Happy New Years! |Southeastern, CT Childrens Photographer

    Happy New Year!

    I am gearing up for a new and exciting 2010! I just know there are lots of amazing things on the horizon! I just love that with a new year comes a fresh start. A chance to do over. A fresh opportunity for new and glorious things! This past year I have grown in many ways. I have grown as a mother. I have grown as a wife. I have grown as a photographer. I am learning so much about myself. Defining my own style and making my own way. Trying to find which path I want to take to leave a legacy my children can both remember and also be proud of.
    Next year I am going to finally take a leap of faith. I am going to jump heart and head first into this photography business. I am going to do all the things necessary to do things right. To have a successful thriving, and lucrative photography business. I had decided to begin portfolio building this past year but life got in the way and I only had one “real” session. This year I am going to do things differently. I am going to focus. I am going to put myself out there. I am going to wear my proverbial business hat as a good friend of mine would put it!
    Whether you are a Family member, good friend, potential client or fellow photographer, I pray that you have a very blessed 2010. I look forward to getting to know you or just rekindling that friendship or relationship I am already so lucky to have. I hope and pray that nothing but wonderful things surround you and your loved ones and that you are beyond happy in the coming year!
    I promise to do my best to update this blog more often. Share myself more. If any of you are interested I will also be embarking on a new journey. A new project known as Project 365. I am going to attempt to take a photo every day of the year. I would love for you all to follow along, or maybe even attempt to do this yourself. You don’t need a fancy camera. You don’t need to blog. But I can guarantee that the outcome will be something you cherish forever. I had started last year and was not able to finish it. I am more determined now then ever to really cleave on and ride it out this year! You can find that blog at this link.
    So there ya have it! And I leave you with a photo I took the other day of my son Noah. I swear this kid falls alseep anywhere LOL. It was to cute not to share though!

    Lots of hugs and Kisses!!!

    3 Lovely Comments  •  Leave a Comment for Sarah

    3 Beautiful Souls Commented

    1. toki says:

      Good for you! I feel that 2010 is going to be the year for all of us. All my best.

    2. Kim K. says:

      Happy New Year!!…… Your little one is so darn cute!

    3. Trisha says:

      So precious! Great capture!

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