    If you are new you can find all information here:

    Complete Info post on Project 52 HERE.

    My Four Hens Photography Fan Page HERE.
    My Four Hens Photography Group. HERE
    My Four Hens Photography Flickr HERE

    It is never too late to join. Please feel free to jump in at anytime!

    Lastly if you are the main Winner (not eye candy) please contact me if you like for a $40.00 Gift Card to my shop. These gift cards can be used towards anything of your choosing. You can reach out to me via my email (Sayhello @ Myfourhensphotography (dot) com.) or via the blog contact forms or messaging system on my Fan Page.

    Getting into Eye Candy!

    By: Anai Fogle

    I just joined this project so I’m still just getting the hang of things. I am so behind BUT here is my image for this week and I’m so happy this happened just in time. 7/52 Focused

    Lots of Eye Candy:

    By: Cathrine Currie

    Week 7 - Focus

    Week 7- Focus She is a determined and focused dancer who I am so very proud of.

    By: CJ,MJ&AddiesMummy

    Week 7 ~ Focused

    Week 7 ~ Focused
    What better for a 4 year old to focus on? His dreams! They have been learning about chinese new year in school and they had fortune cookies. This was my little mans message. He’s a big dreamer so if he does truly focus on them I know he’ll do whatever he sets his mind to πŸ™‚

    By: hanley_kirsten


    22yr out from nursing school, and I’m still not finished studying. This time it is for ENPC, and let me tell you, this is taking LOTS of focus!

    By: BirdsDream Design


    During these slower months of winter I can focus more on the things that matter to me most which is my family. <3

    By: magova

    M4H Week 7 "Focus"

    M4H Week 7 “Focus”

    By: Joanna Schoff


    I am focusing on the sun in this forever long winter.
    joanna schoff photography

    By: 24Feet

    24Feet {film} - Focused

    P52/7 – Focused.

    Kodak Tri X 400

    By: egalindo

    7/52 - Focused


    7/52 Focused
    He was focused on his play dough and I was trying to manually focus on his lovely eyelashes.

    By: heatherlphotography

    M4H{7/52} "focused"

    This month I am really {focused} on my “28 days of hearts project”. Keeping up with our P52 is challenging in itself for me, so shooting daily with a theme is even more of a challenge. Happy Valentine’s Day lovely ladies. So grateful for our group!! <3

    By: shutterbugamar

    focused [7:52]

    focused [7:52]

    Focused in life. Focused to do what I want to do.

    My first interview for grad school is on Tuesday. It’s for the Master of Science in Biomedical Communications. It’s what I want to do in life.

    I want to combine my passion for biology, with my love for photography, and I’m so motivated to learn traditional art in the process. I want to be able to participate in a program that will allow me to bring out my creative side, while I still continue to help people learn, and have my contribution to society.

    While I’m afraid of the interview process, I know that I want to do this, and I know that even if I don’t prepare, I can convince the admissions committee that this is what I want, and I’m determined to make it happen. If not this year, then next.

    It’s also reading week this week. So much for me not doing anything as usual. I’ve got this interview on Tuesday, and another one on Thursday. There goes that.

    I went shopping yesterday. Needed some retail therapy, and also “needed” some formal clothes for my interviews, because I clearly don’t have any at home. Lol! It’s okay, some extra motivation doesn’t hurt. Haha.

    Anyways, off to prep for my interview! πŸ™‚

    Thank you for your motivation! Your comments have gotten me to this point, and enough to convince me that yes, I can combine my hobby with my career, and maybe I am good enough to do it.

    Always learning, always growing!

    By: Coton Buddhas

    M4H P52 Week 7 - Theme : Focus

    M4H P52 Week 7 – Theme : Focus

    By: Sunshower Lifestyle



    By: Katiefewell

    7/52: {Focused}

    7/52: {Focused}

    I admit it. I focus too much on your growing up. Most days you seem too old to want or need your mom. You seem mature enough to handle most things on your own. So I try to let you. But today…today, when you thought you had lost me, I realized that you’re still so small. And when you ran to me with tears in your eyes, I wanted to cry too. I had forgotten that you’re still my little boy. That you still have fears and insecurities. Tonight you hugged me a little longer and a little tighter when I kissed you goodnight. And I will never, ever, see you the same way again. My focus has changed.

    By: across8799

    M4H Project 52 Week seven- Focused

    M4H Project 52 Week seven- Focused

    It is amazing how one little person can change your focus completely. She is all I have been focused on for three weeks now:)!! I feel so blessed and have fallen deeply in love with her. Now if I could just get a little sleep life would be awesome!!

    By: _omerad_

    7/52 - Focused - Project 52

    7/52 – Focused – Project 52

    By: GreekWife

    7/52 Focused

    7/52 Focused

    By: leahartmanphoto

    7/52 "Focused"

    weeks of snow and rain and more snow, I was very focused on the unexpected sunshine – too bad it only lasted one day!

    By: jaimi.lammers

    Moon rise over the winter pasture.

    Also Week 7 of the My Four Hens Project 52.
    It’s been several crazy and hectic weeks from running to kids’ activities to being shorthanded at work and getting ready to host our annual (cattle) production sale next week. As I came home from work, the moon was just starting to pop over the horizon. It was only 20ΒΊF but I stopped in the middle of our gravel road and trudged throught he snow in the ditch to {focus} on the quiet beauty.

    By: Elizabeth Hardwick

    M4H 7.52 Focussed

    {bedtime story} when all you have is a torch light … the end of that light becomes your focus. πŸ˜‰

    By: Tolep8nt

    M4H P52: 7/52 - Focus

    For the last year I have been focusing on becoming healthier. I have been focusing on eating clean. I have been focusing on strength training and getting fit. I am still focusing on these items, but this year I have added a few more things to the list.

    I am focusing on my spirit. I am focusing on love. I am focusing on creativity. What are you focusing on?

    By: therustylens

    7:52 | Focused

    7:52 | Focused

    Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it.
    – Greg Anderson

    I will admit I am guilty. It’s hard not to get caught up in deadlines. My engineer brain is always honing in for solutions and maximum efficiency. I look around and I make goals and solve problems. Now, with 10.5 weeks until we welcome our 5th baby in the family it feels impossible to get where we need to go. But somewhere along the way we need to let go and just enjoy the ride and realize we may never get where we think we’re going, but acknowledge that we’re not standing still either.

    By: Bethany Thomas

    { 7|52 } Focused

    Lately I have been very focused on where I will end up and who I will become. I’m only hoping that day will come sooner rather than later.

    By: Mary Carroll

    7/52. {Focus}

    Iphone photo: From a walk along the beach in Carlsbad, CA this week. So happy to spend some time away from the snow and freezing temps of NJ. There was a bit of fog — my absolute favorite weather to shoot in.

    By: Kelsey Klaus

    Focused on the beauty!! A pretty paper flower in my living roomβ™₯

    By: Jenn Dawn

    52:6 “Paradise” I am truly at peace when I am in paradise, and paradise is the quite stillness of the woods soul. -Unknow

    By: Nicole Fullmer Caywood

    I love how Kwan and Christina are completely focused on each other in this moment. It’s like I’m not even there! And they way the bokeh of the leaves frames them, brings a perfect focus on this beautiful couple.

    By: Sue Harris

    Week 7 – Focused: A picture taken a couple of days ago of my little girl Isla focused on watching the fish swim around in her big sisters fish tank, I loved the light coming from it that shone on her face edited with M4H “Enchanted Preset” from Harmony.

    By: Maarit Maher

    Week 7 – Focused

    By: Amy MagnetGirl

    M4H 7/52: Focused. I used my Lensbaby and focused just on his left eye. He focused on when the heck I was going to stop taking his photo (lucky him, I only took 3 and it only took 45 seconds). Lensbaby Composer β€’ double glass optic β€’ f/2.8

    By: Melissa Misenheimer

    I used my timer and snapped this picture. 41 weeks and focused on getting this baby out of me!

    By: Cassey Fry Wagner

    7/52 Focused

    By: Charla Virkler

    My 8-year-old, focusing on her dreams

    By: Heather Lindsey Robinson

    lately, i have been focused on learning how to freelens. it has been a humbling experience for me. at times i want to pull my hair out. but i refuse to give up because i love it. i am starting to embrace my focusing mistakes. they feel so beautifully genuine to me. β€” with Heather Robinson Photography.

    By: Monica Hollingshead

    Week 7 – Focused

    By: Amber Mongello

    It’s the first night of our big snow storm here in Southern Maryland and all little Miss Ava has been focused on is when will the snow start! I could not have cared less that it is 10:30pm and you wanted to taste the first snowflakes. The joy on your face was worth the multiple changes of clothes. I love the way your face lights up and how focused you are on the silence of the night. “Ssshhh! Listen Mama, you can hear the snow fall.” You sure can my sweet little peanut.

    By: D. Alessi

    7/52 - Focus {explored}

    7/52 – Focus {explored}

    By: captnoddball

    m4h week 7 "focused"

    if you focus at the stars just long enough, you get to see some amazing stuff

    By: SoniaEppleFotografie

    7/52 focused

    7/52 focused
    my oldest fell asleep on the sofa
    I just had to sit and watch him sleep. Remembering how small he used to be. I always loved his long lashes…had to focus on them today

    5 Lovely Comments  •  Leave a Comment for Sarah

    5 Beautiful Souls Commented

    1. Mary Carroll says:

      Wow, so thrilled to find my image here this week, among such awesome and wonderful photographers! Thank you! xo

    2. I am very touched to be featured next to, and along with, such lovely images and talented photographers. I am thoroughly enjoying this project, thank you M4H and everyone involved.

    3. Natalie says:

      “unconditional love and unconditional worry.” sigh. Yes. This.

    4. Charla says:

      Gorgeous choices as always! And thanks for choosing mine as one of the eye candy pictures this week! πŸ˜€

    5. joanna says:

      Beautiful work. I am so thrilled to have been selected among such awesome art!

    Leave a Reply to Cassey Wagner


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