One Day Workshops are Back! Here’s how to Join me in 2025!

    Have you been searching for an uplifting, inspiring workshop opportunity without having to commit days away from your family or wade way too far out of your comfort zone?

    I polled a number of my past workshop attendees to see what would make the biggest impact and encourage growth, without them having to sacrifice everything else. It turns out, one of the biggest challenges big retreats and workshops present for a lot of women is the time commitment, but they also require a lot of energy. Energy that is hard to come by when you are running a full fledged photography business or have a job outside of photography, and that is without the demands of a family or motherhood. I understand this struggle, so I wanted to create a safe environment for women to come and take the pressure off for one day while they learn and grow.

    Not only will I be sharing my 16 years of experience and knowledge as a professional photographer with you, but I am an open book. I aim to help you unlock your creative voice, nurture your inner artist and help you begin to create the work that fills you with purpose and inspires you to keep growing and evolving. Want more info, keep reading!! I would love to be part of your journey!

    Why a One day workshop?

    There have been so many photographers through the years that message me and really want an amazing educational experience and the feeling of a full workshop, but can’t spend days and days away from their lives/family. The added expenses make it hard for them to attend a full retreat. It is not only super expensive but time intensive. These one day workshops make a way for you to learn AND build community (which is invaluable as a photographer.) You will come away with your heart (and head) full without all of the challenges attending a full retreat sometimes bring. This is a great option if you want to really hone in on Photographing families with heart and creating beautiful, impactful images. Our day will be packed with creativity, learning, community and FUN!

    What to expect:

    Please note, a full itinerary will be sent closer to the workshop. This is to give you an idea of what our time will look like together.

    The day of, we will meet mid-late morning and prepare for our day together. The day will be structured starting with the chance to get cozy and get to know one another. It is very important to me that community is centered and you are in a safe environment so you can fully learn and absorb everything we will touch on. We will begin our goal setting and intentions and get to the bottom of who each of you are as artists. I will share my own vision and how I stay true to my own purpose and “why”. We will have a creative exercise to help set these goals so when we end our day, you have a direction to start with. This is where we begin to really soul search and brain storm.

    We dive right in before we break for lunch (together of course, my treat!) We cover all the things you’d want to know about from creating a special client experience, to culminating a brand with intention. We also go over everything from editing to styling to locations and more. This is all centered on YOU and how you want your business to be run. I make this process very individual and about your voice.

    We also continue our day by digging into the meat and potatoes of our brand and our vision. We hone in on how to shoot FOR our edits as well as how to really emphasize the emotional component of our images with our processing. We will discuss light and focus and gear and settings and composition. ALL THE THINGS. We will also dig into emotional storytelling and how to create a hybrid of lifestyle and documentary work. I want to help you get out of your head and into your body so you can shoot through the lens of emotion and intention versus running on autopilot.

    We prepare for our afternoon shoot and go over everything to expect ahead during our session. We have a round table discussion and answer lots of questions. I will also discuss my full workflow from preparing for my sessions, photographing families and what happens after the shoot ends.

    t afternoon we shoot about 90 minutes into blue hour with an amazing family. You will shoot alongside me as I give you tips and tricks on how to really see your family whilst telling their story with your composition and angles. You will also see in real time how to get your families to relax and give you all those gorgeous moments you are wanting in your work. I will have an assistant (my husband haha) present so that I can get to each of you as we run the session. I share the back of my camera, make sure everyone gets lots of help and we run these sessions in a way that gives everyone space to shoot.

    So What’s included?

    A full day of education. Lots and lots of helpful info to help you hone in on your voice and bring your work to the next level. This isn’t just a shoot out so I will be filling your mind and your heart!

    A Follow up zoom call just for us to ask any lasting questions and just so I can see your sweet faces again in the wintertime when busy season dies down.

    Lunch on our workshop day.

    A $150 code to my shop to grab anything you’d like for free.

    A Full styled family shoot led by myself.

    The opportunity to build relationships and network with peers in your community.

    A mentor that truly wants to see you thrive and win.



    Early Bird Special Rate

    Non Refundable Retainer due at booking:


    Remainder Due 30 days prior to our One Day Workshop.

    How to Book + Important Info:

    You want to look at the date below! This is the date that our one day workshop will be hosted. This date is first come/first serve. You want to select your date and e-mail me at with the title: ONE DAY WORKSHOP. This workshop will be hosted here in Northern Colorado. I will send some information, a confirmation AND your retainer and contract when you reach out to me. These must be signed and the retainer paid for your spot to be filled.

    Please note you will have to cover your travel and place to stay. This is not overnight like a retreat. We will be meeting at 10:45am and going until sun has set and when we are done shooting.

    There will be five attendee spots for each date to keep our group intimate. The way I run my workshops, there will be ample time and space to shoot with this group size. I make sure no woman is ever left behind.


    Saturday, August 9th, 2025

    Additional offering on a very limited basis due to time constraints:

    Whenever I host a workshop of any kind, I have interest from some of my attendees on booking their own family session while they are with me. Because this was so popular last time, I am offering a special session bundle for my workshop attendees if they book at the same time as the one day workshop.

    You will get a FULL mountain family session for half off my normal rate if you book with this workshop. That includes 50+ images in your gallery for you to download, print and enjoy. You will also get a 90 minute session in a beautiful location and full help with styling your family.

    These sessions typically retail between $1650 and $2200.00. I am offering this to you at $895.00 That is even less than my Black Friday rate for a smaller package. If you were hoping to get on the books this year, this is available to you now for next year’s session date.

    That’s it!! I hope to love on you next year. One thing I have always prided myself on in my teaching is the way the women come away feeling seen, heard and a part of something special. The community of women I have built, even if I am partially biased, is something incredibly special and I would love for you to be part of that village. I hope to see you soon!

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