M4H P52 “Water” Winner and Eye Candy

    Getting started with all your lovely images this Monday morning! I hope those that celebrated this past week had a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with joy, family and of course great food!!

    As always the winner is welcome to contact me (via email or blog contact form is totally okay) to claim a $40.00 Gift Card to my shop towards any Photographer’s processing tools such as Lightroom Presets or Photoshop Actions of their choosing.

    By: mjd242

    48/52 - Water

    48/52 – Water

    We have a local waterfall that we visit several times throughout the year. Christmas time is especially fun because they “light” the falls as well as put up thousands of Christmas lights all over the park. The water will keep flowing all winter long, but you can see that parts of the falls are already starting to freeze.

    Lots of Eye Candy

    By: charley1962

    Theme Water

    Water droplet after the rain. Looks like the spider web is holding up the leaf

    By: Justine B7

    47/52 Water

    47/52 Water
    It rained all day on Saturday. ‘Cabin fever’ set in fast. By afternoon I was willing to risk getting wet to just get the kids out of the house. There was certainly no shortage of water!

    By: Vixpix:-)


    We have a little stream near our house. Perfect for splashing in!

    By: Sus1e31



    Nothing more beautiful than the sea.

    By: SaraKellyPhoto

    Water {M4H 47/52}

    Water {M4H 47/52}

    By: minkylina

    Bathtub mermaid

    Bathtub mermaid

    M4H 48/52: Water. This is one of the more difficult self portraits I’ve ever done but I did find out that my 50×50 softbox can indeed fit into my tiny bathroom.

    By: mrsjones2oo5

    48/52 | Water

    48/52 | Water

    Getting his last sip of water before bed…a nightly ritual

    By: Eastview Photography


    We don’t get a lot of rain in Southern California..or a lot of autumn for that matter. So, when the two happen on one day..well it’s worth laying on my soaking wet patio for!

    By: KarenHuntPhotography

    M4H Week 48/52 Water

    M4H Week 48/52 Water
    This week we went to the indoor water park near our house for a party. We hadn’t been here in almost a year and my daughter was so disappointed last year because she was 1″ too small to go down this slide, and her older brothers love going on the slide. Well this year, she was able to ride and she was so excited! Needless to say, she spent most of the day on this slide.

    Edited with Heartthrob

    By: indira klotzer



    By: magova

    M4H  "Water"  48/52

    M4H “Water” 48/52

    By: 24Feet

    24Feet - Water

    P52/48 – Water

    Always happy to see rain water here in Southern California.

    By: barrows5

    m4h 48~52  Water

    m4h 48~52 Water

    By: Michelle Vinnacombe

    #M4H13WK48  WATER

    I wanted to try something different to get a water shot. This took me a lot of attempts to capture the perfect splash back but my daughter had no complaints being the photographer’s assistant for this assignment : )

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