Inspired, A Very Special Project | Elle Walker Photography

    We are coming up on the end of March and looking back on all the wonderful photographers I have been blessed to feature has been such a treat!! There have been some amazing talent here including Joy Harmon of Wildflowers Photography, Jenna Stoller Photography, Sarah Phillips Photography, Carrie Small Photography, Denne’ Alise Photography, Anne Scherrer Photography, Shannon Sewell Photography, Amber Scruggs of Little Moon Photography, Emma Wood Photography, and many more! And I can only promise there are many more to pour over and enjoy! Some are starting out, some have been around for years but all equally captivating and special!

    This week is the SUPER talented Elle Walker.  Her images are so soulful and emotive and unique to her! I am completely enthralled with her black and white images.  There is something very special about a photographer that has such a definitive style you know them before you even see their watermark. I also love that she is a hobbiest and shoots for herself!  I could spot one of her images anywhere. I am so excited to show her off here! When I came across her blog I knew she would be perfect for this project. Her talent is so raw.  Her work is so beautiful and photo journalistic! I think its time we get to meet her!

    Hi Elle!!

    You can view Elle’s website HERE and say hello on Facebook HERE.

    How would you describe yourself in three sentences?

    I love to play. I’m very family oriented. I’m a daydreamer.


    What sparked your passion for Photography?

    I suppose originally it was my Pop. He was always very keen photographer, and we sat through many ‘slide nights’ as kids – looking at his images and enjoying the stories he told along with them. As I got older he taught me how to use his camera, and once I got my first SLR I was hooked.

    Whats in your camera bag?

    Nikon D90, 50 1.8D, 105 2.0DC, 105 Macro, Sigma 10-20mm, Lensbaby Composer Pro.


    What Camera/Equipment did you start out with?

    Nikon F60 and then a Nikon D80


    If you could only use one lens an entire session which one would you choose and why?

    I love, love, love my 50mm 1.8D. The length is perfect for my style (on a crop), and it’s just such a sharp little lens.


    What advice would you give to someone just beginning in photography and hoping to be as amazing as you someday!

    Try not to get caught up in what everyone else is doing, and what gear they have. Be true to your self; and shoot what makes your heart sing.


    What was your first official Photographer crush if you had one?

    Sheye Rosemeyer; who writes with as much beauty and honesty as she photographs. And more recently, I am loving the work of Jonas Peterson.


    What inspires your photography most?

    At the risk of sounding cliché, I would have to say my biggest inspiration is my children. I feel so blessed to have become a mother twice over, and I can’t help but be inspired when I’m around their smiling little faces (although their cranky faces are actually pretty cute, too!).

    After my children, I would have to say my biggest inspiration is light.



    If you could photograph absolutely anyone who would it be dead or alive? 

    I would love to photograph one of the amazingly talented riders on the Australian Paralympic equestrian team… And Heath Ledger comes in a very close second 😉


    Describe your style in 3 words.

    Emotive. Real. Timeless.


    Favorite time of day to shoot is?

    Sunrise. I’m a big morning person (my husband is not so much!).


    If you had to stop taking photos right now, what would you do instead?

    I would love to get back into equestrian eventing.


    Have you attended college or had any formal education in Photography?

    I haven’t had any formal education. Aside from my late Pop, the biggest influence on my learning has been the fabulous classes at Clickin’ Moms Photography Forum. I can’t speak highly enough of the wonderful workshops being taught over there!


    What are your photography related goals for 2012?

    To shoot daily, and make more of an effort to get in front of the camera with my family. So far I’m keeping up with it!


    How do you push yourself to keep growing and learning?

    I love to learn, and I think with photography it’s often a case of ‘the more you learn, the more there is to learn’ – which is what keeps me so passionate. I get bored very quickly if I’m not learning, so I tend to read a lot – and practice what I read.


    Any Big Aha! Moments?

    I had heard it over and over again, but it wasn’t until I started using Kelvin for WB, and getting consistently good exposure that I started to spend less time editing skin tones. Getting it right in camera helps so much!


    Do you print your images often or do they just sit on your EHD like mine?

    I think I need to add this to my goals for 2012… I am terrible with printing – I need to print way more often than I do!


    Do you ever plan to go into business?

    Never say never I suppose. At the moment I’m just enjoying the ride. There is something so very rewarding about shooting just for myself. I love it.


    Fun stuff:


    Favorite Color: Blue

    Favorite Season: Summer

    Biggest Guilty Pleasure: Dark Chocolate and Iced Coffee’s

    Pet Peeve: Dishonest people

    Studio or On location: Location, location, location!

    What did you want to be when you grew up? A teacher

    One thing no one knows about you is: I secretly think I’m a really good singer…

    Pc or Mac: Mac

    Lightroom Or Photoshop: Lightroom

    Film or Digital: Digital. Hopefully I can say ‘both’ someday…

    Props or No Props: No props

    If you could travel anywhere it would be: The Greek Islands

    Glass Half Empty or Half Full: Half Full

    Favorite photo ever taken: My two loves, covered in mud – hugging.

    Raw or Jpeg: RAW

    Favorite Music to Edit to: Anything with a bit of soul…

    Favorite Quote: “Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened”

    Most valued material possession: My Pop’s Canon AE-1.

    Processing Style: Film inspired.

    Coffee or Tea: Coffee

    If you could photograph a Celebrity who would it be? 

    Miranda Kerr

    What kind of Camera bag do you rock? Kelly Moore B-Hobo, in Walnut.

    6 Lovely Comments  •  Leave a Comment for Sarah

    6 Beautiful Souls Commented

    1. Ally says:

      So proud. So inspired. So in love with everything you do!

    2. Clayton Dunn says:

      Truly from your heart and sole in all these photos,having known you and no your personality and your family i can see and feel these pictures truly speak volumes of who you are straight thru the lens,massive talent say gday to Mick for me great shot him too.

    3. Your images are as gorgeous as you are, Elle. I totally agree with Sarah when she said that she can recognize one of your images even without seeing your watermark. You have a style that is so you, that captures your subjects so well, and I love that you stay so true to yourself in your work.

    4. Ashlee says:

      Go Elle 🙂 how lucky am I to have a sister with a passion for photography.

    5. christina says:

      your two loves, covered in mud – hugging = my fave Elle Walker original too 🙂 And the rest rank very high up there in inspiration as well. Loved this Sarah and Elle! <3

    6. Kristy says:

      <3 Beautiful work <3

    Leave a Lovely Comment


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