Inspired, A Very Special Project | Jasmine Star Photography

    What a special treat I have for you all (and myself) today!! When I approached Jasmine I knew that she was incredibly busy and more then in demand and I had no expectations what-so-ever of her getting back to me. I was blown away when she not only responded personally but agreed to allow me to interview her here.  Jasmine is an amazing person.  She is inspirational and giving and kind and such a treasure in this industry.  She genuinely loves to help and motivate upcoming and seasoned photographers alike. I had the honor of hearing her speak at this year’s Vegas WPPI and what really moved me more then anything was her humble and honest manner of teaching.  I came away with my eyes completely open.  She even stayed well after she was done speaking to personally greet attendees. I was a huge fan before but am now a huge fan forever. She is by far one of the most talented wedding photographers around in my humble opinion. What I love even more is that she keeps her old blog live and accessible so you can witness her journey first hand. I can’t imagine anyone coming away not enraptured and completely inspired after taking time to go through her body of work!


    Jasmine Star is an international photographer and though she’s garnered awards for her work and named Top 10 Wedding Photographer, her crowning accomplishment was making meatloaf for the first time last year. She developed her brand by leveraging social media and empowering readers to be the voice of her marketing by creating online evangelists. Jasmine’s work has been featured in national print publications and she’s the proud founder and Editor-In-Chief of EXPOSED Magazine

    Let’s get to know her a bit better!!

    You can View Jasmine’s Website HERE, Twitter @JasmineStar and her Blog HERE as well as her Facebook page HERE.

    Photo Credit: Bio Photo by Trever Hoehne

    And a special Treat a Couple of Jasmine’s First images!

    Lets get to know you! How would you describe yourself in three sentences?

    I laugh loudly.
    I love intentionally.
    I dream wildly.

    What sparked your passion for Photography?

    The answer to this question is quite detailed and complex, but the shortest answer could be summed up in one word: Fate.
    I was at UCLA Law School in 2005 when I received news my mother had a relapse with brain cancer. The news hit me harder than I can adequately describe and I took a medical leave to be by her side. I moved back home and while I was happy to be with my mom, I felt lost, frustrated, and depressed. I was at the lowest point in my life and I was desperately praying for deliverance. Thankfully, it came. In the form of an engagement ring. My boyfriend, JD, proposed and we decided to plan a destination wedding in Hawaii. Seven months later–against all odds–my mother walked me down the aisle with my father on my wedding day.
    And the best part? My wedding photographer captured it all magically. His photos moved me. Challenged me. Gave me hope and allowed me to believe in dreams again. I saw his life, passion, and art, and I wanted to do the same thing.
    So I did. I never touched a digital camera in my life, but I assisted a few wedding photographers the summer of 2006, and then shot my first solo wedding in October of 2006. From there, my business grew and I ended up shooting 38 weddings in 2007.
    My path to into photography is mangled, but it’s beautiful because it’s mine. And I wouldn’t change a thing about my crazy journey.

    Whats in your camera bag?

    I shoot with a Canon 5DMII and use mostly prime lenses (the 50mm, 1.2, 35mm, 1.4, and the 85mm, 1,2 to be exact), but you can find the details to Why and How I use my gear here


    What Camera/Equipment did you start out with?

    I started with a Canon 20D and a 24-70 lens. It was a simple set-up, but when I needed more, I rented until I owned everything I needed. I didn’t want to go into debt for a business I wasn’t sure was going to succeed, so I took baby steps to make it happen.

    If you could only use one lens an entire session which one would you choose and why?

    The Canon 50mm, 1.2 lens has changed the way I see the world. It’s redefined my approach to photography and has become, hands down, my favorite lens. I could shoot an entire session with this lens and not grow tired of it…it’s like a pint of ice cream without all the calories!

    What advice would go give to someone just beginning in photography and hoping to have a business of their own?

    When I think back to when I first started, I can’t help but feel sorry for that girl. The girl who didn’t trust herself enough to take bigger risks. Who didn’t dream big enough. Who limited herself by her own experience and other people’s estimations of what was possible.
    If I could go back and tell the Jasmine Star of 2007 something, I’d whisper in her ear: Believe in what you know you can do. Trust your gut. Ignore the naysayers. Dream big, but hope for more. However, knowing myself back then, I would ignore the whisper…so then I’d grab me by the shoulders, give me a good shake, then holler straight in my face, SPRINT TOWARD WHAT YOU WANT AND DON’T EVER LOOK BACK. Ever.

    Describe your style in 3 words.

    Fun + Fresh + Editorial

    Any challenges you have had to overcome to be where you are today?

    Sadly, when I started my business, I let others dictate how I felt about my work. Needless to say, this happens a lot in the industry. Sometimes business owners will talk so certainly about WHAT they have, WHERE they’re going, WHO they’re with, HOW many weddings they booked…and so forth. And though it might be unintentional, they made me feel less worthy to pursue my dream of becoming a photographer, and my work. They had that camera, so clearly they take better photos than me. They’re off to that industry mixer with people who air kiss, so clearly they’re cooler than I am and will get jobs as a byproduct of it. They just booked their 764th wedding for the year…and updated their Facebook status to let the world know.
    I walked around in a constant state of I Suckiness, and it wasn’t until I tuned out the noise that I was able to define who I was…just plain old Jasmine Star. Once this happened, I was able to embrace my current situation: While I may not have the best camera, or party with the cool kids, or book weddings like a boss…I’m moving forward. And moving is always better than sitting still.

    Favorite time of day to shoot is?


    If you had to stop taking photos right now, what would you do instead?


    Have you attended college or had any formal education in Photography?

    I earned a BA in Business Administration from Whittier College and attended UCLA Law School, but dropped out to pursue photography. I’m self-taught and extraordinarily proud of how far I’ve come…because, really, my first photos were, well, not the best! 😉

    What do you do to get your clients to relax with you?

    At the beginning of each shoot, I state the obvious: “You’re probably nervous.” Once we get that into the open, it puts clients at ease. I don’t show up to a session expecting my clients to act like models…it’s my job to make them look like models.
    I start each photoshoot simply by talking. No stress, no drama, no pressure. We walk, chat, and I explain what I want them to do, but–moreso–how I want them to feel. That changes everything.
    There are moments when clients become stiff or frozen during a shoot…in fact, I’d venture to say most clients become frozen at one point or another…but why would I expect them NOT to be? They’ve never done this before! 🙂
    In all truthfulness, it’s a photographer’s job to, literally, give their subjects something to do. Directions, feedback, encouragement. Some of the best photographers are the best directors in my opinion. Sure, it can be difficult at times (I’ve been known to cuddle with a groom to shown the bride, precisely, what I wanted her to do), but it’s something photographers work on to make the client experience better.

    How do you push yourself to keep growing and learning? Any Big Aha! Moments?

    Last November I had the honor and privilege of publishing EXPOSED Magazine, a 165-page glossy detailing how I started my business and learned photography. It was the first opportunity I had to completely be myself, share my images, and reveal the personal trials of growing a photography business. Big projects like this push me to think bigger and dream wildly.

    Biggest Photography related insecurity?

    Comparing myself to others. Sure, I might not be totally satisfied with where I am, but I like where I’m headed. That’s where my focus should be. I’ve come a long way from when I first started and while it’s easy to feel like my work isn’t good enough, or listen to negativity pointed in my direction, I need to focus on making my clients happy. When they’re happy, I know I’ve done the best job for them…and this gives me more opportunities to better my skills and continue pursuing my dreams.


    Digital or Prints?


    How long would you say it took you to find your “style”?

    Two and a half years…and many, many mistakes later.

    What is the biggest obstacle you face in your business?

    My biggest obstacle is finding balance between my professional and personal life. I’ll be the first person to admit me and Balance are sometimes adversaries…and she’s given me a black eye from our brawls in the past. However, I try extraordinarily hard to keep life balanced by maintaining a very scheduled and organized lifestyle. JD sometimes refers to me as The Machine. As in, don’t get in my way because I may just RUN YOUR OVER WITH MY CALENDAR AND POST-IT NOTES. Monday through Friday are work days for me and I treat them as such, which means I wake up and start the work day as if I had any other job. Here’s what an average work day looks like for me (and, no, not everyday is a work day as I have shoots and extended meetings some days):

    Wake Up (it’s just the time my body naturally arises…I abhor the alarm clock!) and Pray
    Email (I dedicate just a small segment of my day to email…anything I don’t finish in this time is transferred to the next day, unless it is a business or client email which gets answered in 24 hours)
    Walk Polo with JD (this is one of my favorite times of the day…25 minutes to map out my goals for the day and simply enjoy time with my boys)
    Walk Polo with JD (another opportunity to take a break from my computer and breathe a little in the warm sun)
    Edit/Process/Meetings (if applicable)
    Walk Polo with JD and Dinner

    I will definitely close my computer at 6:30pm…most of the time. Yes, there are days when I need to cram work out for a deadline, but other than that, I try to keep the evenings for my family. I work long, hard hours, but I need to ensure I carve time to enjoy my evenings and just check out.
    It’s of utmost importance to keep your loved ones in the forefront of your life and when I first started my business, I lost sight of this notion. I was buried in work, glued to my computer, and generally frustrated. The minute I started organizing my life, prioritizing my work, and outsourcing, I gained back everything I wanted: Freedom to choose the lifestyle I wanted. There are days when JD and I decide to take an extended lunch in Newport Beach or watch a matinee or simply sit in a park under a tree. Having structure provides me the luxury of looking at my week and knowing where I can splurge and skimp, and always keep my family first.

    I love your pay it forward attitude. What inspires you to be so open and giving with your business?

    I have been given so much. Too much, if I was being honest. I’m surrounded by amazing people who believe in me, I have an awesome dog, and I have a pantry stocked with Nutella. Life? It’s beautiful.
    When I first started my business, I was so overwhelmed with everything. Learning how to shoot, processing, marketing, finances…everything. I begged God for help and though it didn’t come in the form I asked for, my needs were met by many different people. Some helped me understand my camera, others challenged me to become a stronger marketer, and others just stepped up and offered help. As the business grew, I promised to pay it forward. For all the help I’d been given, I pledged to help others. My mama raised me to believe you can’t out-give God, but I’ll continue giving for the many blessings in my life.

    If you could trade places with any other photographer who would it be?

    No one. I wouldn’t trade places with anyone because I like the life I’ve been given. It’s simple, but it’s mine…and I’m learning to embrace the struggle, the valleys, and the triumphs along the way.

    Fun stuff:

    Favorite Color: White. (is white even a color?!)
    Favorite Season: Fall
    Biggest Guilty Pleasure: WHERE DO I BEGIN?! There’s too many to list, but right up top it’d be Ben&Jerry’s, reality television, and Nutella.
    Favorite Pandora Station: Fleet Foxes
    Studio or On location: On Location
    What did you want to be when you grew up? A librarian…or a professional skateboarder.
    Pc or Mac: Mac
    Lightroom Or Photoshop: Both…Lightroom for the entire wedding edit, Photoshop for fine-tuning blog images.
    Film or Digital: Digital
    If you could travel anywhere it would be: Thailand. I hear the food and $5 massages are insane.
    Glass Half Empty or Half Full: It must be exactly both. I have OCD.
    Raw or Jpeg: Both. Raw on a wedding day, Jpeg on an engagement session
    Favorite Quote: “She believed she could, so she did.” – Unknown
    Most valued material possession: My wedding ring
    Processing Style: MInimalist
    Coffee or Tea: Neither…I go straight to wine.
    If you could photograph a Celebrity who would it be? Oprah. I not-so-secretly want her to adopt me, so taking her photo would be the first step to getting her to sign the adoption papers!
    What kind of Camera bag do you rock? I carry a ton of gear on a wedding day, so we pack it all in a ThinkTank backpack…it’s called Airport Addicted 2.0 and it’s treated us awesomely!

    10 Lovely Comments  •  Leave a Comment for Sarah

    10 Beautiful Souls Commented

    1. naved says:

      thank you for sharing. very inspiring, she is simple and i guess thats her key to success. 🙂

    2. Lillian Hoyt says:

      Thanks for sharing. This was a wonderful post. Jasmine Star is truly a kind spirit.

    3. Jean Smith says:

      YAY!!! LOOOOOVED this interview with J.Star! She has always been on of my very favorites (for photography and personality) and she always will be. Thanks to the both of you for such a great interview.

    4. Faith says:

      I love her honesty and authenticity. Stinking awesome.

    5. Gina Shanley says:

      Jasmine is one of the most inspirational and talented photographers that I’ve ever come across. I’m a huge fan, have been for a long while. Thanks for sharing!

    6. prissy says:

      yes yes yes i have been wqaiting for this ty both!!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxoxo

    7. Petra H says:

      I love her work! Just beginning my journey, and she gives me hope just when I really need it!
      Great interview 🙂

    8. well that was INSPIRING to say the least! Thank you both for that… you just put a little spring in my step!

    9. May says:

      Fun and inspiring interview.

    10. Stefanie says:

      Loved this! Thanks so much for sharing your heart here, Jasmine… you are truly gifted in many ways 🙂

    Leave a Reply to Jean Smith


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