Letters to Our Daughters | A Very Special Personal Undertaking

    I have started this blog post a million times in my head. I have been brainstorming on this for quite a while and being it has such a personal quality I admit I wanted everything to be absolutely perfect.  When I was approached to do this project I knew that there was no possible way I couldn’t undertake it. I am in a circle of EXTREMELY talented ladies and it is a bit intimidating I admit but I knew that this was one of the greatest gifts I could possibly bestow on my girls.  Being a strong influence and more importantly a role model is something that is beyond important to me.  In this day and age there are so many things our young girls have to overcome and so many things they could possibly succumb too.  Peer pressure, poor self image and pressure among other things are issues we all deal with as mothers and as girls and I want to give my sweet children the courage and the tools to overcome them.  I want my little women to grow up strong and reassured that no matter their walk in life their mother is here to love them and support them unconditionally.  That is what makes this project so incredibly special to me. There will be months I address one or both of them.  There will be times I come back and add more images.  Either way I feel so blessed to be able to do this for them.  I also will be keeping an image album and hand written letters in a special journal for them as well.  The women included in this project are exceptionally special and I am beyond honored to be able to share this journey with them and you all as well.

    This has been quite a rocky month for our family.  My husband unexpectedly lost his uncle and we are headed back to Connecticut. I had special plan for the images I wanted to share with you but due to the current circumstances I will be using photos I took recently of Sophia and Lillian and will be adding the others when we get back from Connecticut.  We will be heading that way from Colorado tomorrow to be with family and attend a funeral.

    My daughter Sophia is turning 3 years old April 24th (tomorrow in fact) and I can’t believe how time is escaping us.  It has been incredible to watch her grow and change and to see her little personality develop with time.  She is such a reflection of me in so many ways.  To say I see myself when I look into her eyes is an understatement.  Even more amazingly though she is so profoundly her own person.  She is incredibly stubborn, amazingly funny and such a light in this family.  I am so blessed to be her mommy.  I always knew I wanted a school bus full of children.  When I was just a small girl and people asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up I would simply proclaim “a mommy.”  After having Sophia amazingly our family felt complete. I am unsure if we will indeed have more children but the one thing I do know is she is such an amazingly sweet soul and we are so lucky to have her in our family.

    Dearest Sophia,

    There are so many things as your mother I want you to know. I want to impress upon you how incredibly beautiful, and sweet and special you are.  When you came into this family one rainy early morning I can’t begin to express the joy I felt watching you sleep on my belly those early moments of your life.  My heart felt like it was going to leap right out of my chest.  There are things you can not possibly understand at the tender age of three years old, things that you will only be able to learn with time.  I admit even at my age there are things I am still learning about life.  Things I hope to teach you through my actions and through the love I have for you and your siblings. Life invariably has its ups and downs.  There are times when I feel like I know it all and then humbling moments when I realize how little I do know.  The one thing I am certain of is the love I have for you.  There is such a desire to be a good, strong force in your life.  I want you to grow up knowing how incredibly special you are.  What a gift to this world you are.  When I was pregnant with you your Auntie Carol  (and one of my most favorite aunts) said something to me that stuck with me and changed my view of motherhood in ways I can’t even tell you.  She said that she found it so amazing that God chose us to be parents to such special little people.  That she believed Children were angels sent from God, a very special gift and she could imagine your souls choosing us to be your mother somewhere from Heaven.  While only God could really know that I do know one thing.  I know that you are here for a reason, mine for a reason and I will never take that forgranted.  There is a quote that I heard once.  It went something to the tune of “A Child holds your hand for a short time but your heart forever.”  That couldn’t be more true.  The thought of you growing up and not needing me quite honestly breaks my heart but there will come a time when I do have to let go and watch you sprout wings and make your way in this world and I want to be sure that you everything you need to fly.  You are precious. You are precious and wanted and loved so very much.  There are times when you are playing quietly by yourself and I can’t tear myself away. I just watch you with awe. I am inspired by you.  You innocence, your perceptive personality and your imagination.  I have such an amazing feeling that you are going to do great things in life.  Your spirit is so strong it is almost contagious.  I realize it is my job to raise you to be a good person. To have morals and values and know right from wrong but what astounds me most is that you do just that for me.  I have learned more from you in your three short years then I have ever learned in school.  Thank you Sophie for being such a driving force.  Through you and your siblings I have found myself.  Its almost as if I was born the day you all were.

    I can’t make promises in all fairness that I can not keep. I can’t promise you that you will never hurt, or cry or be let down or disappointed. I can’t promise that when you get older some silly boy won’t break your heart.  I can’t promise that you life will always bow to your wants or desires. I can’t even promise that you will always be content.  What I can promise is that when you fall I will be here to pick you up and when you are sad I will be here to wipe your tears.  I can promise that I will do everything in my power to be sure you have the tools you need to cope when you are down or life isn’t being fair.  I can promise that I will love you unconditionally and support you in all things.  At three years old life must seem profoundly simple.  You wake, you eat, you play, you giggle, you sing and you dance.  There are no life stressors, no heart break and the little trials and tantrums are over with the blink of an eye.  Life is still easy as it should be. But when life isn’t quite so easy I will be here Sophia. I will be here to embrace you and love you and remind you of what a special force you are in this world. I am your mother and I love you. Happy Birthday Princess.

    My little diva

    6 Months:

    1 year:
    When we aren't making silly faces

    An impromptu front yard session

    1 1/2

    Day Five

    2 years:

    Happy Birthday Princess

    My Sunshine

    2 and half:
    Peek a boo



    Lillian is the oldest of my two girls and of all four of my children.  Being the oldest of my siblings I understand the importance of this place among your siblings are.  I am constantly amazed by this little girl.  She is a fighter.  She is strong and beautiful and graceful and I can hardly believed I mothered such a wonderful child! The word proud does not even begin to cover it.  Lillian was diagnosed with JRA or Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis when she was just 2 and a half. She has been bombarded with specialist, surgery and medications.  Its incredibly discouraging to watch her have to suffer but she keeps her head up and perseveres and inspires me to overcome any obstacles we face together. I had Lillian when I was 19 years old and I admit the thought of being a young mother in today’s day and age with all the stigmas surrounding me scared the heck out of me. Now I realize despite my age I was more ready then I realized and I am so incredibly blessed to have such a sweet spirited amazing child.  There are times I wish I could go back and start over and do better but what mother doesn’t have occasionally guilt and I know that the moment she was placed in my heart I was then for the first time alive.  For the first time I knew what love was.  For the first time in my life I wanted nothing more then to be a better person and she has made me just that.

    Dearest Lillian,

    I admit that its a bit harder to write this to you knowing your of an age to read it and understand. I am not completely sure I will show you now and may very well wait until you are an older age but there are so many things I have often wanted to say to you and couldn’t find the right words or thoughts to make my points clear.  What I do tell you all the time and what I want to say again is how incredibly proud of you I am.  You are such a driving force and important part of my life.  You are eloquent and brave and such a special little girl.  I admit when you were first diagnosed at two years old I was afraid I wouldn’t be strong enough for you.  I was so overcome with my own grief that I couldn’t think or see clearly.  I had no idea where our path would lead us but I knew that I would do everything in my power to help you.  To show you that with pain comes growth and with growth comes relief.  I couldn’t carry your pain in my body but I carried it on my heart and I want you to know if I could trade places with you I would do so in a heart beat.  I also knew that I would not treat you any differently then any of your siblings. I wanted you to grow up strong and confident.  I want more then anything for you to have a normal childhood.  I know going from doctor to doctor and all the medications it may not seem normal but you are so blessed sweety. You have the ability to take a dire situation and grow from it and make you the better from it.  You have done just that over the years.  I am encouraged and inspired by your strength.  I have made a lot of mistakes in my life but I can truly say that i have always done my best for you.

    I also realize that moving half way across the country at nine years old was more likely then not frustrating and difficult.  I know we asked a lot of you to leave your school and your friends behind.  I weighed it heavily but realize this was our opportunity to give you a greater life.  I have seen you improve leaps and bounds since being here in your schooling and even with your arthritis and it really lifts a huge weight off my heart.  I know with time it will get easier and you will continue to make great friends and make a new life here.  I can’t imagine anyone NOT wanting to just embrace you and love you.  You are such a magnet.  Your sweet soul and being is contagious and you better everyone around you.

    You will soon be turning ten years old.  Being ten isn’t always easy.  Being ten in these times is even harder I would imagine.  You have such a nurturing soul though and watching you play with your siblings I am reassured that you are going to be just fine.  We are slowly slipping away from baby dolls and barbies to fashion sense and teeny bop music and yes… thats hard. It is hard for me to watch you grow up so fast. Especially because it just seemed I was bouncing you on my knee and nursing you at my breast just yesterday.  I may ask a lot of you at times but it is not to make your life harder.  It is because I know you are capable and you are able to forge such a positive path for your siblings.

    Lillian you are my first born.  I can’t explain what that means exactly to your ten year old self but some day when you are older and you have babies of your own I am more then sure you will understand the gravity of the feelings you will have for your very first born.  As a mother I questions myself daily.  Am I doing things right? Am I doing right by you and your brothers and sister? But I know in my heart when I look at you and what a special young lady you are growing to become that I must be doing something right.  I am SO proud of you.

    I am really looking forward to writing you these letters. I wish so much that I would have started sooner.  You need to know so many things.  There are so many things i want to tell you and this is the perfect outlet for that.

    I love you Sunshine!


    Now head on to Emma Wood | Emma Wood Photography to read her inspiring letter to her own daughter.


    21 Lovely Comments  •  Leave a Comment for Sarah

    21 Beautiful Souls Commented

    1. […] Blog circle list    Jody McKitrick | Jess Sandager | Rashmi Pappu | Julia Stotlar | Stephanie Cribbs Beaty | Amy Lockheart | Kirsty Larmour | Valeria Spring | Sarah Lynn Cornish […]

    2. […] Blog circle list    Jody McKitrick | Jess Sandager | Rashmi Pappu | Julia Stotlar | Stephanie Cribbs Beaty | Amy Lockheart | Kirsty Larmour | Valeria Spring | Sarah Lynn Cornish […]

    3. […] time around the subject is “Letters To Our Sons”.  The idea was inspired from this blog circle titled “Letters To Our […]

    4. […] Please continue through this blog circle to read more Letters to Our Daughters from some of the most amazing women I know.  Starting with Jess Sandager, she’s an amazing artist and writer, and I know that you will enjoy her post. Blog circle list    Jody McKitrick | Jess Sandager | Rashmi Pappu | Julia Stotlar | Stephanie Cribbs Beaty | Amy Lockheart | Kirsty Larmour | Valeria Spring | Sarah Lynn Cornish […]

    5. A beautiful idea. I must sit down soon and write my daughter, EmmaClaire. She is 21. They grow up too soon. I use to write a letter to kids (I also have five sons) each year on their birthday. I don’t know when I stopped. I have two daughters that are angels. I did write Roxcy in November on what would have been her 18th birthday.

    6. laura says:

      This is so moving, beautiful xx

    7. julia says:

      Sarah, what an incredible post. I found myself hanging on every word, my heart filling with the power of your love for your daughters, and marveling over each beautiful image. So beyond thrilled to be a part of this project, this journey, with you.

    8. Brooke says:

      ~ love and light

    9. Amy Lucy says:

      Oh Sarah, your love for your daughters just emanates from every word and every image. Reading through your letters, I kept saying “yes!” and “this is just how I feel.” You’ve written so eloquently what so many mothers want to say to their children. You are an inspiration to me and so many. xoxoxo

    10. Oh Sarah. I laughed and cried as I read these. So beautifully and perfectly said. You have inspired me to do the same for my daughters.


    11. your words, images and daughters are beautiful beyond measure. you have such a gift. so very delighted to be on this journey with you.

    12. Val Spring says:

      Beautiful words to your beautiful girls. I loved “getting to know” your sweet girls through your letters. Your images are just such the perfect complement to the way you feel about them!

    13. Jody says:

      Sarah, I clung to every word as I read your beautiful words and my heart skipped a beat when I read “…you will understand the gravity of the feelings you will have for your very first born.” It’s so true and you put it all into words so well. And although it goes without saying, your images are soft and lovely and beautiful as always.

    14. Beautiful! love these!

    15. Oh Sarah, you write to those two gorgeous girls so beautifully. You are so brave in the way you have mothered them, and it’s showing in the girls they are growing up to be xx

    16. […] whole circle and get to “meet” every one of these beautiful girls. Please start with Sarah Cornish | Colorado photographer Posted in Families, Kids, Letters to our daughters, […]

    17. Rashmi says:

      Happy birthday to little Sophia!
      Your letters and photos are so beautiful Sarah. I am a bit of a mess right now reading them (kleenex please!)… especially the one to Lillian…some days i am filled with sadness that the ‘tween’ years are upon me too with my 8.5 year old. Time goes by too fast. I am so glad to have met you because of this circle of letters. xoxo

    18. Emma Wood says:

      Sarah, I couldn’t go to bed without telling you how blown away I am by your images and your words. I felt every single drop of love in them and your girls are truly blessed to have such a sweet Mama. <3

    19. What a beautiful post! Happy early birthday to your princess! You have an amazing family and are a wonderful mother.

      My mom fell ill when I was a senior in high school. I have a handful of pictures of she and I together, and how I wish I had something like from her. I applaud you for doing this for your girls, and I know they will appreciate it later in life.

    20. […] Sarah Cornish | Colorado photographer […]

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