Timeless and Beautiful | Southeastern, CT Photographer

    Love Love Love this family. I actually met “M” online via digital scrapbooking a while and then fell in love with her beautiful custom jewelry work! She is incredibly talented in all her endeavors it seems! Her boys are the sweetest kiddos too. So charming and so vibrant and fun to work with! I can’t say enough! I could ramble on all night, I really could! If you ever have a moment be sure to check out M’s shop too! You can find her right HERE. She also has a fan page here you can find her at too!!

    I can’t wait for you to get all your beautiful photos in!! You were more then a pleasure to work with! I really just adored your little men!

    6 Lovely Comments  •  Leave a Comment for Sarah

    6 Beautiful Souls Commented

    1. Christy says:

      Absolutely love your photos!!! They are “Everyday Keepsakes”!!

    2. traci says:

      wow! stunning. each and every image is incredible!

    3. Ooo! I love those curls. These photos are lovely! Cute little family

    4. Melissa says:

      What beach did you take these beautiful pictures at?

    5. What an adorable session. The little boy with the curls running away… oh my goodness is he cute.

    Leave a Lovely Comment


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