M4H Project 52 “Joy” Winner and Eye Candy

    You have all completed four weeks of this project already! Give yourselves a huge pat on the back! That is excellent!

    I see the friendships you are forming, the community growing all the time and it makes me so proud to be a part of this project with you all!

    As a refresher, every Monday I browse the Flickr Group, the Facebook Group and the Fan Page for image shares to feature here from our project 52’s past weekly theme. I generally don’t limit the amount of images I choose as it is close to impossible to narrow it down sometimes.

    My “Joy” Image for this week:
    21/365 Independence.
    Featuring all five of my Pride and Joys. πŸ™‚

    If you are new you can find all information here:

    Complete Info post on Project 52 HERE.

    My Four Hens Photography Fan Page HERE.
    My Four Hens Photography Group. HERE
    My Four Hens Photography Flickr HERE

    It is never too late to join. Please feel free to jump in at anytime!

    Lastly if you are the main Winner (not eye candy) please contact me if you like for a $40.00 Gift Card to my shop. These gift cards can be used towards anything of your choosing. You can reach out to me via my email (Sayhello @ Myfourhensphotography (dot) com.) or via the blog contact forms or messaging system on my Fan Page.

    Time for our Winner!


    By: London’s Bridge Photography

    M4H 4/52 "Joy"

    M4H 4/52 “Joy”

    Stair Sledding!!! Wooooohoooooo!!! We’ve had 5 days off…2 snow days, the weekend, and MLK Day. Needless to say, the boys have found a way to entertain themselves!! I’m impressed that the helmets were actually their idea!

    Lots of Eye Candy!!

    By: Jennifer J. Morrow


    Pure joy! My favorite part about this photo (aside from Miss Lila’s adorable smile) is remembering the jumping jacks that were taking place behind me while capturing this image. We were at the end of the session and Lila’s mom pulled out all the stops. She began jumping up and down and Lila could not stop giggling. A moment of pure joy while watching her superstar mom. πŸ™‚

    By: Dana Foley Photography

    M4H P52 Week 4: joy

    M4H P52 Week 4: joy

    Yellow flowers always bring me joy. There’s something so happy about the color yellow!

    By: Amy Bethune


    week 4 | JOY
    I love the way our kids smile and laugh with each other with total abandon and joy. They don’t fear how the other will react to their excitement, they just want to share it. Splash!

    By: CJ,MJ&AddiesMummy

    Week 4 ~ Joy 2

    Joy to me is looking back as well as looking forward. I love to borrow my nanas photo albums and flick through the pages. Seeing where I’ve come from and seeing the family I have made for myself as we grow together through life.

    I’m sorry I couldn’t choose between them πŸ™‚

    By: mjryckman


    This is a message I needed to see for myself this week. I lost sight for a *tiny moment* that all the joy I hope to find in life begins within myself. It took looking at my daughter’s journal to remember this.

    The artwork on the journal cover is done by the wonderful Katie Daisy. I just love her work. πŸ™‚

    By: chinellero

    23/365 - 4/52 | JOY

    23/365 – 4/52 | JOY

    Cue the sarcasm of parenthood…
    Oh the JOY that fills my heart when I walk into the kitchen to find that a certain tiny person has not only emptied a box of fettuccine on the floor, but also locked himself in the pantry….

    By: Sunshine.Photography

    {New} Joy

    {New Joy}

    That anticipation that every mother knows… that with each day, a new day begins and another day draws closer to when they will meet their baby πŸ™‚

    This beautiful Mumma to be will be meeting her little bundle of joy in the next month.

    I love Maternity images. I get so excited for my Mums to be because I know of all the joy and excitement that awaits them πŸ™‚

    A special time that will always be remembered!

    By: Aniya Emtage

    {4.52} joy

    {4.52} joy

    makes my heart flutter when she lets go of her insecurity just for a second, and laughs

    By: Justine B7

    4/52 Joy

    4/52 Joy
    The joy of celebrating his 9th birthday with his mates in the park. The joy of being his mother. The joy that with each passing year I learn more about Oscar, and more importantly, about myself.

    By: Fearless-Photography

    M4H week 4- "Joy"

    M4H week 4- “Joy”

    Well, this week hasn’t been super joyful. My grandma is in the hospital and I’ve been taking shifts sitting with her while she tries to breathe and mostly sleeps. My grandmother isn’t a joyful person. Her life has been filled with struggle and she didn’t come out of it finding the positive things. The struggle she is facing now is mostly self made from smoking for half of her life and just not caring enough to take care of herself. And I look at her and find her answering “how are you” with a false “doing well” and find pieces of my family finding it hard to feel compassion. But my joy, here, is found in my compassion for a woman that, despite her failings, provided me with many happy memories in my childhood. My joy is found in this moment where I remember that life is a struggle, and that while many things are uncontrollable, but our ability to show compassion and kindness is our own.

    By: riawaugh

    4|52 Joy

    4|52 Joy
    In the middle of yet another round of snowstorms and freezing temperatures, this little fella visited my yard. What a joy to see these bright colors in an otherwise monotonous landscape!

    By: StephaniePetra

    4/52 Joy

    4/52 Joy

    I love fantasy edits, so I thought I would take this week to do something along those lines while also practicing a little bit of composite work. Jump for joy and reach for the stars!

    By: Annapip40

    4/52 Joy

    4/52 Joy

    The joy of having each other and the joy for me that they get on so well.

    By: blushingfawnphoto

    4/52 Joy

    4/52 Joy

    Taking time out to laugh with my oldest always brings me joy.

    I actually took this a little over a week ago, and I tossed around the idea of a shooting new image for this weeks theme, but I really couldn’t resist, this is my new favorite image of me and my first born.

    By: kariliane

    20/365...4/52 Joy

    20/365…4/52 Joy

    When your in Kindergarten Joy is having a snow day…

    By: Amy Fanton Photography

    Week 4: Joy

    This is what Oliver calls “fly in the sky”. This is how my husband gets his workouts. It”s a good life.

    By: Beth Semadeni Photography

    Week 4 – Joy

    My Three Joys

    By: www.katecphotography.com

    P52/4 JOY
    I’ve watched this amazing young woman meet a wonderful man, fall in love, get married and have her first baby in the three years that I’ve known her. What can give a mother more joy than baby kisses? What can give a photographer more joy than capturing a moment like this?

    By: Bri Goodyear Luginbill

    4/52 – Joy

    Taken by Bri Goodyear Luginbill at The People Picture Company

    Sophia is one of the most joyful babies I have ever seen. She is constantly smiling and laughing and loves to meet new people. I cannot wait to see how she continues to blossom as she grows older. She is 2 years old right now and the daughter of a good friend of mine. I am blessed to have her in my life!

    By: amymbecker

    Week 4 | Superhero's

    Don’t be fooled by their serious faces, these two find great joy in saving the world. Or baby sister, whichever comes first.

    By: Ashley Duke Glasco

    “Joy” Karaoke style…notice my littlest is in the background on the drums

    By: Shannon Isereau

    Week 4/52: JOY

    Meet Naani! My Rhodesian Ridgeback. She is my first baby!!

    She finds her greatest joy playing outside in the snow. This face is her waiting for me to continue our game of fetch!

    “Please throw the stick, please throw the stick!”

    Oh the life of a dog!

    By: Crystal Lynn Collins

    4/52 { Joy }

    For me, Joy is travel, adventure, and exploring. Weather I am wondering around another country, or in my own backyard, being out in nature gives me a sense of joy I cannot explain. It reminds me to stay curious, be grateful, and enjoy the small time on earth that we have.

    yesterday, my husband and I wondered off to Point Reyes to hike and do some whale watching. The fog decided to stick around, and although we were unable to see the whales, we had an awesome time hiking and exploring the lighthouse.

    By: Beverly Ruso

    {4.52 Joy}
    So I have been sitting in my house more frustrated than anything! With this cold freeze and not being able to get out and shoot (if you outside for longer than 5 min with exposed skin you’ll get frost bite) and trying to figure out a photo for this week didn’t feel easy while feeling frustrated. I realized that my joy is being able to shoot. My camera is the one thing that gives me ‘joy’ outside of being a mom, wife and homemaker. Its just mine, my passion, my hobby and my creative outlet. The best part is that I can capture all kinds of emotions with it, happiness, anger, saddness, but my favorite…JOY! I hate posting pictures of myself, but during this stretch of weather and dying to get outside I realized it was the best picture for this weeks theme that I had.
    β€” at Beverly Ruso Photography.

    By: Carol Brown

    This was a hard theme for me… so many of the people that bring me joy are so far away. But through everything my husband is an unwavering source of joy in my life. He is my rock, my best friend; I feel happiest is in his arms. This photo is more personal than I’ve ever taken before, and is far from perfect (I’d rather be behind the camera), but it feels honest to me.

    By: Crystal Hernandez

    Week 4: Joy

    Backstory: I live in Florida. Yesterday we saw this funny white stuff falling from the sky. Much to my surprise I jumped and loudly yelled “Snow!!!” The kids were in school, so I grabbed the camera and tried to capture this rare sight, only to catch “SLEET” coming down. I put on my macro filters and snapped this little guy. I think he looks like a turtle, an ice turtle, but many think frog! It was really a joyous time, seeing snow in Florida!

    2 Lovely Comments  •  Leave a Comment for Sarah

    2 Beautiful Souls Commented

    1. Kyla says:

      how exciting to be on this list with so many talented photographers!!! Thank you!

    2. dana says:

      Thanks so much for featuring my photo! I love this project!

    Leave a Reply to Kyla


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