Inspired, A Very Special Project | Tami Wilson Photography

    Happy Valentines Day! I am jumping right into this!

    Spending time with Tami’s work I loved how versatile her body of work is! Whether in the studio or on location her work is consistently gorgeous! Her warm rich processing and especially her newborn photography left me swooning!

    You can find Tami’s Website HERE and her facebook page HERE.

    Hi Tami!

    Lets get to know you! How would you describe yourself in three sentences?

     I’ve been with my college sweetheart for 18 years and although it’s corny to say, I can’t remember what life was like without him!  I’m a mommy to the  most  compassionate, giving, loving, goofy, handsome, sweet eight year old boy that I know.  (Yep, he has me wrapped around his little finger. ) Lastly, as a photographer, I think I have the best job in the world because I am providing my clients with something that will last a lifetime.  Not many people can say that!


    What sparked your passion for Photography?

    I’ve always been the girl with the camera and scrap booked pictures way back in junior high but didn’t take it seriously until the birth of my son in 2004.

    Whats in your camera bag? 

    Canon 5d Markiii

    Canon 5D Markii (back up)

    50mm 1.2 L

    100mm 2.8L

    24-70 2.8 L

    85 1.8

    One of Tami’s Starting Out Images circa 2008.

    What Camera/Equipment did you start out with? 

    Canon Rebel XT and Kit Lens

    If you could only use one lens an entire session which one would you choose and why?

    Definitely the 50mm 1.2. I use it almost exclusively for my newborn sessions as well as family sessions. Sometimes I’ll bring out the 85 1.8 for family sessions but I like to be closer to my subjects because I’m a chatty Cathy at my sessions.  🙂

    What advice would go give to someone just beginning in photography and hoping to have a business of their own?

    Be happy with what you have accomplished so far and enjoy the journey instead of comparing yourself to others. The best thing I ever did for my business was to read a blog post written by another photographer called “There is No Magic Button” (I can’t find it anymore!) because it completely changed my outlook. I stopped looking at other people’s work and poured all of my time and energy into finding my style and working on building my business.

     What was your first official Photographer crush if you had one?

    Shannon Sewell for sure. I still have a crush. 🙂

    What kind of photos do you like to take for just yourself when not working with clients? 

    Definitely portraits of my son. I love lifestyle shots of him but also love to dress him up and go out and explore new locations. He is such a great  model for me and I wouldn’t be where I am  in my photography journey without his help.

    If you could photograph absolutely anyone who would it be dead or alive?

    My grandmother.  She died of cancer before I was born and we only have a handful of images of her.


    Describe your style in 3 words.  


    Simple, fun and emotion filled.


    Most embarrassing moment on a session would be?

    Oh there are so many! My flip flop broke during an outdoor session and I had to finish the session barefoot.  I’ve also stopped wearing mascara to sessions because I run around like a mad woman during the session and end up having it smeared down my face by the end.  It’s not a good look for me!


    Any challenges you have had to overcome to be where you are today?  

    Wow, great question.  I think many of us share the same challenges of being a wife, mother and finding the time to do something just for ourselves. As moms we often put our needs or wants last on the list.  Opening a photography business is so time consuming and you can feel very overwhelmed with all of your responsibilities and feel like you are just not doing any one thing well.   I learned to cut myself some slack and not try and be super mom or super business owner.  Putting that much pressure on yourself is not good for you or anyone around you.


    Favorite time of day to shoot is? 

    I’m a morning person and love sunrise sessions.  I find the light to be very clean and pure.


    If you had to stop taking photos right now, what would you do instead? 

    I would probably teach photography in some capacity.  Probably to other mommy’s out there that just want to take better pics of their children. Just like how I started out.


    Have you attended college or had any formal education in Photography? 

    Nope, no formal eduction in photography. My degree is in Speech Pathology and Audiology so not much help there!


    What do you do to get your clients to relax with you?

    Telling jokes, acting completely goofy and saying silly words usually does the trick for clients big and small.


    What are your photography related goals for 2013?

    I opened up a home studio last spring for my newborn and baby clients and have been so excited about all the opportunity it brought my business last year.  So, my main goal this year is to continue to focus my efforts on my newborn clients and create that steady stream of newborn bookings throughout the year.


    How do you push yourself to keep growing and learning? Any Big Aha! Moments? 

    I take breaks.  Yep, stepping away and not shooting for a few days totally helps me regroup and ignites that urge to shoot again and be creative.  I took a newborn workshop last year and I had many Aha! moments during the workshop.


    Biggest Photography related insecurity?

    Talking on the phone with potential clients. I have been this way since a child and always freaked out when I had to call and order a pizza. (ha!)  I do soooooo much better face to face.


    Digital or Prints?

    I offer both but the majority of my clients purchase the digital images.


    How do you set yourself apart from other local photographers? 

    This is a tough one!  I honestly just try and focus on me and my business and not worry about what local photographers are doing.  I strive to be true to myself because I think if you are doing what you love it will show in your work and your determination to succeed.

    What do you think your next photography related investment will be? 

    My next planned purchase is a macbook.  I need something for when I travel to respond to clients and inquiries. Typing on an iPad is no fun!

    If you had to recommend ONE thing that a photographer needs in their camera bag what would that be? 

    Well besides the obvious camera and lens.  Definitely wipes/tissue. I can’t tell how much I used it this past fall during family sessions.

    What would you say your biggest muse is? 

    Hands down my son.  He makes me want to be a better photographer and he allows me to grow as a photographer by being my constant subject.


    Fun stuff:


    Favorite Color: Green

    Favorite Season: Fall

    Biggest Guilty Pleasure: Rum Nougat from See’s Candies. 🙂

    Pet Peeve:  Passive Aggressiveness

    Favorite Pandora Station: Classic Rock

    Studio or On location: Both!

    What did you want to be when you grew up? I really wanted to be a Doctor.

    One thing no one knows about you is:  I’m really a shy girl stuck inside an outgoing girl’s body.

    Pc or Mac: Mac

    Lightroom Or Photoshop: Photoshop

    Film or Digital: Digital

    Props or No Props:  Both! I’m a true Gemini and have two sides to me for sure. One side likes pure and simple and the other likes to add in tasteful props when appropriate.   Variety in my life is  a good thing.

    If you could travel anywhere it would be: Italy.  I’ll be heading there next year with my sister for my 40th bday!

    Glass Half Empty or Half Full: Half full. Always be thankful for what you have.

    Favorite photo ever taken: 

    The aviator image of my son.  It captured him at that age so perfectly.

    Raw or Jpeg: RAW

    Favorite Music to Edit to:  Party music… think LMFAO

    Favorite Quote: Currently it’s “Dreams don’t work unless you do.”  It’s my motto for 2013.  

    Most valued material possession: My wedding ring.

    Processing Style: Minimal and Clean but sometimes with a bit of haze. 🙂

    Coffee or Tea:  Coffee

    If you could photograph a Celebrity who would it be? Ohhh…maybe Bradley Cooper.

    What kind of Camera bag do you rock?  My Clickin’ Moms Ketti of course! Love that bag.

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