Inspired, A Very Special Project | Julia Stotlar Photography

    I am SO excited about this edition of Inspired! Julia is not only an amazingly talented photographer but a beautiful soul and a wonderful person. I have had the pleasure of becoming friends with this special lady as we are both involved in another special project called Letter’s To Our Daughters and it is such an incredible honor to be able to bring here and show her off! Her work is nostalgic, beautiful and authentic. She has such an amazing eye for light and her processing is dreamy!! I can’t wait to get started so let’s do that!!

    You Can find her Website HERE, Blog HERE and her Facebook Page HERE. She also has an inspiration portrait site HERE.

    Hi Julia!!

    Lets get to know you! How would you describe yourself in three sentences?

    I am a mom to 3 charismatic and wonderful kids, and love coming from a very close-knit family. An eternal optimist, I am passionate, sensitive, quirky, and a bit shy when first getting to know people but very fun once I come out of my shell. I feel my love and passion for photography at an absolutely cellular level.

    What sparked your passion for Photography?

    I grew up with photographer parents and a studio/darkroom in the basement. I spent a lot of time in front of the camera growing up but didn’t find my own interest in being behind it until my first child was born (I know…cliche answer…but it’s true).

    Whats in your camera bag?

    Nikon D700, 85mm 1.8, 50mm 1.8, 35mm 2.0 70-200 2.8 (rarely, if ever, used. I’m very attached to my primes), Lensbaby 2.0, Zenitar 16mm fisheye, Holga plastic camera, SB800 flash (in case of emergency), macro/wide angle lens converter.

    What Camera/Equipment did you start out with?

    My first DSLR was a Fuji S2.

    (Some of Julia’s Early Work)

    If you could only use one lens an entire session which one would you choose and why?

    I think I’d have to go with my 50mm 1.8. It’s great for both outdoors as well as indoors, where there may be less space to work with.

    What advice would go give to someone just beginning in photography and hoping to have a business of their own?

    Be kind to yourself on your learning journey; you’re going to make lots of mistakes, get really frustrated, and feel like throwing your camera off the nearest cliff…but fear not, this too shall pass 🙂 Take time to really understand what you’re doing before going the business route and truly value the work that you do. Also, PLAY!! Be creative and try new techniques/lenses/”toys” (olliclip, lensbaby, etc). For me, it keeps inspiration fresh and my excitement going.

    What was your first official Photographer crush if you had one?

    Other than my photographer mom, whose work I still have a crush on, my first was Audrey Woulard. I used to do studio work but was incredibly drawn to natural light and her work really inspired me to go in that direction full-force. Currently though, I’m head over heels IN LOVE (move over crush) with Val Spring from The Red Balloon Photography. Her images make me feel as if I’ve stepped into some magnificent dream, and I cannot get enough.

    What kind of photos do you like to take for just yourself when not working with clients?

    Totally lifestyle. I love a bit of quirky/arty style as well and love using my iPhone (I’m a total Instagram addict!) and my Lensbaby. I’m starting to go this route with client work as well by adding in a little bit of these elements to each session.

    If you could photograph absolutely anyone who would it be dead or alive?

    I would love to photograph my grandmother. She passed away years ago, when I had just started to really become interested in photography. I would love to be able to go back and capture her as I remember her in my mind; she was a watercolor artist and I would especially love to be able to capture her painting.

    Describe your style in 3 words.

    quiet, soft, emotive.

    (Some of Julia’s Instagram work)

    Most embarrassing moment on a session would be?

    I have to say, I’ve never really had a very embarrassing moment…hope I haven’t just jinxed myself!

    Any challenges you have had to overcome to be where you are today?

    I think my biggest challenge is my own confidence. I put so much of myself into my images that it can feel like being on stage in front of millions…in only your underwear (or less!). I’m slowly getting to the point where I know what I want to do, how I want my work to look, and being ok with the fact that some people will love it, and some not so much.

    Favorite time of day to shoot is?

    Without question, the golden hour.

    If you had to stop taking photos right now, what would you do instead?

    Don’t even say that…I wouldn’t even be able to breathe…

    Have you attended college or had any formal education in Photography?

    I took a week-long portrait class about 9 years ago, and that’s really the only “formal” education I’ve had. The vast majority of what I’ve learned has come from my parents.

    What do you do to get your clients to relax with you?

    Honestly, I’m just myself. I’m pretty easygoing and I have a natural way with kids. I have to be careful because I can get 20 minutes into a session with nothing but hanging out and chatting, but I think this makes for a much easier transition into photographing people naturally.

    What are your photography related goals for 2012?

    I’d like to expand my learning with some more classes, and maybe participate in an online workshop.

    How do you push yourself to keep growing and learning? Any Big Aha! Moments?

    I love to experiment and “play” with different techniques; I learn a lot about myself and my own personal style by trying new things. I’m also a part of an amazing photography forum (Clickin Moms) and have gained an incredible amount of knowledge and support from the women I have me there. A big a-ha moment was when manual mode really clicked with me
    many years ago; it was amazing to finally be able to be in control of my camera and make images the way I wanted to.

    Biggest Photography related insecurity?

    I often worry that other people won’t be able to see in my images what I see in them; that the feeling or emotion isn’t coming through to anyone else. I don’t necessarily care about being technically perfect; I like to overexpose, sometimes out of focus is just what I wanted – sometimes I worry that people don’t see the perfect in the imperfections.

    Digital or Prints?

    prints. I love seeing images on the walls of my home.

    If you could purchase any one thing regardless of price for your business what would your next investment be
    and why?

    Lensbabycomposerwithedge80optic!!! (That’s my “A Christmas Story Answer”). Also, I’d love to travel somewhere for a fantastic workshop experience. I imagine a week or weekend away, just surrounding myself with inspiration, learning, photography and fellow photographers. I think that would be amazing (especially if I could take my new lensbaby along with me…)

    Fun stuff:
    Favorite Color: I love pretty much every color. Whatever fits my mood at the moment is my favorite. Favorite Season: I love the “transition” seasons; spring and fall.
    Biggest Guilty Pleasure: Pinterest and nutella! (and eating nutella while browsing on Pinterest?…perfection). Pet Peeve: bullying; in absolutely any form.
    Favorite Pandora Station: I love The Civil Wars station for editing, and the Britney Spears station for when I want to bust a move!
    Studio or On location: location, location, location!
    What did you want to be when you grew up? When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a marine biologist. I was under the impression that they just studied science and swam around with dolphins all day. LOL!
    One thing no one knows about you is: I’m a pretty open book so I don’t think that there’s anything that NOBODY knows about me; some might be surprised to find that I have a bit of a dark side. I’m very drawn to, and fascinated by, all things haunted/paranormal/even a bit macabre, especially photography.
    Pc or Mac: Mac
    Lightroom Or Photoshop: Photoshop
    Film or Digital: Digital…just dipping my toes into film with my little plastic Holga and would love to learn more. Props or No Props: No props for me.
    If you could travel anywhere it would be: Take me to Thailand please!
    Glass Half Empty or Half Full: FULL!!!
    Favorite photo ever taken: I just took this one a few days ago, I always have a new “favorite” but this one of my daughter speaks to me on a different level. I love everything about it – the light, the location that is special to our family, the way this moment is so incredibly “her”. I can’t take my eyes off of it – it’s why I love photography. I just ordered it nice and big (20×30) for the wall.

    Raw or Jpeg: Raw
    Favorite Music to Edit to: I’m very moved by music and love to edit to music that is sentimental and somewhat melancholy with a folk/indie-vibe. 100% of the time when editing, I’m listening to The Civil Wars station on Pandora: Angus and Julia Stone, Mumford and Sons, Joshua Raden, Iron and Wine, Ray LaMontagne, A Fine Frenzy – it’s a fantastic station!
    Favorite Quote: “…and whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should” ~ Max Ehrmann (from his poem “Desiderata”). I remind myself of this every day.
    Most valued material possession: Other than my image files, it would be my kids’ baby boxes; filled with notes I had written to them, quick jots on paper about their milestones/funny things they said, special clothes, drawings, first handwritings etc. I love to be able to see and touch these things whenever I want to.
    Processing Style: clean, soft, and arty.
    Coffee or Tea: homemade chai for me please!
    If you could photograph a Celebrity who would it be? I would love to photograph Kate Winslet. There is something incredibly timeless about her. I imagine an entire session with her using the Lensbaby.
    What kind of Camera bag do you rock? I have the Kelly Moore Classic bag in teal…LOVE it!

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