Inspired, A Very Special Project | Jen Cooke Photography

    So these projects have been somewhat on halt due to some frustrating technical difficulties but I have managed to recover quite a few of the emails macmail seemed to want to eat so I am going to be playing a huge game of catch up fairly soon! There are SO many photographers left to feature this year. I am also already lining up so many talented photographers for next year. I am also always open to suggestions so if their is a Photographer you would love to see featured please feel free to email me, comment below or use the blog contact form to make a suggestion. I am not taking self nominations at this time but if you would love to put a name in the hat I would love to hear it.


    This talented photographer is a very special lady. She heads up beautiful charities and fund raisers for special causes (some I have been honored to participate in.) She is also incredibly gifted and produces some absolutely stunning images. Her passion is just evident in her body of work. I am very excited to get her in this project!!

    Meet Jen Cooke. You can find her Facebook HERE. Her Website HERE and she also now carries a gorgeous line of handbags you can find HERE. She also has a fan page for that as well HERE.

    Lets get to know you! How would you describe yourself in three sentences?

    I think I’m a very driven and passionate person. I can also be very quiet. I like to sit back, listen and observe.

    What sparked your passion for Photography?

    I’ve always had an interest in photography but the birth of my daughter definitely sparked my passion. That was when I decided to buy my first dslr.

    Whats in your camera bag?

    Canon 5D Mark II, 85L 1.2, 50 1.4, 100 macro 2.8, and 24-70L 2.8

    What Camera/Equipment did you start out with?

    Canon Rebel

    If you could only use one lens an entire session which one would you choose and why?

    85L 1.2 Love it πŸ™‚

    What advice would go give to someone just beginning in photography and hoping to have a business of their own?

    Don’t burn yourself in the beginning trying to be busy by doing sessions for cheap. Take time to learn all you can and develop your style.

    What was your first official Photographer crush if you had one?

    Baby As Art – I had a chance this past summer to take in one of Carrie and Britts workshops and it was amazing. Learned so much in those 2 days.

    What kind of photos do you like to take for just yourself when not working with clients?

    I love packing my kids up on a whim and finding some old path or bridge and just letting them interact with each other. Those are my favourite kind of photo’s.

    If you could photograph absolutely anyone who would it be dead or alive?

    I’d love to photograph my Grandma who has passed on. I’d love to have more photo’s of her.

    Describe your style in 3 words.

    Candid, Simple and Fun


    Most embarrassing moment on a session would be?

    Oh my! Do you really want to know? lol I was in the middle of a newborn session and I went to squat down beside the baby and my pants split right in the back. Thank goodness I always bring a change of cloths to my newborn sessions!

    Any challenges you have had to overcome to be where you are today?

    I think the biggest struggle is balancing work time and everyday life. I’m usually up late editing photo’s.

    Favorite time of day to shoot is?

    My favourite time to shoot is in the evening, the golden hour πŸ™‚

    If you had to stop taking photos right now, what would you do instead?

    other than staying at home with my kids, or designing handbags I’d probably still be in the insurance industry.

    Have you attended college or had any formal education in Photography?


    What do you do to get your clients to relax with you?

    I usually just talk to them, ask them questions, talk to their kids, get them to play games or just be silly.

    What are your photography related goals for 2012?

    My goals for 2012 are to get in more newborn sessions.

    How do you push yourself to keep growing and learning? Any Big Aha! Moments?

    After each session there are usually a few things I wish I would have tried or done differently. So, I usually try to apply those to my next session. It can be something as simple as bringing goofy glasses to get a different reaction from kids or trying out a different location.

    Digital or Prints?


    How do you set yourself apart from other local photographers?

    I try not to compare myself to other local photographers. I’m just focusing on my goals and pursuing what I love. I hope that will set me apart from others.

    What do you think your next photography related investment will be?

    hmmm, maybe the Mark III? πŸ™‚

    If you had to recommend ONE thing that a photographer needs in their camera bag what would that be?

    If you’re photographing newborns I’d recommend some extra clothing. You never know when you could get peed on… or split your pants! lol

    What would you say your biggest muse is?

    my children πŸ™‚

    Fun stuff:

    Favorite Color: blue
    Biggest Guilty Pleasure: toffifee
    Pet Peeve: when people litter. there’s no need for it.
    Studio or On location: on location but hopefully studio one day!
    What did you want to be when you grew up? country music singer!
    One thing no one knows about you is: my toes are almost always curled over each other. i don’t even know i do it but it drives my husband crazy! he’s forever straightening them out.
    Pc or Mac: mac
    Lightroom Or Photoshop: both
    Film or Digital: digtital
    Props or No Props: minimal props
    If you could travel anywhere it would be: i’m not so much about where… more about with who. i could go to the most beautiful place but if you aren’t with the people you want to be with it’s not going to be any fun.
    Glass Half Empty or Half Full: full
    Favorite photo ever taken: this is hard. i have so many this year of my kids that i love. i love this photo because it’s so simple, candid and fun. i can see this photo being on my wall even when my kids are grown up and moved out.

    Raw or Jpeg: raw
    Favorite Music to Edit to: sarah mclachlan, chris isaac, carly rae jepson, brad paisley… quite a wide variety. lol
    Favorite Quote:Β 
    Most valued material possession: my camera (of course) and my ball glove.Β 
    Processing Style: clean
    Coffee or Tea: tea
    If you could photograph a Celebrity who would it be?Β 
    What kind of Camera bag do you rock? i am rocking my own camera bag and loving it! Jen Cooke Handbags


    1 Lovely Comments  •  Leave a Comment for Sarah

    One Beautiful Soul Commented

    1. Elizabeth says:

      Wowzers you picked an amazing photographer!! We can’t wait to have kids so she can photograph them!! I really enjoyed reading this! Thanks for sharing Jen!!

    Leave a Reply to Elizabeth


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