Inspired, A Very Special Project | Carrie of Carrie Small Photography

    Oh sweet Carrie. Where do I ever begin?!

    Carrie Small is honestly one of the most amazing natural light photographers I have the pleasure of knowing. Her work is timeless, beautiful and with every new photo she posts I fall in love that much more. I found Carrie on Clickinmoms some years back.  I instantly fell in love with her work, especially the photos of her little man Aidan she would share but what really surprised me was just how humble and wonderful she is on the other side of the camera. I can say with a million percent honesty I do not think she really knows what an AMAZING photographer she is. Her love for her craft is beyond evident in her work.  Just when I think I couldn’t adore her more though she finds a new way to seriously impress me. She is the kind of photographer that makes me want to be better. Not just in my own imagery but as a person.  I could go on for HOURS, possibly even days!

    I am going to jump right into this because I have not a doubt in my mind you won’t feel the same way after reading her interview!!

    You can find her website HERE.

    Let’s meet Miss Carrie!!!

    You can say “Hi!” to her too right HERE on Facebook.

    Lets get to know you! How would you describe yourself in three sentences?

    I’m shy and quiet, its hard to get me to open up.  I love my husband and two babies with all my heart, and they are my entire world.  I’m a little bit of a dork, and not afraid to admit it.

    What sparked your passion for Photography?

    As a child—Anne Geddes.  I had all her calendars and would just drool over them.  I’ve loved newborns since I was a child myself, and I would photograph my dolls wishing to be just like her. My dad had an old Canon, I can’t even remember the model, that he let me have.  There were 5 lenses that I could use.  I was really into music as a young teenager and a lot of concerts wouldn’t allow flash photography, so my dad taught me how to take pictures in manual so I wouldn’t need the flash.  I really began to get serious after the birth of my son—he was born at 26 weeks gestation and a pound and eleven ounces of pure miracle.  I wanted to record every moment of his life in photos.

    Whats in your camera bag?

    My camera bag(s) are scattered—I’m ashamed to admit I don’t keep things neatly organized, so most of the time you’ll find what I need on a shelf or a table.  I have a Nikon D40x, my first baby.  I still use this one on trips.  I have a Nikon D3 as my main camera and a D700 for backup.  I love my 85mm 1.4 lens the best.  I also have the 50mm 1.4D and 50mm 1.4G, Nikkor 24-70 2.8, 105mm Macro and 60mm macro, and a wide angel Tamron that hasn’t been used in ages.

    What Camera/Equipment did you start out with?

    I started out with a Canon years and years ago, but the Nikon D40x that I got for Christmas 2007 was the camera that started my passion for newborn and children photography.


    If you could only use one lens an entire session which one would you choose and why?

    Hands down, my 85mm 1.4—it stays on my camera most of the time, unless I’m shooting a newborn.  I strictly use the 50mm for newborn work, but outdoors the depth of focus of the 85 is dreamy.

    What advice would go give to someone just beginning in photography and hoping to have a business of their own?

    Be patient and find your style.  Don’t work for pennies, you are giving away time with your family and there is nothing more precious than your time.

    What was your first official Photographer crush if you had one?

    Anne Geddes was my ‘crush’ as a child—and the first photographer that I saw that made me want to go into a business of my own was Angela Crutcher—I saw her work while browsing newborn photography when my son was born and was just in awe.  Then soon after I found Carrie Sandoval and Brittany Woodall, and my obsession began.

    What kind of photos do you like to take for just yourself when not working with clients?

    I love themed shots of my son more than anything!  I wish clients had that mindset when they come for portraits. My favorite photos of my son are as a cowboy and pirate!

    If you could photograph absolutely anyone who would it be dead or alive?

    I would photograph my dad and his grandsons—he passed away when my son was 1.  He has since had 3 more grandsons and I would love to have a photograph of him with all 5 of his boys around them (and we can throw my baby girl Ella in as well).

    Describe your style in 3 words.

    Vintage, hazy, whimsical

    Most embarrassing moment on a session would be?

    I’m going to call out my mom on this one.  She was babysitting my son while I was doing a shoot, and she left early—backing her car into my client’s car!  That was the most horrifying moment ever!

    Any challenges you have had to overcome to be where you are today?

    Time management is my biggest challenge.  I work a full time job, and I have to find time to persue my passion as a photographer while at the same time, make the time to spend with my family.  It has been a big struggle since the beginning.

    Favorite time of day to shoot is?

    I tend prefer flat soft lighting so I like to shoot those few precious moments after the sun has dipped below the horizon.  I love the looks of sunflares but I haven’t mastered them, and I just love that soft, warm light at the end of the day.

    If you had to stop taking photos right now, what would you do instead?

    By day, I am a health inspector for restaurants and daycares.  If I stopped photographing, I would just stick with my full time job.

    Have you attended college or had any formal education in Photography?

    I have attended college, but I have a degree in Zoology and one in Occupational Environmental Science and Chemistry—absolutely nothing to do with Photography.  I’ve never taken any courses or classes.

    What do you do to get your clients to relax with you?

    I am very shy, so its hard for me to get someone else to open up for me, but I try to chat lightly with them and get them to just be themselves for the photos instead of trying to be stiff and pose.  This is something I’m still working on! I make jokes, but I’m probably the only one who finds them funny.  I want them to see that I’m just a dork with a camera, and hope that they can be silly with me too.

    What are your photography related goals for 2012?

    I want to photograph more newborns and less ‘other things’ in an attempt to eventually specialize in newborns and baby plans only.  I want to better manage my time with my family and be more timely in getting orders out to clients.

    How do you push yourself to keep growing and learning? Any Big Aha! Moments?

    I plan on taking more workshops to keep me learning.  I attended Baby as Art last year and it was the best trip—a huge aha moment just watching them work.

    Biggest Photography related insecurity?

    I’m always insecure when it comes to how my clients like their photos.  I’m constantly worrying that they don’t like their shot, or don’t think I did their family justice.  For this reason I overcompensate and end up giving a client a gallery of 50+ images, just in the hopes that they find that one that speaks to them.

    Digital or Prints?

    I am mostly digital—this is what I would want if I were to have my family photographed, so this is what I offer my clients.  My digitals come with a reference print so that hopefully the client realizes that the print that I provide is better than running to the local supermarket.  I also offer print collections for those who want it.

    What is the toughest thing you have had to overcome with your newborn photography?

    I had to become a baby whisperer—and this just takes practice.  I also had to learn to pay more attention to the tiny details—and this is something else I’m still working on.

    Where is your favorite place to shop for props?

    I love antique stores the best!  But we have very few in my area, so I’m usually resorting to Hobby Lobby.

    You have such an AMAZING way of photographing your son and your daughter. Is there anything you do to get your son especially to cooperate with you? I know my kids are absolutely sick of me lol!!

    I am blessed with a little boy who doesn’t mind at all taking photos as long as I tell him how many I want to take.  As a younger child (between 1.5-2.5) he was very difficult to photograph—it’s so hard to bribe this age.  But the older he got the easier it became and today he’s a natural.  He works for new Legos—he’s easily bought.  I also have to tell him exactly how many pictures he has to take (and believe me, he counts the clicks!).  I have to do the same thing to make him eat (tell him how many bites he has to take) so I’m used to it!


    When you were starting out is there anything you would have done differently if you knew now what you didn’t then?

    I would have developed a more defined style from the very beginning, not bought into crazy props and trends in the photography world, and spent more time practicing before becoming a business.

    If you had to appoint a theme song to your work what would it be and why?

    I had to get some friends’ help on this one—they picked Mindy Gledhill, “I Do Adore”

    If you could trade places with another photog for a day who would it be?

    Probably Annie Leibovitz—how awesome is it that she gets to meet such big celebrities every day?  Or, I would love to be a wildlife photographer—zoology, being my first love, would be so much fun to shoot.

    Fun stuff:

    Favorite Color:
    Yellow and green

    Favorite Season:
    Fall!  I have this red maple tree that is STUNNING for about 2 weeks a year (the beginning of November).  Although, on the RARE occasion that we get snow, I’m in love.

    Biggest Guilty Pleasure:
    I am in love with Chef Gordon Ramsey so I watch all of his shows!

    Pet Peeve:
    Cell phones giving bad service.  I want to SCREAM if I can’t hear plainly what someone is saying.  It really gets my blood pressure too high for no real reason!

    Favorite Day of the Week:
    Saturday—who doesn’t love Saturdays?  I take my 77 year old granny to breakfast every Saturday morning to Waffle House.  Its our tradition that has been in place since I had my drivers license.  I usually have a newborn to photograph afterwards and sometimes a family session at night, but since I don’t have to work the full time job, I enjoy it!

    Favorite Pandora Station:
    I have to admit, I’ve never listened to Pandora.  I’m not much into music.

    Studio or On location:
    I have a tiny room that is my ‘studio’ for now, and we are working on remodeling a large workshop outside my house to be my dream studio.  My ‘on location’ is usually in my back yard as I live out in the country on a sod farm.

    What did you want to be when you grew up?
    I wanted to be a cetologist (they study aquatic mammals) because I fell in love at Sea World as a child.  I got my degree in zoology with the intention of moving to Alaska to study whales—but instead I met and married my college crush and stayed home.  I wouldn’t change it for the world!

    One thing no one knows about you is:
    I don’t drink out of glass cups because I don’t like the smell of glass.

    Pc or Mac:
    I’m loving lots of Mac things, but I still work on a PC—I have an awesome Alienware computer.  Its super duper fast.

    Lightroom Or Photoshop:

    Film or Digital:

    Props or No Props:
    I’m slowly learning to love no props, especially with newborns.  I want to showcase the baby, not the prop.  I do love headbands and simple bonnets though!

    If you could travel anywhere it would be:
    Australia, Alaska, Hawaii, China…the list goes on and on.  I would love to travel everywhere in the world.

    Glass Half Empty or Half Full:
    Definitely half full, I always see the bright side.

    Favorite photo ever taken:
    This photo of my son is my favorite photo I’ve ever taken of him.  I love his expression, the light, the area, my awesome client’s antique horse…I love it all.


    Raw or Jpeg:

    Favorite Music to Edit to:
    I don’t really listen to any music at all, especially while editing.  The sound I hear is usually my cat purring on my lap (she likes it when I edit).

    Favorite Quote:
    “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” ~Dr. Suess

    Most valued material possession:
    My photos of my babies, and because I do not print them like I should I’m going to have to say my 3 external hard drives.

    Processing Style:
    I love soft airy photos with a slight pink haze to them.

    Next Big Photography investment:
    All my investments this year will be toward my new studio.  I’m so excited to have a bigger space to shoot in and my dream this year is to finally complete it.

    Coffee or Tea:
    I gave up my coffee almost 2 years ago .  I used to indulge in a frappucino every single morning for breakfast. Today, I drink neither coffee nor tea—only water and lactose free milk.

    If you could photograph a Celebrity who would it be?
    I don’t follow many celebrities, so any celebrity would really excite me!  I live in a very celebrity-free area in North Carolina, so the odds of that happening are very slim!

    What kind of Camera bag do you rock?
    I have a large Jill-E bag and a smaller Epiphanie that I LOVE to death.  My hubby bought it for me for Christmas all on his on (I usually have to hand hold to get the gifts I want) and it comes in a separate little bag in the box.  He threw a fit and called the company because he thought they sent the wrong bag!  So just because he picked it out himself, I love it to death.

    10 Lovely Comments  •  Leave a Comment for Sarah

    10 Beautiful Souls Commented

    1. Emily says:

      What a fantastic interview! Carrie, you truly are an inspiration.

    2. Kylie says:

      I have been following Carrie’s work for over 3 years now. I drool all over my keyboard every morning after my husband leaves for work. Her work is super vintage and hazy… just like my dreams that I so vivdly see every night in my sleep.

      I have been running my small photography business for about 3 years now and I have to say, she is my biggest inspiration!
      Carrie is a kind soul who I aspire to one day meet. She is so nice and has humored me in several questions throughout the years. My husband and I just bought a house last week and the babies are coming soon after… as a gift, my husband has promised to drive us down from our home in Rising Sun, Maryland all of the way down to Fayettville, North Carolina to have Carrie photograph our baby bump.

      Thank you Carrie for all that you are and all that you do for your clients. I can’t wait to meet you and now that I know you better, I’m even more excited to meet you!

      Love, Kylie Wingert <3

    3. Nelly Cole says:

      Stunning, Carrie! I love your images! Thanks for sharing.

    4. Laura Brett says:

      To my dear friend, you don’t even realize how amazing you are! Loved reading about you….can’t wait to see your family soon!!!

    5. Jessica says:

      It is true that I don’t think Carrie knows just how amazing she is! Gorgeous work, unique talent and amazing skills.

    6. Carrie says:

      Carrie I just adore every thing you do! Thanks for the great article giving us some insight

    7. tamsen says:

      having met Carrie and her sweet family, I have to say this fits her perfectly! She’s amazingly talented and extremely sweet and humble! Carrie, you’re beautiful and blessed! xo

    8. Lauren H says:

      I *adore* Carrie’s work! I’ve followed her ever since I first saw one of her newborn posts on Clickin’ Moms and she has just continued to get infinitely better!! Such a talented and sweet lady!!!

    9. I’ve always admired how beautifully you document your children’s lives. 🙂

    10. Michele Q says:

      What a fun read. Carrie’s work is amazing!

    Leave a Lovely Comment


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