Second times a charm | Waterford, CT Family Photographer

    This family drove about an hour to come take photos with me TWICE! I felt awful because the first time they made it all the way down here and then the weather totally decided to not cooperate! I had balloons in the car and everything ready to go! It just wasn’t in the cards! It was all good though because the second time around we got perfect skies! As us photogs know overcast is the best you could ask for LOL! It was a bit muggy but we were all in high spirits and had an awesome time getting some gorgeous photos!

    These little girls were not only beautiful but So incredibly sweet! They had the best posing ideas and basically directed me lol! Mama came prepared with the cutest outfits ever too! They were all around just a total joy to have!

    I hope you like your sneak peek L! Your gallery will be up super soon!! Sorry for the over load but I had an insanely hard time choosing favs lol!!


    Phew LOL! That was a lot! I hope you enjoy!!

    Thanks again everyone!

    22 Lovely Comments  •  Leave a Comment for Sarah

    22 Beautiful Souls Commented

    1. jolie says:

      I love everything about this session! its beautiful and I love that location!

    2. mariola says:

      these are really really beautiful

    3. Christy F says:

      I am in awe of your gorgeous work – LOVE it!!!!

    4. Heather says:

      These are so wonderful and special. I would love to have pictures of my children like this, they will cherish these forever!

    5. tanja says:

      sweet girl, beautiful family – amazing captures!

    6. Emily says:

      I can see why you had a hard time choosing. these are adorable.

    7. shanda says:

      I’d drive a lot further to have photos done by you lol. I love love the photos.

    8. kelly says:

      Love these – love them all. The locations, the colors, the beautiful lighting. So inspiring. Great work!!

    9. As the mom of two little girls myself, I can tell you that the parents must have been over the moon with these photos. Awesome photos of a beautiful family!

    10. shannon says:

      oh my goodness! these are gorgeous!!

    11. Sarah J says:

      Beautiful! It was a charm! I love the girls’ dresses. They have so much personality! Great job!

    12. Stacey S says:

      Beautiful girls and you captured them well!

    13. Hannah says:

      These are absolutely gorgeous.

    14. Brandy says:

      Gorgeous! I love the location. I love them!

    15. Jen says:

      Fantastic job and beautiful family!

    16. Kristine says:

      Gorgeousness all around, so many are my favorites, love the way you captured the sister’s together and the whole beautiful family! Amazing job Sarah!

    17. Tammy says:

      All of these are lovely, what beautiful little girls, I heart their big brown eyes. Wonderful locations – I totally want that big blue door! Think you could ship it to Texas?! 😉

    18. Lauren P. says:

      These are beautiful – I love the dreamy pp’ing feel of them. Wonderful job – wonderful images!

    19. Lisa says:

      Sarah I love them all. You are truly amazing. THank thank you. Can’t wait to go through them all. What hard choices. Thabk you again. This made my day!!!!

    20. Stacey M says:

      Seriously love them ALL! Wow! You found some GREAT locations. The little girls are so adorable. The hand holding photos… ahh, they melt my heart! The butterfy, that TREE!, and those angel wings. Ahhh! Love them…

    Leave a Reply to Tammy


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