1. Letters to My Son | Dearest Wesley and Noah

    So happy to be back in this month. Last month things got so crazy around here. The good thing is I didn’t miss a beat taking the photos and there are so many from last month to share this month. I have been taking photos of my children every day and I am so grateful for all the wonderful memories I am recording!!

    Please be sure to follow on to April Nienhus Photography HERE to read her beautiful letter to her son (and she has a link as well that brings you around to some amazingly talented ladies!)

    My Sweet Boys,

    Being a mom of boys is elating, incredible, frustrating and so incredibly beautiful. When I was pregnant with you Wesley and we found out we were to be expecting a boy I admit I was just a tiny bit apprehensive because I had just about no experience with boy babies. When you came I couldn’t believe how off I could have been. You were just the sweetest thing. So easy. So content.  You barely cried. I used to actually worry quite a bit because you never really cried. You were a pretty calm toddler as well but always independent and always such a strong little man. I don’t know if that is because as you were being born your older sister Lillian was newly diagnosed with arthritis and you were used to being patient. You were used to sharing mommy.  You are the strong silent type there is no doubt about that.

    Then You came little Noah. A bond was born that day.  Both you and Wesley were partners (in crime in some instances.) Wesley always looked out for you and was eager to teach you new things. Show you things he was passionate about. You two are almost inseparable these days. Sure you have your tiffs, your little arguments but it really is the two of you against the world (and against mommy and daddy in some instances lol!) Watching you two warms my heart. I always wished for same sex siblings and having two boys and two girls is just a blessing. The four of you know the best of all worlds.

    Wesley I know things have been tough for you as of late. I can see your quiet moods and something going on behind those eyes. Noah is the only one that can bring you back at times.  He is the first to jump to your defense when your sisters are being moody or when mommy and daddy have to discipline you. You two just stick on right together. I hope so much it is always like that. Just know bud that whatever is going on even if I can’t understand I am here. School doesn’t always come easy to you. You have made leaps and bounds in progress this year already and we are SO proud but I get that it isn’t always a cake walk. God gave me such a gift with you two. I am blessed to have two beautiful, sweet boys that love each other. Your bond moves me. It just really really makes me proud. I can’t put it in words.

    So I look forward to the few years or so we have left of the super hero faze you are going through right now. I look forward to the imagination, the dirt and mud, the sports and dreams and games we play. I promise as you get older I won’t crowd you the best I can. I know I am a snugly mommy and I am always demanding hugs and kisses and that won’t be “cool” some day in the future. Also know you all have the biggest cheerleaders in your corner. I love watching you grow. I love being your mom. I am proud of you both as individuals and as brothers.

    Love you so much!

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  2. Letters to My Sons | Yes another Personal Project LOL

    I am quickly becoming the queen of personal projects.  I couldn’t resist this though truthfully because after months of writing to my daughters Lillian and Sophia I have had this aching empty guilty feeling. I have wanted to do this SO badly and was ready to take it on alone when a group arose of such insanely kind and talented ladies. I am so excited to get on with this. I admit I almost missed our very first post. Totally been chaos around here with sickies, work and other things and I forgot entirely to check in and then got a message from one of the sweet ladies letting me know the first post went up today. OOPS! So here it goes!!

    This first letter will be for Noah. I had something big indeed planned but totally missed the bus so next month will have to bring that to fruition. That letter will be for BOTH my boys.

    Dearest Noah,

    When did you become such a big boy? I don’t understand how it is possible that time has flown on by despite the fact that I am sure it was just the other day I held you in my arms and nuzzled the top of your head and took in your sweet newborn smell. It was intoxicating.  You coslept until you were three and it seems like just yesterday you were cuddled into me and I remember how I would wake before you and just lay there and watch you sleep. Watch your lashes kiss your cheek, watch your chest softly move up and down. And I would thank God. I truly would. I still do.  You are a little boy now. All of five and interested in your own adventures and your own motives. I often have to steal my kisses sometimes and when by chance you fall asleep next to me as you used to I still take a moment or two to watch you as I did when you were just a baby.

    This year we met a huge milestone. You started kindergarten. I will never forget taking you to orientation and watching you observing and taking in everything around you.  I wanted to coddle you. Take you home.  I silently and quite selfishly wish we could wait just one more year for you to go off to school. But the inevitable is happening you are slowly growing up.  From baby blocks to legos, from sturdy cardboard books to children’s stories with thin paper pages.  I know that going off to school now you are learning so much. Not just about math and letters but about life. About friends. I know its good for you. But I silently think back to nursing you, cuddling you whenever the fancy called which was quite often.  I am always excited to hear about your day, your new friends and your wonderful new teacher.  But I do miss having you all to myself all day. I surely do.
    So sweet, sweet boy please don’t rush growing up. I can’t handle much more in the near future! But know that mommy is here always. For cuddles, to hold your hand and wipe your fears and tears. I love you little prince.



    Now please head on to the super talented Jessica Gwozdz Photography and read her sweet letter to her son!! You can find that HERE.

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