Letters to Our Daughters | My Dearest Sophia

    As a bit of a precursor we have been dealing with some pretty erratic weather here. It has been in the 100 plus degree weather and about ten to fifteen miles away they are battling a pretty extreme wild fire that has been raging for almost a couple of weeks now. We are not in any imminent danger, our town is fairly large but we have been a bit stir crazy. Some days are better then others. We don’t have a huge smoke cloud lingering daily but every other day or so the wind brings it this way which leaves us pretty much stuck indoors. On the days when the smoke is clear we head to the pool at our complex to find some relief and get some of the kids energy out. My locations I generally like to shoot at however are pretty much off limits right now between the heat and the smoke of the fires and lots of road blocks and closures.

    This month I will be addressing my Sophia. I pretty much lack for new photos so will be sharing some instagram images but being this project is so personal and the images really take second base to the sentiment I hope you will all forgive me for lack of amazing images. They are all completely Sophia though.

    And make sure to head on to the super talented Rashmi Pappu | Alexandria VA, Washington DC  HERE to see her letter to her own sweet daughter. I am so excited to go through the letters this month! The ladies in this circle seriously take my breath away!

    Dearest Sophia,

    You are growing and learning and changing by leaps and bounds.  The very traces of your cheek and brow that defer to the hint of babyhood are giving way to the features of a little girl and less of a baby by the day. The only time I see them these days are when you are deep in dream state.  I don’t know what it is about being the baby in the family  as I was the oldest child in mine but I look on you as if you were months old sometimes. I totally understand that you  are now three years old, fully potty trained and no longer at the breast  but you still have baby tendencies I find myself clinging too. I don’t always correct you for example when you pronounce a word wrong.One night laying in bed you exclaimed that you wanted to be a “potagrapher” (photographer) like your mama. Talk about heart warming. I still cuddle up with you at night and let you sleep in my bed just so I can feel you breath and watch you sleep. I often times find myself hovering overprotectively when I know you are completely capable and should be exploring (of course as long as it is safe.) You are a little light in this world though. You are stubborn, and hilarious and I see a leader in you.  I have no doubt that you will grow despite me trying to keep you little and I see such a strong presence and have such amazing hopes for you.  My biggest of those hopes aren’t that you will be rich, or a big mogul of some company or that you go to some big name university. My hopes are that you are undeniably happy. That you find yourself and love just who that happens to be. That you are strong and assured and keep your little fire about you. That your light always remains bright and shines on through.  I have always marveled at the fact that you and your siblings came into this world the same way but are so incredibly different. All amazingly bright and sweet but all amazingly different. A mother’s pride is no small thing miss Sophie and you must know just how proud of you and your siblings I am. To be completely honest I am truly loving getting to know you more and more. While you don’t go to bed at a reasonable hour, you make an ungodly amount of noise oddly those are a couple of things I adore about you. They are just YOU. So sweet girl don’t rush to grow up but don’t be afraid to. I will be here a million percent of the way to hold your hand through it all. Three shorts years feels like an eternity because while it hasn’t even been half a decade I somehow feel like you have always been part of this family. I love you Princess.


    Your Mama


    7 Lovely Comments  •  Leave a Comment for Sarah

    7 Beautiful Souls Commented

    1. Amy says:

      These little snapshots of Sophie make me so happy. I, too, hope she is undeniably happy just like her mama, and that she can share that happiness with her own daughter someday. Just beautiful, Sarah. xoxo

    2. Rashmi says:

      Sarah.. that photo of Sophia sleeping (in black and white)… melts my heart. So precious. She is truly a gorgeous little girl.. the curls, the cheeks, the eyes.. so beautiful. Love your letter. xoxo

    3. Jody says:

      Seriously Sarah, she is just the cutest little thing. The photo of her reading the magazine kills me. I love this–“My hopes are that you are undeniably happy.” This is what I wish for my kiddos too, but then again maybe that is what all mothers have in common.

    4. julia says:

      Oh my goodness I love this post so much!! Your words to Sophie hit so close to home for me, with my own baby quickly growing and changing. Our girls sound like they are very alike in personality too! Sophia is clearly a remarkable character with “a lot of oomph” as my Wren likes to say. Thank you for sharing these words and images with us!

    5. Oh gosh Sarah, this beautiful daughter of yours is SO full of personality, and you are so full of heart – as she grows I see a beautiful path ahead of her as she learns from her Mummy and realises what a treasure she is to your family

    6. emma wood says:

      Oh my gosh Sarah, Sophia just melts me. You are such a beautiful writer and the way you record your girls is just so true and honest…I find you such an inspiration. I adore your images, every single one of them, they make me sigh and I find myself already looking forward to next months post. <3

    7. […] I am participating in Letters to Our Daughters with several other talented photographers and mothers. We may live in very different places and lead very different lives, but we have several ties that bind us. We are all photographers and bloggers, and we have daughters whom we adore. We express our love for our daughters in photographs and letters and share them in a circle of links on the 25th day of each month. Next, please visit the blog of my very sweet friend Sarah Cornish | Colorado Photographer. […]

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