M4H P52 Weekly Theme | “Around the Block”

    It is that time of the week again! Happy Memorial Day to those celebrating in the states. This is a time for reflection and celebration in our country to those that sacrifice to keep our country safe and I just want to say a big huge, heartfelt thank you! To those not in the states I hope you have had a beautiful weekend and are ready to kick off a great week!

    Also, I want to reiterate that if you indeed are new to this project and want to jump in you are completely welcome. You can find details on what this project is about HERE.

    The theme this week is:

    Around The Block.

    This week I thought it would be amazing to take pictures around your block. I would love to see where you live and what you love (in a non creepy way I promise lol!) What is something you see on a daily basis that you just adore. Where we live is such a huge part of our lives and reflection of who we are.

    Can’t wait to see what you all come up with!

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