M4H P52 “Something Old” Winner and Eye Candy

    Another wonderful week. I am here with my tea cup in hand, going through your gorgeous images on Flickr and as always struggling to pick and choose amongst all this beauty.  I am seeing some “new faces” in the group, as well as so many I have come to adore and recognize right away.  I have seen so much growth, and feel like I know so many of you.  Thank you so much again for sharing a piece of yourself with us all every week. You are all the ones that make this project so special!

    I also as always ask that you keep in mind that you are all truly winners, the winner is simply just an image that really stood out this week to me, or tugged at my heart strings. It doesn’t mean your image isn’t just as wonderful! The same could be said with Eye Candy in general. This is just a fun way to share the love. This project is just as much yours as it is mine though!

    The winner will grab a $40.00 Gift Card to my shop towards any Photoshop or Lightroom Resources of their choosing. If you have won a past challenge and haven’t messaged yet, please do as well!

    By: SaraKellyPhoto {Intrepid Photos}

    Something old. {M4H 37/52}

    My house is old. Really old. It was one of the first houses built in my old town. The windows are original. I often think of all that these windows have seen, of all that has been seen through them, and of all those who have stood in this kitchen and just looked, as I do daily, at those they love playing nearby. I love my house, the light, and most of all the little ones who live here.

    Lots of Eye Candy:

    By: La Dolce Vita Photography

    something old

    my jewels all i have from the past, this box has memories, I’m feeling the time passing by.

    By: La Mémoire Vive

    P52 | M4H | Old

    These books (more than a century old) were rescued by my husband’s parents from an abandoned library attic in France many years ago. As teachers, they just couldn’t bear to have them just rot away…

    By: MeganEvansPhoto

    M4H P52 - Week 37 - Something Old

    These are Poppy’s hands. He’s 99 years old. He’s my friend’s grandfather and he is just amazing.

    By: JennV_Photography

    Something old

    She looks so old to me here. If she had her way I think she’d sleep here. As long as someone was with her to read all those books out loud.

    By: diana.A.

    37. Something Old

    Is collecting postcards outdated? There are just so many free postcard stands in Australia; ever since I came here, I find myself picking out a few every time I pass by one… I guess I’ve started a collection!

    By: Izzy Joe Photos

    almost ten....

    37/52..something old..
    She has wanted an “old-timey” hat for so long.. she picked this one out on a recent trip.. love it on her.

    By: mamasparrowphotog


    Something old: my grandmother passed away this week and in this photo I’m wrapped in her old shawl, as I reflect back over her life. I’m thankful to have the shawl she used daily as a reminder of her love for our family.

    By: London’s Bridge Photography

    M4H 37/52 "Something Old"

    This has been an emotional week for me & my family. Our precious London would have turned 6 on September 11, and her “angel day” was September 13. Memories have been very vivid this week, and I’ve stared at her pictures more than usual. In my favorite pictures, London is wearing this dress. When she was in the hospital, my mom surprised me and brought this dress for her to have her pictures made in it. The special thing about this dress is that it was the dress that I wore home from the hospital when I was born (33 years ago). In the end, this was the only outfit that London had on. It’s something that she and I shared, and I am so thankful for that. You can read more about London’s life and her story at www.londonsbridgephotography.com/blog.

    By: mjd242

    37/52 - Something old

    Apple trees are my something old this week. The orchard we go to has been around for decades. Going to the orchard, riding the wagon out to the field, sampling the crop, picking our own peck, having apple pie and ice cream in the little shoppe… it’s all an old tradition for us. One we love to do each year!!

    By: KarenHuntPhotography

    M4H 37/52 Something Old


    My husband was a comic book collector when he was young and has saved them all for his boys. He has a very awesome rare collection all sealed. When the theme came out, I thought this was a way to honor something that meant so much to him. The one he is reading in this photograph is X-Men #1. It was released on 9/1, which is his birthday. It is extremely special to him. I love how he shares these special comics with our boys and teaches them all about the superheros and how they began.

    Edited with Faithful and Filmy Feel.

    By: Simply Jamie

    37/52~ Something old

    An old abandoned lookout tower on Assateague Island.

    By: indyk3

    Something Old

    An Old school tricycle: isn’t it SO cool? The stories it has to tell is probably so much fun. It started with a girl named Kirsten, who we lovingly call Aunt Kirken and my kids now have it to play with!!

    By: cheng bee

    camera girl


    37/52: something old

    with her late grandpa’s yashica diary.

    By: Shawna Lyn Photography

    M4H P52: 37/52 {Something Old}

    These two are from my childhood. The bunny was handmade by my Mom and obviously both were very loved. I wonder if the missing button eye from the bunny was the same one I stuck up my nose! 😉

    By: Essential Life Photography


    This was fast.. I saw that hair in the wind and….

    By: magova

    M4H "something old"  37/52

    my first spoon…

    By: Elle_Zee

    Something old

    M4H Project 52 2013
    Quimper Breton salt shoes from my French Grandmother’s collection. I am not sure how old this particular piece is but Quimper has been around for 100’s of years.

    By: minkylina

    Life on one hand

    M4H 37/52: Old. This is my maternal grandmother’s charm bracelet. She is my one living grandparent; she is almost 92. She always wanted me to have this bracelet and several years ago, she gave it to me. I almost never wear it; I’m not a jewelry person. But I pick it up and look at all the charms and see the story of her life from long before I was ever here. Sometimes I wish I had a time machine.

    By: leahartmanphoto

    M4H Project 52 (week 37)

    I’m thankful that it will be many more years before she can wear my old wedding dress for real.

    By: Eastview Photography

    something old?

    When I saw the theme for this week..I thought..I’ll post a picture of myself to be funny. I’ll be turning 55 in a few weeks and my husband is 57. I’ve noticed lately that we have started getting some senior citizen type stuff in the mail …’Plan for you burial..’, magazines for ‘Maturing adults’ and the like. Yesterday, I got this from AARP. I actually found myself reading the letter and wondering what the benefits were. I stopped myself and thought..Wait a minute! There’s nothing wrong with planning for the future..which we are. It makes things easier on yourself and your children. But I will NOT join the AARP! If you type “55 is the new..” into Google it completes that with..”35″! Something old? Not me baby! 😉

    2 Lovely Comments  •  Leave a Comment for Sarah

    2 Beautiful Souls Commented

    1. denise slark says:

      wow! i love the diversity in all the images this week…good week!

    2. Brianna Hays says:

      Love them all, but my favorite is Jenn V Photography image. Makes me think of my grandma!

    Leave a Reply to denise slark


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