How I View New Beginnings | Personal Alert

    You are probably thinking WOW how many projects does this lady have?! I guess it’s pretty obvious I know how to keep myself busy huh? LOL!

    I am a part of an amazing group of women on an online forum known as Clickinmoms and on the pro side a couple of the ladies suggested a project very similar to one I am already doing. I thought why not. I REALLY need to get better about documenting my family and making sure I have photos of my children and these things keep me accountable! So I jumped at the opportunity. This one however is themed which will be great for me creatively. I thought it was really worth the effort and well it is a chance for me to use my imagination.

    Shh I am cheating this month, don’t tell on me. See technically I should be sharing photos from January BUT when I read the theme was New Beginnings our move to Colorado popped right into mind and I haven’t shared any photos of our big move. We recently moved across country from Connecticut to Colorado and I absolutely love it here. Β My photos aren’t traditional. They go in sequence from when we were actually on the road to just into January. I didn’t get to photograph much of our actual road trip because I drove mostly during the day to give my husband some relief since we pretty much made a straight drive. I didn’t realize the range of emotions I would have going back through these photos. The excitement and anticipation, the homesickness, the kid’s seeing the mountains for the very first time out the hotel window. It all just comes flooding back! Next month I will definitely have photos from February to share but I thought that this was to important not to use as my topic. It is amazing. When we were going through the process of moving I didn’t feel much of anything. Kind of numb. I didn’t even really cry when we left. Even when my family was barely holding it together. A good chunk of my family is back in Connecticut, including my mom. It wasn’t easy by any means. One night however I was laying in bed. It was fairly quiet, the kids were fast asleep and it hit me out of no where. I really just missed my family. Some days are tough but I don’t regret the move one bit. I genuinely love it here and our chance at a fresh start.

    And because there is SO many photos below here is a link to the AMAZING Jessica Holden who I absolutely adore! You can find her post right HERE.

    21 Lovely Comments  •  Leave a Comment for Sarah

    21 Beautiful Souls Commented

    1. Jodi says:

      Ooooo… What a great documentation of this exciting journey you’re beginning! Best of luck to you, girlie! Hope Colorado soon feels like home!

    2. sarah cambio says:

      I love how you capture your move with your family! Colorado looks beautiful, we were hoping to one day more there too!

    3. gigi says:

      Beautiful documentary of your big journey. The scenery is always so beautiful going cross country (I love the changing skies) but you included so many wonderful car and hotel captures too – such an important part of any trip. Glad you are loving your new home!

    4. Beira says:

      Oh I love these, Sarah! I think you did a fabulous job with the theme even if they weren’t taken in January πŸ™‚ I could really feel the newness and wonder from the images with the kids in them. Best wishes for a continued easy adjustment to your new home.

    5. Love this glimpse into your new adventure in Colorado! Even though you cheated I think it’s the perfect beginning to share πŸ™‚

    6. Colie J says:

      Welcome to Colorado and these are FANTASTIC

    7. Micha says:

      What a story…and so beautifully told! I’m a tiny bit jealous of you moving to Colorado…we’ve been wanting to get back there. Welcome to your new adventure!

    8. joy says:

      what a great “feel” these have. Its a true gift to give off a feeling of mood and time thru imagery! really great!
      What wide angle to do you use?????

    9. Piper says:

      I’m following your blog chain from ClickinMoms and wanted to tell you welcome to Colorado!! I’m born and raised here and still love it :
      ). Beautiful pictures BTW!!

    10. stacey says:

      Beautiful documentation!

    11. Love this mini-documentary of your move. The sleeping baby on the couch is by far my favorite.. all those golden tendrils!! Swoon! I hope you all are adjusting well to the move!

    12. Carole says:

      i just discovered your blog and love it. I love your story! and I am from Ct and sorry to hear you have left but understand the decision to move.

    13. What a journey. It is definitely a new beginning and I wish you all the luck and success!!

    14. Jessica says:

      Oh, Sarah, something in these just make my heart flutter… The anticipation, the solemnity, the love, the twinge of quiet. They are wonderful! I am so excited to see what you produce next, and so honored to be in this group with you!

    15. Brenda says:

      I felt a little sad all over again reading this. I moved 9 hours away from my family 7 years ago and I still have those days when I really miss having them around. I love how you documented the journey, though. The photo of your sweeties playing in their new room was so cute. πŸ™‚ Good luck in your new home!

    16. […] here: How I View New Beginnings | Personal Alert Β» My Four Hens … Tags: are-probably, know-how, lady, lol, pretty-obvious, probably-thinking, projects-does, […]

    17. Jodie says:

      Beautiful! I love the lighting in all of these, especially the black and whites. And welcome to the wild wild west! Hope you love it!

    18. christina says:

      what a beautifully captured New Beginning. Best of luck to you, Sarah, as you begin your new life in CO! β™₯

    19. Emily Stephenson says:

      Love! Your trip looked like fun! I hope Colorado is going well for you, such a giant move πŸ™‚ I adore all of your photos that you share!

    20. When you were moving into Ft. Collins, we were heading out. I’m so so so so so sad to leave Colorado. I really loved it there and I’m sure you will as well. We’re now in Reno so I’m trying to pick up and start a new photo business here. It’s really tough. I know you’ll be wildly successful. If I was still there, I’d beg you to be my mentor! πŸ™‚

      Good luck in Colorado. Make sure you eat you some Raising Cane’s Chicken soon and try out Cool Beans playhouse with your little one!


    21. […] that you have seen the way I view new beginnings, you should head on over to see what Sarah has photographed this month. I’m certain it will be […]

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