Letters to My Daughters | Dearest Sophie

    Yet another crazy month. I have been a bit under the weather with cold and flu season here. Not all rough though as we finally got a new home! Yay! Finally a house for the littles. I will def be sharing a ton of photos from that soon! Our official move in date is this Friday! Anyhow I was worried I wouldn’t be able to get this post up this month but we did another commercial shoot recently with My Little Jules and I had a ton of photos of Sophia from that I knew would work perfectly. 🙂

    And please be sure to follow on to Amy Lockheart of Amy Lucy Photography HERE for her amazing letter and photos.

    Here it goes:

    Dearest Sophia,

    I have been watching you just a little bit closer these days.   I want to remember absolutely everything about your spunky, sweet three year old self.  I just wanted to write you a letter this month of the few things I love about you (there are way to many to put here.)  How amazingly well you talk. Your incredible sense of humor and the fact that you seem to run your siblings and okay your parents too at times. You have a bit of an old soul.  You love to dance, and run and jump and play and sing.  I love to dance, and run and jump and play and sing with you! I have no way of knowing if you are indeed the last of our children. Some days I am sure of it and some days I wonder what it would be like to have just one more baby. I after all can not imagine in anyway not having any one of you.  I do know that I wish I could keep you little.  That I could make time slip by just a little bit slower.  That I could savor this stage you are in just a bit longer.    You just seem to be a little bit older every day.  You have the most unruly hair of head. These gorgeous, glorious yellow bouncy curls.  When you sleep I like to take them between my fingers and twirl your curly qs and tug them softly so they bounce.  Your sister Lillian had curly qs just like yours when she was a toddler and as she grow they slowly grew looser and looser. Now she has the most glorious thick, shiny wavy head of hair though so I know regardless you will have the most amazing head of hair.  And here I am discussing your hair when there is so much I really want to say to you. But honestly its just one of the million things I love about you. I love your giggle. The sound of your laughter. It truly is infectious. I love that you make up your own jokes and then laugh at them and then when we laugh at them you tell them over and over again.  I love your imaginary “friends” you always talk about.   I secretly love the fact that you are still sleeping bed with mommy and daddy. Sure bedtime can be tough. You get your stubbornness from mommy. I say it’s daddy. But it is really me. And I don’t know if that is the best quality of course but I love that you know what you want and you won’t give up until it is yours. I know if anyone will ever pursue their dreams and obtain all they want in life girly it will be you.  But yes, bedtime can be a struggle. But when you are finally sleeping soundly and it does eventually happen I love to watch you. I love the way your little chest moves up and down and your little cheeks are kind of puffed out in that round baby faced goodness I love so much and I love how warm and sweaty you get. And I love that you always find your way next to me. I always wake up with you cuddled perfectly into me.  No matter where in the bed you fall asleep you always find me.

    You are quite an explorer. You have the most curious nature and the most beautiful spirit.  You now know how to say grace at dinnertime. Your little voice reciting prayers and thanks and your little eyes squeezed shut tight with your fingers folders, its almost too much. You are also quite a little Picasso these days. Yes. You love to draw on EVERYTHING. Sometimes we love that. Magic erasers have become a staple in our household.  Yes mommy has to scold you at times (it breaks my heart) but I love your creativity and your artistic soul. I wonder if you will take a passion in photography like your mama. I remember having very similar beginnings.

    Most of all Sophie I love that you love to be hugged. You love to be cuddled and sang to. You are affectionate and sweet too. You are just a little enigma.  We are blessed indeed.

    So Sophia know that you are loved. Every year I don’t think it could get better with you and your siblings and every year my heart fills to bursting and I love you more and more.

    Love ever so much,


    8 Lovely Comments  •  Leave a Comment for Sarah

    8 Beautiful Souls Commented

    1. Bonnie Hussey says:

      She is such a gorgeous little lady. You can tell just from your pictures that she has such a fun spirit.

    2. julia says:

      You are one crazy talented mama!! Love these images of your sweet Sophia and, as always, your wonderful words make me feel like I know her. I love three…it’s the best age in the universe, and I miss it so much. Cherish this perfect age!! <3

    3. Rashmi says:

      That hair! Those cheeks! Oh my goodness.. what a beautiful beautiful child Sophia is.. I love the way you love her Sarah. <3
      PS : Those outfits are super cute! Maybe i can bribe my 6 year old to wear one!

    4. Melonie says:

      She is gorgeous and so is this post:)

    5. Ah! She is such a beautiful child! Your images are just amazing. I love how you share your thoughts about Sophia — so many wonderful little memories in your letter. She is growing up; I can see it in her face. She looks so much like you, Sarah! xoxo

    6. Kirsty says:

      Sarah, I see so much of what I know of you in her – she is just adorable and I love your outpouring of love and your sharing of her with us – thank you sweetie x

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