Inspired, A Very Special Project | Emma Wood Photography

    We have two full months of amazing Photographers in this project and I am totally overjoyed to share Miss Emma Wood with you all for this Thursday’s installment!! Emma’s work is captivating, full of emotion and beautiful light and her black and white images are so profoundly artful and inspiring I am totally honored to be sharing her with you all today!!  I am completely sure that you will be just as awe struck as I am every time a photo of hers pops up in my Facebook news feed.

    You can find Emma’s website HERE.

    And you can say “Hi” to Emma on her Facebook Fan page HERE.


    Time to get Started!

    Hi Emma!!


    Lets get to know you! How would you describe yourself in three sentences?      
    Wife of a pilot,  Mother of seven crazy but gorgeous kids,  but just your usual down to earth easy going Brit.  I’m  Scatty, forgetful and caring.   I’m shy-ish, until you get to know me but once you’re a friend, you’re a friend for life.
    What sparked your passion for Photography?    
    I’ve always loved photography, but recently it was watching my last babies grow so fast.  I wanted to find a way to document and remember them as they were as littlies and my love for photography re-emerged with an intensity that surprised even me.
    Whats in your camera bag?  
    My beloved Nikon D700, Nikon 85mm 1.4D, Nikon 50mm 1.4K  Nikon 20mm 2.8, Nikon 105mm Macro and a cute little Lensbaby Composer Pro
    What Camera/Equipment did you start out with?  
    My Dad lent me his Nikon D100 and a bunch of lenses, which I sold to fund a Canon D550, I then got my hands on a Canon Mark 2 and finally about 5 months ago, made the switch to Nikon.  Finally no more itchy feet – Nik and I have a great relationship  🙂
    If you could only use one lens an entire session which one would you choose and why?    
     What a torturous question, lol.  I think (after deliberating for quite a while) that it would be my 85mm 1.4D.  I just love the tones, clarity and bokeh that come out of that beauty.
    What advice would go give to someone just beginning in photography and hoping to have a business of their own?  
    Well I’m not in business, but I think I would tell them to practise, every single day.  Don’t let a day go by when you haven’t picked up your camera, it all helps to build up confidence and experience.
    What was your first official Photographer crush if you had one?    
    I think the first crush I had was Stacie Turner…I adored her work and I still do.    I also love Sarah Wilkerson….Every single image that she takes moves me.
    What kind of photos do you like to take for just yourself when not working with clients?  
    The sort of pictures I take for myself are capturing my children or family unawares.  I love those totally unexpected captures that make your heart sing.    I love looking at them knowing that it’s a precious and real little moment of reality frozen in time.
    If you could photograph absolutely anyone who would it be dead or alive?  
    I would have adored to photograph Audrey Hepburn.  She had a grace and beauty about her that was mesmerising.
    Describe your style in 3 words.  
    Film Inspired,  Timeless and Moody.
    Most embarrassing moment on a session would be?  
     Luckily I haven’t had that happen yet, but I’m sure it’s probably just around the corner…
    Any challenges you have had to overcome to be where you are today?  
    I was married at an early age and after a while found myself a single Mum.  With 3 little ones, one of which has special needs.  I definitely struggled to ‘do it all’ on my own.   But ultimately I think its made me stronger, independent and appreciative of life.  The journey that we are on, makes us the people we are today.  I find great strength in that and that over-coming the hard times,  makes the good times all the sweeter.
    Favorite time of day to shoot is?
    Outside, it’s from 4pm onwards, but because I love the shoot inside best of all, it can be any time of the day – which rocks my world.
    If you had to stop taking photos right now, what would you do instead?  
    Cry, cry and cry some more…  But seriously, I would probably write.
    Have you attended college or had any formal education in Photography?  
    No formal education, but lately i’ve taken some wonderful ClickinMoms workshops that have pretty much changed the way that I look at photography.  The women there are some of the most amazing and talented i’ve ever met.
    What do you do to get your clients to relax with you?  
    For me that doesn’t come easy.  I always get nervous, I always feel awkward, but in the end all you can do is be yourself and be interested in your client.   Being genuine, friendly and honest is what seems to work best for me.
    What are your photography related goals for 2012?
     This year began with me being asked to be on the Mentor team for ClickinMoms and I’m hoping to write and run a workshop for them at some point this year.    I also want to expand my love for film – I have a mamiya 645 on the way and I cannot wait to get my hands on it.
    How do you push yourself to keep growing and learning? Any Big Aha! Moments?  
    I put in the time and the more I learnt the hungrier I was for information…I naturally pushed myself without even knowing I was doing it.  One big Aha moment was realising that indoor light was not only nothing to be afraid of, but it was my best friend.
    Biggest Photography related insecurity?  
    Probably that I’ll end up boring everyone, or even myself.   I’m also really bad with settings etc.  I can use them when I have my camera in front of me intuitively without even thinking about it,  but I’m just so untechnical, that when I’m asked questions, I still struggle to explain why I’m doing what I do and how.
    Digital or Prints?
     Both 🙂
    Fun stuff:
    Favorite Color:  Blue
    Favorite Season:   Winter
    Biggest Guilty Pleasure:   A huge frothy latte every single day without fail…
    Pet Peeve:  Dishonesty or the inability to be truthful to yourself and those around you.   On a lighter note, it’s the packaging that they put toys in these days. It takes me hours to get anything open and that’s not fun when you have an inpatient 2yr old who thinks you’ll do it faster by saying ‘can I have it now’ every 3 seconds. 
    Favorite Pandora Station:  What’s pandora?  LoL
    Studio or On location:   Location
    What did you want to be when you grew up?   A ballerina.  I went to a ballet and drama boarding school as a child – but somehow that puzzle piece just didn’t fit. 
    One thing no one knows about you is:   I’m obsessive and a little OCD.   Shsshh, please don’t tell my Hubby that i’ve finally admitted to this…i’ve been telling him for years that he’s crazy even suggesting it.   Also, I’m gluten free and kiwi fruit makes me shiver. 
    Pc or Mac:  Mac
    Lightroom Or Photoshop:   Both but…. I can’t live without Lightroom
    Film or Digital:        Digital now but ask me in a few months and I’m hoping to be able to say both.
    Props or No Props:   No props
    If you could travel anywhere it would be:   Cyprus.  I spent my teenage years there, I love it and consider it my home.
    Glass Half Empty or Half Full:        It used to be half empty, but I’m happy to say that it’s now definitely half full. 🙂
    Favorite photo ever taken:  It’s one of my daughter Poppy just sitting, it’s not perfect but that’s what I love about it I think. 
    Raw or Jpeg:  RAW
    Favorite Music to Edit to:   U2  

    Most valued material possession:   A little green chair that belonged to my Grandfather, it’s falling apart but so special to me.

    Favorite Quote:    That which doesn’t kill us, makes us stronger.
     Processing Style:   Film-inspired, Black and white, dramatic 
    Coffee or Tea:   I drink about 7 cups of tea a day – it’s what the foundations of my Country were built on, don’t you know!   😉
    If you could photograph a Celebrity who would it be?    I would love to shoot candids of  Prince William and Kate, they seem so down to earth and real, I can’t imagine them liking posed pictures. 
    What kind of Camera bag do you rock?  Epiphanie Clover in Turquoise. 


    19 Lovely Comments  •  Leave a Comment for Sarah

    19 Beautiful Souls Commented

    1. ajira says:

      I just, JUST, fell in love with this photographer today. Read a post about her on Clickin’ Moms and then read her blog and then came here to see this interview. Marvelous, marvelous work. Utterly breathtaking. Will definitely be looking at this artist again in the future.

    2. Emma’s such a beautiful person – inside and out – and that beauty shines through in each and every one of her amazing images. Emma, I’m so thrilled to call you a friend, and I’m so inspired by your incredible work. Thank you, Emma and Sarah, for sharing this wonderful peek inside Emma’s life with us!

    3. Rebecca says:

      Seriously, Emma’s work always takes my breath away!

    4. […] I was so excited and honored to be included in a special project by Sarah Cornish, the fantastic woman behind My Four Hens Photography.  Each week she features a different photographer and I’ve so enjoyed reading the entries, being included was such a privilage.  Here is one of the images featured, and to see the rest just click here […]

    5. Alison says:

      LOVE LOVE LOVE her photos! These are so insanely gorgeous!

    6. Corinne says:

      Such wonderful tid bits about you Emma. You work is beautiful and inspiring!! Thank you so much for sharing.

    7. I loved reading this Emma. I just adore your work. There is so much emotion and feeling in all of your images.

    8. LOVE this interview and LOVE Emma!

    9. Emma’s work is so inspiring. It is beautiful…just like her! xoxoxo

    10. Oh gosh, I spelled your name wrong Sarah. Sorry!!!!!!!!!

    11. Sara, I am absolutely in love with this series. It is such a pleasure to learn more about these amazing women and be inspired. Emma, you are SO inspiring. I can’t wait for the day I get to meet you! I love every single image you capture!

    12. Irene Aitken says:

      Emma’s work is amazing!! Reading about how she isn’t technically minded and works the camera and setting intuitively is my exact photog insecurity, which is why I haven’t made the leap in starting my own little business. I don’t feel so alone now. Maybe it’s time!??

    13. Jeannette says:

      One word WOW! Stunning images and what a great interview, I’m in awe and completely inspired by Emma’s talents.

    14. This is a beautiful feature, Emma. You are wonderfully talented in so many ways. I love following you. 🙂 Sarah, thank you for this amazing interview. <3

    15. Beautiful work! Those black and whites are amazing, I’m very inspired! Thanks for introducing me to this talented lady!

    16. Melissa Everett says:

      In my photography dreamy dreams I would love to capture things the way Emma does. Such awesomely, inspiring beauty! Thanks so much for this interview!!

    17. Kathryn Page says:

      Emma is amazing. Her beautiful work is a reflection of the beautiful soul taking the pictures. She has a heart of gold for sure!

    18. Crystal (momaziggy) says:

      WOW Emma…I am so moved by your images and edits. Blown away actually. The passion, beauty and emotion that you capture and further create with your edits is so moving. My heart literally pounded and my jaw dropped and I actually said….WOW! Ha! Thanks Sarah, I now have a new photographer to follow!

    19. Riikka says:

      What a wonderful feature! Emma, you know I LOVE you and your work! Beautiful.

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