Inspired, A Very Special Project | Jenna Stoller of Patch 36 Photography

    We have already had the pleasure of meeting three amazing photographers since the beginning of this journey. Three talented and wonderful different photographic perspectives in this industry. Different processing, different voices, yet all equally inspiring. If you are new to this project and am just tuning in be sure to take a minute to visit our prior guests. Last week we featured a someone I count as a dear friend. Courtney Keim. You can take a look back at her interview here.

    This week will not disappoint. This sweet lady is not only incredibly talented, but genuine and so incredibly fun to follow. Her work is impeccable, and chalk full of beautiful creative processing, fun and funky angles and absolutely breath taking subjects. She uses light in the most fantastic way. And I have to say I just LOVE her business name. Fresh, creative and unique. What I love MOST about Jenna’s work though is her honesty. Her photos tell a story that words could never quite convey. You want to be there. I for one would love to know her creative mindset when approaching her photographs. She is genuinely one of a kind.

    You can find her website HERE and her Pinterest HERE.

    Let’s begin!!

    Well, Hello Jenna!

    You can say “Hi!” to her too on her Facebook page HERE.

    Let’s get to know you! How would you describe yourself in three sentences?


    Hmm…I guess first and most importantly is that my whole life and being is defined around (or at least I want it to be) my faith in God and His son. I’m also a wife and mother to three ornery, busy, sticky, tiring, frustrating, wonderful children, and although I’m not even an inch of the mother I want to become, I’m constantly trying to do better. As a person I am a project starter (not usually a finisher), a dreamer, a vacation planner, an artist, creative, a leader, and enjoy interior design.  You never said they couldn’t be run-on sentences.


    What sparked your passion for Photography?


    Ahh the fuel to my fire was someone introducing Photoshop to me. Once I realized I could selectively color things I was sold. I then worked for a photographer doing their Photoshop work. After that, I got pregnant and started my own business. I still feel like I’m better behind the computer than I am the camera because of my first foundation.



    What’s in your camera bag?


    Not a whole lot. I use the 5d mk ii, a 24-70 2.8, 70-200 2.8, and 50 1.5 (all canon of course). Other than that I have a speed light, some chapstick, and usually some random food item.



    What Camera/Equipment did you start out with?


    My first camera (4 years ago) was the Canon 20d. I also bought a 24-70 at the same time and had that setup until I bought the 70-200 a year later. I just bought the 50 last winter, and now I love the primes and am thinking about selling the zooms.


    If you could only use one lens an entire session which one would you choose and why?


    I don’t think I own the lens that I would use the whole session. I think maybe an 85 would be a good focal length, but if I had to choose only one I would probably choose the 24-70 just for the versatility although its probably my least used lens (I usually only use it for the 24 focal length).



    What advice would go give to someone just beginning in photography and hoping to have a business of their own?


    Something I regret now is that I didn’t really understand how to pb (Portfolio Build)  and just jumped right into business even though I was really bad. I wish I would have taken my time and learned my skills and came right out of the door charging really good prices.


    What was your first official Photographer crush if you had one?


    Probably Bobbi + Mike. I still love their work. Since then though, I have found a few that seriously make me melt. Love is a Big Deal is a favorite along with Jonas Peterson, Fiona Anderson, and Molly Flanagan…etc. The list could go on but you get the idea of what type of work I swoon over.



    What kind of photos do you like to take for just yourself when not working with clients?


    I don’t take a ton of pictures. I should take more. If I do pick up my camera though, I’m usually doing a lot more documentary, moody, lifestyle work of my kids. I take a lot of the baby, because let’s just face the facts, baby girls are much easier to photograph than running toddler boys.


    If you could photograph absolutely anyone who would it be dead or alive?


    I had to pause and think about this for a while. Technically they never were “alive” but wouldn’t Romeo and Juliet just be an awesome couple to photograph. Star-crossed lovers, emotion, conflict, softness in the vintage time period… sigh.



    Describe your style in 3 words.


    Simple, minimalistic, soft.


    Most embarrassing moment on a session would be?


    I don’t know if I get embarrassed all that easily, but my most panicked moment was when a bride was walking down the aisle and my automatic focusing suddenly stopped working. Luckily I got some shots that were good enough with my manual focus. That was awful.



    Any challenges you have had to overcome to be where you are today?


    You other mom’s in the industry understand the balance that has to take place in order to “make it all work”. I feel like trying to find that balance between charging enough, charging too much, not taking too much on your plate, learning to say no is a constant challenge. It’s easy to go the sequence of all those things in question one mixed up.




    Favorite time of day to shoot is?


    I think early morning would be the prettiest. You are only gaining light instead of losing it, but unfortunately I never photograph at that time of day.


    If you had to stop taking photos right now, what would you do instead?


    I would go back to just being a stay at home mom and find other fulfillment in just being more active with my kids, community, and church.



    Have you attended college or had any formal education in Photography?


    Nothing formal, just conferences and the great resource of Clickin’ Moms Online Photography Forum.



    What do you do to get your clients to relax with you?


    I laugh a lot and make fun of myself. Pregnancy was a great tool to lighten people up. I could easily make them laugh about how if I get down I might not get up, or whatever I could come up with. Pregnant people are always funny.



    What are your photography related goals for 2012?


    I want to stretch my talent and my ability more than my business. I want to steer more toward weddings and senior girls and less towards family photography. I want to tweak my processing style so that I just love it, and finally become efficient in Lightroom.



    How do you push yourself to keep growing and learning? Any Big Aha! Moments?


    In all honesty, sometimes I don’t. I get comfortable with where I’m at and go through stages where I just “do my thing”. One main area of growth for me though is studying and dissecting others’ work. I analyze what I love about the picture. Is it in the processing, the pose, the negative space? Where is the light source? What time of day? How did they frame it? etc. That way I can learn from just looking at the picture.


    Biggest Photography related insecurity?


    Pricing. Pricing. Pricing.



    Digital or Prints?


    At one point I would have told you I would never sell digital files. Now I sell both because really, I would want digital, but most still buy prints.



    If you could trade places with one photographer, who would it be any why?


    You mean gain their skill and talent? Probably Love is a big deal or Fiona Anderson, or really anyone that lives somewhere cool and NOT in the Midwest where the best landscape we have is corn fields and some old barns. Seriously, we don’t even have any hills where I live.


    Favorite Photo Ever Taken?



    Fun stuff:


    Favorite Color: Gray (I know…drab)

    Favorite Season: Summer is the most fun, fall is the coziest.

    Biggest Guilty Pleasure: Right now I’m doing a weight loss challenge, so ANYTHING that isn’t in my caloric range is a guilty pleasure.

    Pet Peeve: chewing loudly, or with the mouth open, or crunching the chip bag

    Favorite Pandora Station: “Andrew Peterson”

    Favorite Holiday: Christmas and then New Years

    Coke or Pepsi: Neither. I’ve never liked pop. I drink water mostly.

    Studio or On location: On Location

    What did you want to be when you grew up? A dolphin trainer as a kid, then I wanted to work with the deaf, then troubled teen girls, then graphic design and that was the closest I got to photography.

    One thing no one knows about you is: I never dated my husband. Not even once did we even talk about getting married until we were already engaged. It was all based on prayer and I know it sounds whacky and most people say “I could never do that”, but it really was cool.

    Pc or Mac: Mac

    Lightroom or Photoshop: Hopefully both soon, but right now Photoshop and ACR

    Film or Digital: Digital, but I have a slew of film cameras that I just got from my husbands grandpa. I’m super excited about that.

    Props or No Props: No props

    If you could travel anywhere it would be: Bora Bora. I would stay in one of those little huts on the ocean, or I would go and see my in-laws who live in Ethiopia.

    Glass Half Empty or Half Full: Half full.

    Favorite photo ever taken:

    Raw or Jpeg: Raw

    Favorite Music to Edit to: Andrew Peterson, Chris Rice, or anything new and Indie type.

    Processing Style: a little soft, a little matte, not quite clean

    Coffee or Tea: I’m trying to like coffee but I would choose tea

    If you could photograph a Celebrity who would it be? Katherine heigl because I think she seems like a neat person or Emma Stone because of her red hair.

    What kind of Camera bag do you rock? I don’t really rock anything. I haven’t found anything I love yet, but my prettiest one is a Ketti Bag.

    Amazing, and awe inspiring right?! And fun and down to earth to boot!!! Totally inspired over here. How about you?!


    Coming up soon we have Joy from Wildflowers Photography, Bre Thurston Photography, Lisa Holloway, Denne’ Boring, Amy Lucy, Carrie Small and MANY more so be sure to check back! And changing things up our next feature will be here on Tuesday so don’t forget to peek in and see just who it is!!


    Much love!!

    3 Lovely Comments  •  Leave a Comment for Sarah

    3 Beautiful Souls Commented

    1. angel canary says:

      congrats on the feature! you’re so talented!! 😉

    2. Lacey says:

      I’m so glad you’ve featured Jenna! Not only is she an amazing photographer but has been such a loving, encouraging friend, too! Great interview, Jenna!

    3. Carrie G. says:

      Thanks for doing these posts! They’re such a great tool for folks like myself. I love Jenna’s processing!!

    Leave a Reply to Lacey


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