Inspired, A Very Special Project | Celeste Jones Photography

    I am so excited to show off Celeste here today. Her work really resonates with me in such a strong and overwhelmingly amazing way. Her processing is so fresh and her black and white images are just striking and poignant.  Not only are her photos beautiful but the images she shares of her daughter especially just captivate me. It is like seeing a bit of her soul in each and every photograph.  Since her images surely speak for themselves I am going to jump right in.

    You can find Celeste on Facebook HERE. You can find her website HERE. And please be sure to check her out on Instagram at:  (Her instagram images are stunning!)

    Hi Sweet Celeste!

    Lets get to know you! How would you describe yourself in three sentences?

    I’m a wife and mother. I’m an introvert. I’m a photographer. <3 >> *What sparked your passion for Photography?
    I’ve always loved taking pictures. I remember picking up a magazine for scrapbooking and that particular edition was dedicated to photography. I looked at the images and was able to recognize that my images were lacking. However, it wasn’t until I lost my father that I turned to photography more seriously. I started reading about exposure and did a lot of shooting. I found my new found love of photography to be therapeutic.

    Whats in your camera bag?

    D700 and 50 mm.
    The 85mm stays on my camera.:)

    What Camera/Equipment did you start out with?

    Pentax k2000 with a kit lens.

    If you could only use one lens an entire session which one would you choose and why?

    I would use my 85mm. I like to get up close without distortion and I love the bokeh that I get with it.

    What advice would go give to someone just beginning in photography and hoping to have a business of their own?

    I would say to shoot what you love and you will find people who will gravitate to that. You don’t have to do what your neighbor is doing to be successful. I have to remind myself of that too.

    What was your first official Photographer crush if you had one?

    Gordon Parks for his honest documentary style of shooting.

    What kind of photos do you like to take for just yourself when not working with clients?

    I don’t do a lot of client work. I love to photograph my daughter and I really like the challenges and rewards of street photography.

    If you could photograph absolutely anyone who would it be dead or alive?

    My dad. I miss him and he had a beautiful spirit and smile.

    Describe your style in 3 words.

    Moody, soulful, honest.

    Most embarrassing moment on a session would be?

    When I forgot my memory card. Now I obsess about it.

    Any challenges you have had to overcome to be where you are today?

    I’ve always been afraid to show my work b/c I was afraid that people wouldn’t like it and that would be a reflection of how they feel about me. I will say that I’m blessed to have the people that I have in my life to encourage me and support me. They help me feel okay about being who I am.

    Favorite time of day to shoot is?


    If you had to stop taking photos right now, what would you do instead?

    I would draw and write.

    Have you attended college or had any formal education in Photography?

    No, I’m self-taught, I’ve learned a lot from ClickinMom’s forum, and I took a workshop on there this past Fall.

    What do you do to get your clients to relax with you?

    Oh wow, I just go into a session and give them me. We chat, I joke with them and laugh at myself, but that’s who I am. I don’t place a lot of expectations on them. I just want to document them, not have them be someone else. Once they get that they are okay and they relax.

    What are your photography related goals for 2013?

    I would like to do commercial work.

    How do you push yourself to keep growing and learning?

    I challenge myself to do different things. I’ll shoot something from a different perspective. I even shoot things that make me feel uncomfortable. I take workshops and shoot shoot shoot. Oh, and portfolio critiques. Get them they help you see things differently.

    Any Big Aha! Moments?

    My big “aha” moment I guess would be the day I decided to stop being someone else and started doing what makes me happy. I realized that it’s okay to be me and I’ve actually found people who like it.

    Biggest Photography related insecurity?

    Not taking a chance for fear of failure.

    Digital or Prints?


    How do you set yourself apart from other local photographers?

    I do look at other local photographers and appreciate them for who they are and what they do, but they can’t be Celeste, so I still have that, and that sets me apart from the rest.

    What do you think your next photography related investment will be?

    Oh gosh…I really, really want the 135mm 2.0.:)

    If you had to recommend  ONE thing that a photographer needs in their camera bag what would that be?

    If they are a digital photographer, their cards. I’m for real! If they are film photographer, extra film.

    What would you say your biggest muse is?

    My daughter hands down. People recognize her before they know who I am.

    Fun stuff:

    Favorite Color: Purple…all shades of it.
    Favorite Season: Fall
    Biggest Guilty Pleasure: Jelly Belly jelly beans
    Pet Peeve: Constant complainers
    Favorite Pandora Station: Neo-Soul.
    Studio or On location: On location
    What did you want to be when you grew up? A psychologist

    One thing no one knows about you is:
    I can’t tell y’all that! I’m just kidding. I don’t write with red pens or pencils.
    Pc or Mac: Pc
    Lightroom Or Photoshop: Photoshop
    Film or Digital: Both
    Props or No Props: No props
    If you could travel anywhere it would be: I love traveling and road trips, so anywhere.
    Glass Half Empty or Half Full: Half Full
    Favorite photo ever taken: I would say one that I took of my daughter with recycled 3D glasses. I love how they are crooked, her eye contact, and her fingers in her mouth. So imperfect yet perfect to me.

    Raw or Jpeg: Raw
    Favorite Music to Edit to: It depends on the session.
     Favorite Quote: “Follow your heart and your dreams will come true.” Anonymous

    Most valued material possession: I have a few things. They are all letters. Love letters from my hubby when we started dating in high school. Letters from my father to me and one to my daughter. And…a letter from my daughter thanking me and her father for giving her life.

    Processing Style:*Rich clean colors and moody black and whites
    Coffee or Tea:* Coffee
    If you could photograph a Celebrity who would it be?* Nia Long, she has this inner glow. Gorgeous.
    What kind of Camera bag do you rock?* An Epiphanie Lyric bag.

    One of Celeste’s Very First Images:

    28 Lovely Comments  •  Leave a Comment for Sarah

    28 Beautiful Souls Commented

    1. SO HAPPY to see Celeste featured. Awesome and I am in love with her black and white photos too. So moving and beautiful.

    2. Dee says:

      Love the interview and Celests’ personal style…Her photos really create a story and draws the viewer in..thanks for sharing.

    3. Sophie says:

      What an amazing artist! I am thoroughly enjoying your inspired series Sarah and it is so encouraging for those of us starting out xxx

    4. Gracie says:

      Just became a new fan! she really knows how to capture emotion! WOW!!!

    5. Sarah Mazza says:

      Celeste….I just adore you. There’s so much more to you than meets the eye, my friend! And now I know we have even more in common. 😉 Your work is simply gorgeous, and your daughter is amazing. Mwah!

    6. Danielle Barnett says:

      I never tire of looking at Celeste’s images. They are soulful and real and I looooooove them. Her black and whites are simply gorgeous. Thank you, Celeste, for sharing a bit of yourself with us and for sharing your beautiful work. <3 And thank you, Sarah, for an awesome interview.

    7. Coley says:

      LOVE this Celeste. Your work in nothing short of inspiring. Thank you for giving us a peek in to the history of your work!

    8. Loved reading about you because you simply are a beautiful photographer person inside and out!!! <3

    9. Kristen says:

      Celeste~ I love you and your work!! <3 You inspire me.

    10. Loved reading this. Celeste is so talented and an amazing woman too.

    11. Amy Lucy says:

      Awesome interview! I am a huge fan of Celeste’s!

    12. Erica Farwell says:

      Great interview Celeste! Loved reading more about you. You & C are both so beautiful! <3

    13. Carolyn says:

      Great interview!!

    14. Loved reading mroe about you Celeste and l always enjoy the opportunity to look through your images. Inspiring!

    15. Megan Dill says:

      Great interview, Celeste! I am such a fan <3 <3

    16. Alex Rickard says:

      These pictures are inspirational, so excited to see you on here Celeste! xxxxxx

    17. Sabra says:

      Celeste is the perfect choice for your Inspired project! She keeps it real, her photography is perfection, and yes–she inspires me. Thanks, Sarah, for highlighting this amazing photographer!

    18. Kat says:

      Celeste, you are one of my favorite people because you constantly remind me that it is ok to be me..and Gordon Parks is one of my favorites too, and his book “The Learning Tree” is one of my favorite books.

    19. amy grace says:

      celeste has an honesty and grace about her. the connection she has with that gorgeous girl of hers is powerful, and says everything we need to know about her heart. i am always in awe.

    20. Jenn Jones says:

      Loved the interview Celeste! You’re amazing, friend!

    21. I love the heart of Celeste. She is so real, so without any pretense. She is just open, honest and full of love. BUT she is also an amazing artist who I love and admire.

    22. CarmenM says:

      Stunning! New fan here 🙂 Love the name too, it’s my middle name. Thank you for sharing. I love finding new photographers to follow!

    23. Carol Davis says:

      I loved this! I love what Celeste had to say about showing your work to other people. I can empathize.

    24. Celeste is an inspirational artist and woman. And she has a wicked sense of humor! Her photography connects every viewer which is a rare gift. Fantastic interview, Sarah!

    25. Anne says:

      I love Celeste for so many reasons, but one of my favorite reasons is because she is so genuine and honest, and it is so evident when you look at her work. I loved reading her interview and seeing her photos, especially this gorgeous self portrait that I hadn’t seen yet. Celeste is beautiful, inside and out! <3

    26. Nina says:

      I love seeing your gorgeous work all in one place. Great interview. 🙂

    27. Dana Foley says:

      Love this Celeste & Sarah!

    28. Jen Jentz says:

      Holy wow – I LOVED reading about Celeste!! She is ridiculously talented and wildly entertaining. And her B&W’s are beyond out of control! Major crush, here. <3 <3 <3

    Leave a Reply to Megan Dill


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