Category Archive: Photography
  1. Inspired, A Very Special Project | Sarah Wolfe Photography

    This Tuesday’s edition of inspired I bring you the amazing Sarah Wolfe Photography. I have been following Sarah for years now. Her work is warm and ethereal and special.  You can tell she infuses so much of her soul into her imagery. I especially love her shares of her sweet family, including her newest tiny addition Ben. I am always completely in awe of her and admittedly stalk her Facebook page a bit. You will see for yourself why below.  I also kind of dig that we share a name. I know Sarah may be one of the most common names… ever, but hey.

    Hi sweet Sarah!


    What is your Business Name?
    Sarah Wolfe Photography

    What is your Facebook Fan Page?
    What is your Camera Body?

    What inspired you to become a Photographer?
    I lost my parents at an early age and that’s really had an impact on how I value my relationships. The only photo I have of me as a child with my parents is a tiny wallet sized photo of my mom and me on Santa’s lap. I know life is full of changes and I think photography gives us a all an opportunity to freeze time. I love taking pictures of children because they grow so quickly and of people loving one another. A photo is a memory on paper, something tangible you can hold that can make you remember things or moments you might otherwise have forgotten.

    If you could only keep three things in your camera bag at one time, what would they be and why?
    My camera of course, my 85 mm lens and my 50 mm lens.

    If you are a Professional Photographer, what was your first paid session like?
    I was so anxious! I’m actually anxious before every shoot, I get butterflies in my stomach, sweaty palms and I check my camera to make sure it’s charged and my ready to go several times before I leave. I was very afraid I would freeze up at my first photo shoot, that I’d forget how to use my camera, that we wouldn’t be able to click and that the whole thing would be awkward. It went well though! I really believe the anxiety keeps me on my toes and I do a better job because of it.

    Jump in a time capsule. What would you do differently if you could? Do you have a cautionary tale?
    I wouldn’t have done so many free shoots in the beginning and I would have taken business classes to be more confident in the business aspect of my photography.

    What’s in your camera bag?
    A Canon Mark II, 50 1.4, 135L 2.0, 85 1.2, and a 100 2.8 macro

    Above all, what inspires your art the most?
    Childhood, I love how authentic kids are and the interactions between people who love each other.

    Do you have any personal projects in the works?

    I just had my last baby in January and I’m trying to document as much of his first year of babyhood as I can while still staying present and away from my camera as much as possible.


    Any one token piece of advice to someone that has just picked up a camera for the first time?
    Shoot what you love and learn as much about your camera as you can.

    What is one thing you will never get tired of photographing?
    I will never tire of photographing my own children and people I love.

    If you could sit across any one photographer with a cup of your favorite warm beverage, and talk shop for an hour, who would it be and what would you talk about?
    That’s a hard question because there are so many photographers I admire. I’d have to say Adriana Varela of Adriana Varela photography. She’s my closest photographer friend and while I talk on her with the phone fairly often, I’ve never met her in person. If we were face to face visiting, I think we’d talk about our little boys, motherhood and plan a shoot together!

    Favorite Snack to Edit to:
    Just coffee

    Favorite time of Day to Shoot at:
    two hours before sunset

    Favorite Quote:
    “Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift.” ~ Mary Oliver

    One thing you do NOT like to Photograph is:
    Weddings or big groups of people. I’m pretty shy and introverted.

    If you could Photograph Anyone, who would that one person be?
    I’d want to time travel back in time and photograph my grandmother with her little boys.


    Sarah was kind enough to share one of her starting out images from 2009!

    One thing no one knows about you?
    I dream of writing books one day.

    Best Photography Investment you ever made:
    Time, time reading book after book on photography, time learning photoshop and time out shooting. There’s always more to learn
    Photoshop or Lightroom?
    If you could live anywhere it would be:
    I am happy living here in the woods of Washington state. I dream of living in another country one day when my children are older.
    Pants or No pants?
    Natural Hair Color?
    dark brown
    Last Book you Read was?
    I read “The Giver” by Lois Lowry out loud to my family
    Can you sum up your Photography in just four words?

    love, connection, childhood and warmth
    If your Photography had a theme song, what would it be?
    I don’t have a particular song, but I always listen to music that remind me of my clients while I’m editing.
    Favorite Non Photography Related Website is: I am in love with their clothes!

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  2. What our May Looked Like | Personal Alert

    Every month for nearly the past three years (give or take), I share a bit of what ____ looks like. The blank space being a topic chosen by myself. Even better I do this with an incredible circle of women whom I have grown to love and call my friends! After checking mine be sure to follow the circle for so much inspiration. You can find the very next amazing photographer HERE and read Kelsey’s Gerhard’s What ____ looks like.

    I am still plucking right along with my Project 365. Some days are easier than others but collecting these photographs, looking back already at our days, our weeks… it makes my heart happy. This year is half way over. Ezra is half way to his first year. We have a child that just turned TWELVE. I am so grateful. Even if I do not manage to share daily like I used to I know i am still preserving our days.



    123/365 P52/Moody



    Hand Holding







    132/365 Exploration

    133/365 P52/Light









    142/365 P52 "Backyard"





    P52 My Life (Film)




    150/365 (Freelensed)



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