Inspired, A Very Special Project | Shannon Sewell Photography

    I can not believe that it has been three months since we began undergoing this project. This project is so near and dear to my heart and I have really been so inspired and found such a renewed love for photography since I got this project underway!  The photographers I have had the honor of featuring here are not only so talented and so generous with their time and their answers but are also so different and its a breath of fresh air to see such a variation in style and in creative perspective.  I am a firm believer that our upbringing, our values, our family life. It all really so interconnected and so amazing to see the little bits of our different lives oozing into the very fiber of our work. And it goes to show that despite our differences this community really is so all intertwined. I for one feel very honored to be a part of it all.

    So far we have had such a unique group of photographers. Some are well known, others just starting out. Some are established and some are just in the hobby stages of their career. It is not only refreshing to get to know how they tick, where they find their own inspiration but to see that we all have truly started somewhere.  Our growth, our approaches all different just like theirs it also gives me hope that I will continue to grow.  I hope that you are all gaining as much as I truly have from this amazing opportunity to have a bit more insight into this very special group of photographers candid and open approach to their answers.

    This Wednesday I am SO excited to be interviewing the AMAZING Shannon Sewell here. Shannon has such a beautiful eye. Aside from the obvious beautiful photography she has such a gift of capturing childhood.  Her images are so full of fun, bright vivid colors and imagination.  I can not help but feel overwhelming JOY going through her work.  Her images just feel so happy and funky and eclectic.  What I find even more fascinating about her work however is that she also creates her own props and backdrops!!  It seriously feels as if this woman has no end to her talents and abilities!  Her personal, commercial and client work is just so fresh and so inspired. She was even featured on the Frame Show. She’s that amazing. And she’s letting me pick her brain so lets begin shall we?

    You Can find Shannon’s gorgeous website HERE and her Twitter account HERE.

    Hi Shannon!!


    You can say a big ol’ hello to Shannon too right here on Facebook.

    What sparked your passion for Photography? 
    Number one my kids.  I also love the process of creation… whether it be an outfit, a set or a concept.  Photography gives me the perfect excuse (& documentation) to do that! 
    Whats in your camera bag? 
    Canon 5d mkii, Canon 5d, 85 1.2, 35 1.4 and some random finger puppets, suckers and extra CF cards. 

    What Camera/Equipment did you start out with? (She included one of her VERY first photos she took with it below!)
    Canon rebel and 50 1.4 (still a pretty solid set up if you ask me) 😉
    If you could only use one lens an entire session which one would you choose and why? 
    85 1.2.  The softness and compression just makes for everything I love in a photograph.
    What advice would go give to someone just beginning in photography and hoping to have a business of their own? 
    Don’t compromise your vision or your worth.
    What was your first official Photographer crush if you had one?
     Tara Whitney. 
    What kind of photos do you like to take for just yourself when not working with clients?
     I love dreaming up stories and themes for a photo shoot.  I do this in both my personal and hired work.  One is all my imagination, the other a fun collaboration.
    Most embarrassing moment on a session would be? 
    I forgot to put a CF card in my camera once.  Didn’t realize until the end of the session.  That was more nausea inducing than embarrassing though!

    Any challenges you have had to overcome to be where you are today? 
    Time management.  It was the most important lesson I learned to keep my passion and excitement for photography alive while still having a full life outside of it. 

    Favorite time of day to shoot is?
     Before sunset.

    If you had to stop taking photos right now, what would you do instead? 
    Hang out with my kids more.  and decorate.  a lot… I love interior design.  I’ve actually scaled back my photography schedule to do this already!

    Have you attended college or had any formal education in Photography? 
    My college degree is actually in human development (geared toward becoming a grade school teacher).  So while it wasn’t photography related, it definitely gave me skills in the psychology of working with children.  I have taken many photography classes but nothing in regards to a degree.   

    What do you do to get your clients to relax with you?
     I am just me.  There are no pretenses.  I am silly, I am honest… if they like who I am then it becomes like hanging out with a friend.  That is always my goal.

    What are your photography related goals for 2012?
     Every year it is the same… keeping myself on track to do what inspires me, giving the best of myself to my clients, keeping true to my vision.  I always promise myself i will be more stringent on the business end of things (ie: charging what i’m worth) still working on that one.

    How do you push yourself to keep growing and learning? Any Big Aha! Moments? 
    The most important thing that I’ve kept forefront is that I can learn from everyone.  Whether someone has a month under their belt or 20 years, everyone has something to offer. I think as long as you keep yourself open to it, you will learn something new every day.

    Biggest Photography related insecurity? 
    People’s expectations of me.  I feel like I am learning every day.  Each day is a new challenge and I feel like a beginner over and over.  It’s intimidating when people expect me to ‘know it all’. 
    Digital or Prints? 
    Both (I make sure i print everything I love for me though.)
    How long did it take you to develop your processing style. Its so rich and unique. I am always in awe of your beautiful photos! 
    Two years.  My first year was ALL about playing and trying everything new.  The second year was dialing it in.  That was 5 years ago and I still work with pretty much the same basics.
    What is your best promotional tool for your business? 
    Word of mouth.  It is everything.
    Fun stuff:
    Favorite Color: white (does that count?)
    Favorite Season: summer nights, winter mornings
    Biggest Guilty Pleasure: shopping. i really try to be mindful of what i buy so just buying on impulse… total guilty pleasure.
    Pet Peeve: people that are fake
    Favorite Pandora Station: i don’t listen to pandora.  hard pressed to find music i don’t like though 😉
    Studio or On location: both!
    What did you want to be when you grew up? an attorney.  always pictured myself as a corporate big city girl.  
    Pc or Mac: Mac
    Lightroom Or Photoshop: PS
    Film or Digital: mostly digital
    Props or No Props: props (w/purpose)
    If you could travel anywhere it would be: any new landscape intrigues me.  it can be an your away or a 1/2 world away, i love it all.
    Glass Half Empty or Half Full: half full
    Favorite photo ever taken: that changes pretty much every time i photograph my kids.  any time i capture ‘them’ i fall in love all over again.
    Raw or Jpeg: both
    Favorite Music to Edit to: i actually watch tv/movies while i edit.  only time i get to, love netflix! 
    Most valued material possession: my external drives. they have every image i’ve taken of my kids on them.  
    Processing Style: simple
    Coffee or Tea: both
    What Kind of Camera Bag do your rock? Kelly Moore Mimi


    2 Lovely Comments  •  Leave a Comment for Sarah

    2 Beautiful Souls Commented

    1. Alice C. says:

      Wow! She’s amazing! Love the gorgeous clean processing and how every photo just screams fun!

    2. Heather says:

      Great post! Enjoyed reading! I <3 Shannon Sewell's work! Such an inspiration to me, I can really connect with her story too. Thanks for a great post! 🙂


    Leave a Lovely Comment


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