M4H P52 “Me” Eye Candy

    This week I have had a wonderful time going through the gallery and getting to see all your fantastic interpretations of the “Me” theme. You all came up with some amazing ideas! I also loved to see so many of you get in front of the camera!! I admit this is going to be a VERY full post but I really wanted to feature as many as possible because its a breath of fresh air to really see all of you after getting to know you all so well from your submissions every week!

    With no further ado here is our winner:
    I have to add this photo and the honesty in the caption just really got me. SO amazing. Thank you for being so open and raw with us all!

    By: cvilleshutterbug

    I Am Superman

    I Am Superman

    Sometimes it feels like someone needs to save me from all that hurts me. I’ve given so much of myself to other people for so long that it sometimes feels like there isn’t much left. The biggest, if not the main reason, I entered the field of EMS was how used to the stress I was. I was always expecting some disaster to happen in my life and it drove me crazy all the time. When I do this work it feels better. It feels like I’ve found the proper application for all the things I’ve been programed to do. There’s still so much of my life that bothers me though, and I wish there was a number to dial to rescue me from that.

    And lots and lots of eye candy:

    By: Meg.M.Thomas

    29/52 "me"

    29/52 “me”

    Everyone always tells me she’s my “mini me”. I think she looks just like her father. It’s moments like this that I can turn around and think, that is myself at age 7. She loves to beach comb, swim and spend time with her Mom. She is the best part of me.

    By: senoni81

    WEEK 29 {ME}

    WEEK 29 {ME}

    It’s funny because you would think such a simple theme would be easy, but I really didn’t want to do another self portrait because I have done a few already;)
    So I asked my friends: “If you could describe me in one word what would it be?” I got a lot of really sweet comments and very flattering words that made my day. BUT one stood out to me and that was the word “Fighter”. First of all I love peace but I love to fight in a disciplined setting. I have been lucky to learn a little Krav Maga. I love knowing how to defend myself and I love the confidence it gives me.
    Secondly my life, while blessed, has also been paved with trials just like anyone else. I have had to fight hard through difficult times and with each battle I come out stronger and stronger. I am grateful for my blessings but I am also grateful for my trials for helping me build my spiritual muscle.
    Sorry for the long description;)
    This is me…. a fighter, a defender, a warrior for truth. I am ok with that description;)

    By: magova

    M4H "me" 29/52

    M4H “me” 29/52

    My Four Hens Project 52 29/52

    By: jules1836

    self portrait 2

    self portrait 2

    Ok, so I realize this is cheating a little bit for a self portrait, but I was testing my settings when I took this and I kind of like it – and it expresses “me” better than the actual shot. But I did put the actual shot in my feed if you want to see it!

    By: Rebecca Leimbach Photography

    M4H - Week 29 - Me

    M4H – Week 29 – Me

    This is me, in all my glory.

    By: courtneyleigh823

    29/52: Me

    29/52: Me

    There are many things that help define who I am as a person, but being a mother and a wife are the most important components to being me. (Plus, I sooo did not want to take a self portrait! )

    By: Justine B7

    29/52 Me

    29/52 Me

    I am a daughter, a wife, a mother and……. a high school teacher. Teaching is so much a part of ‘me’ that it is impossible to say it does play a part in defining ‘me’. The view from my desk; year 12’s studying Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet’. These students only have another 4 months before they graduate and begin their journey of discovering what the world has waiting for them. I take pride in the fact that many of them take what we have learnt in the classroom with them into their future; and hence, take a part of ‘me’.

    By: mbravebird



    Peeking through (just saw the rattlesnake!)

    By: Rebecca Humes Photography

    Week 29: Me

    Week 29: Me

    I was trying to write about me and had a total writers block. I had a couple of words wrote and decided to take a break. My daughter read what I had wrote and asked if she could write something, this is what I found:
    Playmate, Wrestle buddy, Beautician, Workout buddy, Cook, Artist, Running buddy, House keeper, Taxi driver, Nature detective, Homework checker, Story teller, Picture taker, Listening ear, Nurse, Friend, Counselor, Shoulder to cry on. That’s my mom. No matter what she’s always there for me. I know I can talk to her or tell her anything. She’s a really amazing person. And I couldn’t have asked for anyone better to raise me. She has so much on her plate but she still makes time for me and my brother. We are so grateful to have her as our mom. She always knows what to say and how to make a situation better. No one word can describe her. Nothing. And I can tell by the way she laughs and smiles when she plays, wrestles, watches movies, or even just talks with me and my brother, she’s just as grateful for us as we are for her. She’s the most important person in the world to me and I wouldn’t be here without her. I love you mommy.
    –Sadie As for the picture, I am a gymnastics teacher which makes me able to play with my kids differently than some, “I throw kids for a living” is how i often describe my job. My 12 year old son is almost my size and I can hold my own when he wants a wrestle buddy, as shown here:)

    By: Linsey Wilt Photography



    week 29

    Me and my Ella. When Erik and I talk about the kids personalities, without fail we always conclude that miss Ella couldn’t be more like me. She is quirky, crazy, silly, and a little bit of a spitfire… I completely own that she gets it from me.


    By: Sonnie Leigh

    29/52 Me

    29/52 Me

    Me. Way out of my comfort zone. I like to stay behind the camera 🙂

    By: Sarah Hayes Photography

    project 29/52 {me}

    project 29/52 {me}

    I really wanted to try and do a “selfie” this week, but we just got home from vacation on Saturday and I have been exhausted! We vacationed where my husband and I grew up. It was so amazing to see our little ones enjoying all of the things that we did as children. As my daughter picked wildflowers in the same spots I did I felt as if i was looking at a little “me”.

    By: ItsStillLifePhotography



    Who am I? Am I what I do? Am I how I spend my time? What defines me? Is it what or who I love? Is it what I devote my heart to? Is it who I think I am or who I want to be?

    Ultimately who I am is not dependent upon those things, but I am who God created me to be. I am His child. And being the child of the King of kings makes me a “princess”. 🙂

    Casting Crowns says it well, “Not because of what I’ve done. But because of who You are… I am Yours.”

    By: Mandy Mortimer

    29/52 Me

    29/52 Me

    A (short) summary of me shown by books. 🙂

    Baker, cook, South African, love to laugh (and I’m told my laugh is infectious), crime fiction reader and watcher, pc game player, (professional) video editor and photo fanatic.

    By: Simply Jamie



    I always dreamed of living on a farm when I was a little girl….dreams do come true.

    By: cmichael1

    m4h 29/52 Me

    m4h 29/52 Me

    I remember the day this photo was taken…..they couldn’t get me to smile for anything!!! Well, today was different…..thanks to my son who snapped this one and got me smile at the same time!

    By: sherrily16

    29/52 Me

    29/52 Me

    This empty nest can tell you more about me at this point in my life than any self-portrait could do. I think that as mothers, we often set our own wants (and often needs) aside to offer our children the very best we can give them. Suddenly (and I do mean suddenly,) they’re gone, and we’re left trying to fill that empty nest.

    By: shannongill

    Week 29 - Me

    Week 29 – Me

    They say that the eyes are the window to the soul. Can you see me?
    I’m a mother, I’m a wife, I’m a pianist, I’m a photographer, I am passionate, I’m a believer, I am many things. But more importantly than all these “things”…….I AM!!!!

    By: mariamaria27

    29/52 - Me

    29/52 – Me

    First and foremost: I am an artist.

    By: hellolivj

    M4H 29/52 :: Me

    M4H 29/52 :: Me

    With all of the creative fields I work in and have passion for including photography, graphic design, web design, illustration, and fine art, I draw the most inspiration and feel the most “me” in nature. From color palettes, to lines and curves, textures, balance and chaos, to simply breathing in the fresh air to clear my mind, it all inspires me, gives me joy, and fills me with peace. I’m also really happy it’s the weekend. 😉

    Processed with M4H actions Matty, Filmy, and Swiper B/W from Fancy Free.

    By: miss melaniez Three Turtles Photography

    Me- Lover of Sunflowers

    Me- Lover of Sunflowers

    By: CJ,MJ&AddiesMummy (Katie)

    Week 29 ~ Me

    Week 29 ~ Me

    This is me, just me. No make-up, hair not done, unedited etc. Just plain me. I took more than 100 pictures this week but nothing filled my expectations of the theme so I got a lil more creative (got told off by my children for writing on my face though lol)

    These are the things I want to be as often as I can.

    Sometimes I have to be “Bad Mummy” and I hate that but it’s how kids learn right?
    Confidence is a huge thing for me, I wish I could say I feel it at least once a day but that’d be a lie.
    I do work hard at whatever I do which is currently a SAHM.
    I want to be happy but all those other emotions get in the way sometimes.
    I want to be more patient.
    I want to make more friends locally.
    I want to be carefree but in such a worrying world that is hard most days.
    The one thing I am day in and day out, from start to finish is LOVED by my husband and my children!

    By: Photos By Jes

    29/52 - Me

    29/52 – Me

    My life in rings.

    A turquiose ring my dad bought me when I was 6.
    A silver name ring I got at a street fair.
    My high school class ring.
    My engagement ring.
    My grandmother’s wedding ring.

    © All rights reserved. Use without permission is illegal.

    By: Sheryl Salisbury

    29/52 Me

    29/52 Me

    I think taking a picture of myself is one of the hardest things to do. I don’t like being on the other side of the camera at all. I’m my harshest critic! For this “me” theme, I could have taken a picture of something that tells about me instead of this self-portrait but taking a picture of myself helps me to relate with my clients more. lol I’m still glad it’s over.

    By: pigqueen

    Me 29/52

    Me 29/52

    I was playing with lighting a couple months ago and doing some self portraits. I kinda liked this one out of the bunch. Subtle profile with an emphasis on the curls. I love me some curls! :o)

    By: leanaearley



    I am a stay-at-home mom so I am almost always wearing pajamas, comfy clothes, or exercise clothes with no make-up. I decided to brave the self portrait in all my glory anyway 😉 My goals are almost always the same with the most important daily goal being “stay sane!” 🙂

    By: lindy*pfaff



    Self portraits are always the hardest. I opted for setting the self timer, laying it on the ground and we all leaned over. We had just rolled out of bed and gotten dressed. This is in no way a technical photo but sometimes those are my favs. My daughter leaned in a little to close to the lens, my sons head is chopped and my hair is doing something crazy but this is us! Just a crazy Friday morning.

    By: Jill Montes Photography (do11face)

    M4H project 52 ~ week 29 (me)

    M4H project 52 ~ week 29 (me)

    Just me with my morning coffee and very badly freshly painted nails. You can clearly see I am left handed due to how poorly the left hand’s polish is, lol.
    mary janes
    peter pan collars

    By: Annie.Mo



    I too often take the classic childhood photos that prompt people to tell me I missed my calling as a photographer. What they don’t understand is that I AM a photographer and I have the best client in the world “ME”. So I often wonder why I don’t spend more time shooting what I love rather than what appeals to others.

    By: Lifeexpressionsphotography

    M4H Week 29/ ME

    M4H Week 29/ ME

    OK, this probably only counts as half of a self portrait, but this is me-a blue jean, shoe loving girl who has had to embrace her shortness and accept that rolling up or shorting pants, even petites, is a way of life, that when I don’t wear heels, I have to ask for help at the grocery store to reach things on the top shelf, my age is often mistaken and when I find an awesome pair of shoes in my size-to seize the opportunity. In this incredibly small package is a wife, a mother, a daughter, a photographer, a reader, a environmentalist, a employee, a teacher, a cook and many more. This is ME!

    By: Kristy Mulvihill Photography

    Week 29 - Me

    Week 29 – Me

    This is me – forever being pulled in different directions by my two littlies, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

    And I cannot believe that they both helped me with this pic, we did the whole tripod and timer thing and even my 2yo didn’t run off 🙂 Love my kids!!

    By: Janine M. Benedict



    week 29 theme: me

    thank you Lord for the opportunity

    I leave for my first mission trip to Iquitos Peru in 28 hours

    By: diana.A

    29- Me

    29- Me

    my work & my hobbies, my faith & my family, my country & my culture… that’s me!
    I read somewhere that ‘God’s ultimate goal for your life on earth is not comfort, but character development.’ To have the courage to become all that I am, completely & fearlessly would be the biggest accomplishment of all…
    “Our entire life consists ultimately in accepting ourselves as we are.”
    ~ Jean Anouilh

    By: Elizabeth Hardwick

    29/52 Me

    29/52 Me

    Self-portrait. This is ME – I am holding a photo of ME. I am a mother of 3 fabulous kiddos, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a sister in law, a friend, a woman and a believer. I am teaching myself PHOTOGRAPHY. I am sincere, passionate (vocal), I love laughter, I might never grow up. I don’t have many photos of me as a child. A neighbour took this when I was eleven, he developed it (himself) and he gave it to me. It’s MINE. This image kind of symbolises my LIFE so far … I am my “parents” back then … and (at eleven) I am “my children” now. Set up on my tripod – Josh clicked the shutter. 🙂

    By: sunshine.photography


    A daughter, a sister, a wife, a mum… It’s all these things and the people in my life that mould the person I am.

    I’m so blessed to have them in my life x

    By: mrs.diath

    【29/52】Theme: Me

    【29/52】Theme: Me

    … and the things I always have ‘on’ me 🙂

    By: Melissa Jacks



    When I am going through anything in my life that is full of extreme emotion…happy, sad, overwhelm, anger, joy…I am always inspired to do a self portrait. I love looking back and remembering the moment, and remembering the growth that it brought me. It’s been a really tough week for me. So much to figure out and desperately trying to understand the whys of it all. I hope to look back on this picture of “me” one day and remember what I learned and have a clear view of why it had to happen.

    By: Shawna Lyn Photography

    Project 52: Week 29 {Me}

    Project 52: Week 29 {Me}

    A self portrait probably would have been a good choice for this theme……but that is totally not me. Hanging out with my family, picking blueberries and taking my camera along most of the time…..that, is me!

    By: Alana Harris Photography

    29/52 - Me

    29/52 – Me

    This shot was taken by my 3 and a half year old, just playing around this week (she was surrounded by pillows, just in case she dropped the camera!). The photograph captures me pretty well, in jeans and a tank, and, of course, a baseball hat.

    By: fergusonsfhotos

    2952 Me

    2952 Me

    Moving to a new town, starting over…it’s harder than I thought. The problems I have are good ones to have, and I know there are worse things to deal with…but I’m having a pity party right now. So, I needed some me time. A picture that would make me happy to take, to smile when I looked at it. Here it is, some wheat on the side of the road at sunset. It makes me happy, at least.

    By: laura★su

    29/52 'Me'

    29/52 ‘Me’

    I saw some double exposure work by Dan Mountford and was totally blown away, and I knew it was perfect for depicting me.
    I’ve been feeling like I’m not quite here, like there’s something missing. I don’t know how that can be, my life on paper is perfect. But I am filled with insecurities and self doubt. Some days are good, others not so much. But tomorrow is another day, and as my beautiful 4-yr-old sings in her ethereal voice, ‘Don’t worry about a thing- because every little thing is going to be alright’. How can anyone argue with that?

    (Explored Jul 21, #137)

    By: Racheal Trahan

    {week 29} "Me"

    {week 29} “Me”

    My attempt at a self-portrait….

    By: elizah1014

    M4H ~ Week 29 ~ Me

    M4H ~ Week 29 ~ Me

    This is me. I’ve been having a hard time lately. I’m searching for a new job and it’s disheartening. Sometimes it’s hard to keep the faith when you keep getting rejection after rejection. I MUST believe that God has a plan for me and I will know in due time…but it’s very hard. My husband says I look better when I smile and he doesn’t really like this picture of me, but it was a tearful day and I didn’t want to be late with another entry. This is me….honest, emotional, vulnerable, scared, tired, trying, faithful, hopeful, persistent….this is me, all of me.

    By: heatherstockett



    Wife to Adam, stay at home mom to 3 little boys, daughter to the best parents in the world, and an always learning photographer. I am also really good at giving kisses to my sweet Bennie boo, my mini me and lap baby.

    M4H: Me

    By: millsfotograffi



    Love my yoga practice and how I feel after as opposed to when I begin. I am so blessed to have an amazing teacher. I have learned so much from her – most importantly an increase in self acceptance and enjoy the journey.

    By: Wendy Rakvica Photography

    29/52 me

    29/52 me

    im sure you are all feeling me when you look at this image. this is where i spend WAY too much time. but i am addicted to learning everything i can and to be better than i was yesterday. i love editing almost more than shooting sometimes. its like a canvas that you can create different everytime. i am a photographer and this is me 🙂

    3 Lovely Comments  •  Leave a Comment for Sarah

    3 Beautiful Souls Commented

    1. Love all of these Sarah. Thanks for challenge!

    2. Amanda Ross says:

      These are all stunning. I have come to the end of the page with tears down my face. What beautiful photos and such amazing stories.

    3. Heather says:

      Oh my goodness, I loved ALL of these! I wish I could comment on every one (although they may all say “I LOVE THIS”!)!! Great job to every one of you!

    Leave a Reply to Melissa Jacks


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