Letters to my Daughters | Dearest Lillian

    Dearest Lillian,

    I am noticing so many subtle changes in you. Turning eleven this year, I knew we were carefully treading in completely new and unfounded territory. When I was your age, I was a very tenderhearted child very much like you, and I remember the ups and downs well. I also remember promising myself not to forget, and the reason for that being I honestly just wanted to be able to more than sympathize when I had children of my own. I wanted to be full of compassion and empathy. As you can see, when you are a tenderhearted child you often grow to be a tenderhearted adult.

    This summer we have had our own little mini adventures. Whether that happens to include just a day at the pool with good friends, or a five hour road trip to camp in a place we have never before explored, this year has been good to our family. I know we aren’t considered “normal” with daddy being a stay at home dad, and mama working from home. You see many of your friend’s parents bustling out to work, and living what probably seems a very foreign lifestyle to you, and I know sometimes you even wish a bit that we can be more like them. I grew up in that same exact kind of family and appreciate your Nunu for all her hard work and sacrifice. I also know that you probably wonder why you have to see mommy on the computer quite so much, though I am working just as hard as many with a less conventional career, but really you should know now that there is no such thing as “normal” anyway. Not really.  I am also going to tell you something you most likely don’t realize at your very young sweet age. We are blessed. Because you have two parents at home, because after years of daddy missing out on your childhood because he had to work 12 hours a day,  he can see you off to school and watch over you as you grow, and because we spend so much time together, you don’t realize now but we are creating a bond and memories that will be so special to you some day. Someday  you will truly appreciate it as I do now. Daddy will not always be home. There may be a time he has to go back to work. We are leaning on God and counting our blessings.

    Sometimes I know you expect me to have all the answers. I felt just the same when I was your age and looked up to my own Mom. Many times I always have to remind myself that my Mom is human, and doesn’t have all the answers. What I will always have is open arms. You are eleven and to you I am sure that is quite “big.” To me you are my baby. You will always be. I grasp that these years are fleeting, and if time is kind one day I will be kissing tears of joy on your wedding day and not tears of apprehension at embarking on some of the tough preteen exploits you are now facing. I realize I will be snuggling your own daughter or son as I snuggled you when you were just a babe. This letter is a friendly reminder though, that eleven is just one year, and one notch in the wall with many to come. I love you.

    Life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, but you will never have to face the storm alone.



    Now please head to my amazing friend in our special circle Jess Sandager of Olive Avenue Photography and read her beautiful letter HERE.

    9 Lovely Comments  •  Leave a Comment for Sarah

    9 Beautiful Souls Commented

    1. Debbie Wibowo says:

      Your words are always true and honest, Sarah. I always enjoy reading your letters as it shows the beautiful soul you have and how you approach parenting. Lily is just beautiful and I can see that she has a beautiful soul too.

    2. shalonda says:

      oh sarah…this letter had so much in it so much love so much sunshine-y joy, RAINBOWS and incredible wisdom…isnt it true we have to remember there is no normal….

    3. Christine b says:

      stunning. beautiful images, beautiful words, beautiful mama and beautiful girl…love it.

    4. Kirsty says:

      Sarah, I always know I can look to you, oh wise mother of an older girl, you are an example of the mother I want to be as my girls grow – Lillian is growing up to be such a special young lady xxxx

    5. Gillian says:

      These are stunning! I love the emotion in these and I cannot get over that rainbow. Just wanted to share that I have been following you photography for a couple years now and have loved watching your journey as both a photographer and mother. Also, my husband recently transferred to CSU and we just made the move from Ohio to Fort Collins a few weeks ago! We are loving it here so far 🙂

    6. […] Next please visit the blog of my dear friend Sarah Cornish of My Four Hens Photography. […]

    7. Wow! These are incredible shots! You have a very unique and personal style that I admire. Look forward to seeing more of your work.

    8. Brianna Hays says:

      Such beautiful words for a beautiful young lady.

    9. Catherine says:

      Simply perfect.

    Leave a Reply to Gillian


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