Inspired, A VERY Special Project Begins | Introducing Sarah Phillips Photograhy

    I am a dreamer. Most people that follow my work or subscribe to my fan page probably can already tell so from my posts, photos and status updates. I began my journey quite a few years a go with a dream and an empty wallet. I knew that I wanted to do something special with my time and this creative vision I constantly had swirling in my mind. As most people starting out know photography isn’t for the faint of heart and while your gear doesn’t define you the costs to begin even as a hobbyist can be staggering. For this reason especially I went slow as molasses acquiring the camera body. lenses and knowledge I needed to get where I wanted in my never ending passion as a photographer. I really had no idea what it entailed to be a professional let alone a real photographer. I actually always made sure to let people know I was aspiring afraid to call myself the real deal. Afraid to put myself out there and take my own work seriously. Afraid of failure. Afraid of not living up to all these enormous dreams and visions I had for myself. I stumbled upon a Photography forum after attaining my very first dslr. Shiny rebel in hand and Photoshop installed I was ready. I totally devoured every grain and tidbit of know how and knowledge I could find on the internet. I was overwhelmed completely but had so many resolutions and aspirations and I wasn’t about to give up on myself. Give up on my dreams. What I found I was totally unprepared for. The talent in the Photography world was astounding. There were so many kinds of photographers too. Wedding photographers, children photographers, Birth Photography, Lifestyle, Studio and Fashion Photography. Clean processing, vintage processing. The list goes on and on on and on. I never felt so small in my life. I felt inspired and deflated at the same time. I began at the bottom, at the very very end of the ladder and starting up at the very top I knew that one day I aspired to get there. I so wanted to be like these AMAZING Photographers. The ones that I got lost in their posts, their photos. I could seriously sit there for hours and drink in all the amazing inspiration before me. I really thought it was impossible to get there. I had no clue what my style was. Everything I thought I wanted was shattered. But in a great way because I realized going through many of the photographer’s photos that they grew over time and didn’t start out with these incredible, dynamic photos. And I bring this project before you because I am hoping to see that no matter where you may be on the ladder of success in this crazy industry you too can be there yourself some day. I hope to inspire and motivate you as these photographers have inspired and motivated me by giving you a glimpse of their world, their talent. I am sure you have heard of many of the photographers I will be featuring this year over the course of this project, and many you haven’t but one thing definitely remains to be said. You will be Inspired. Originally I was planning to feature 52 photographers. One for every week of the year but the response was SO great that I will be featuring two some weeks!! You will be hearing from the likes of talent like Barb Uli from Jinky Art Photography, Andrea Joki, Lisa Holloway, Summer Lyn Photography, Jasmine Star, Michelle from Pinkletoes, Leah from Lily Blue, Bobbi + Mike, Carrie Small, Stacie Turner, Molly Flannigan, Jessi Field, Sarah Wilkerson, Kelley Ryden, Skye Hardwick, Mindy Harris of Pastel Photography, Courtney Keim, Sara Seeton, Julie Paisley, and many many many more!

    I first start off with Sarah Phillips Photography. Sarah Phillips has this amazing way of capturing real genuine expressions and moments. Her processing is clean and beautiful and fresh, and her black and white processing is so dynamic with a hint of drama. I was totally moved with the amazing birth story she captured for her sister. She has this wonderful way of really conveying the joy and emotion she and her subjects both feel on her sessions. Her photos really tell a story. I have an especially big soft spot for her lifestyle images!  Be prepared to get lost in her blog. When I was preparing for her interview I couldn’t stop clicking though. Each photo seemed to be more beautiful then the next! And in addition to her amazing photos she also has one of the most kindest, giving hearts I know. She works incredibly hard both behind the scenes and on the forums at Clickinmoms to help make this forum a VERY special place. She also shares her day to day gorgeous images of her own family on the CM Pro daily project!! I am also a part of this along with many of the Pros over at Clickinmoms!! I dare you not to be inspired! You can find that right HERE.

    You can see her work on her website HERE.

    You can also find her most recent work on her blog HERE.

    And I know she would absolutely love to connect with you on Facebook HERE. So feel free to pop in and say hello!!!

    She was so gracious to answer many of my questions and I know that you will totally be intrigued and inspired by her answers!!

    So here we begin:

    Lets get to know you! How would you describe yourself in three sentences?

    I’m a very down to earth, no nonsense and laid back kind of girl.  I’d rather have three good friends than dozens of acquaintances and my family means everything to me.  I like to think that I’m funny (I amuse myself to no end) and most of the time, I don’t really feel like it’s possible that I’m a grownup who has three kids, a husband and a photography business.

     What sparked your passion for Photography?

    I always loved taking pictures.  After college a good friend of mine began an internship with a photographer and I remember seeing her work and feeling uncharacteristically jealous.  There was something deep inside of me that wanted to learn to do what she was doing.  Becoming a mom gave me the nudge I needed to get started.  As I watched my newborn turn into a baby and then a toddler, I felt an overwhelming desire to capture every minute of it and to do it well.  I got my first DSLR in the fall of 2007.  I  fumbled around and managed to teach myself to shoot in manual but it wasn’t until June of 2008, when I discovered Clickin Moms, that I really started to learn what was possible and fall in love with photography.

    What’s in your camera bag?

    A Nikon D700, 24-70 2.8, 80-200 2.8, 50 1.4, 85 1.8, a Lensbaby, a couple of SB800 speedlights, lipgloss, gummy worms and a sippy cup.


    What Camera/Equipment did you start out with? 

    A Nikon D80 and a 50 1.4.  The 50 1.4 was my only lens for well over a year.


    If you could only use one lens an entire session which one would you choose and why?

    It would be the 24-70 2.8.  When all I had was a 50 1.4, I thought I was a prime girl, but the 24-70 rarely comes off my camera now.  I love the range and versatility of it and it helps me keep up with little ones who are constantly on the move.


    What advice would go give to someone just beginning in photography and hoping to have a business of their own?

    It’s great to have dreams and goals but it’s important to remember that it’s not a race and that you don’t have to have a business to be a photographer.  I feel extremely blessed to have the business that I have but I’d be lying if I said that the business part hasn’t taken some of the fun out of it for me.  Sometimes I miss just shooting for myself and wish I didn’t have deadlines to meet and books to keep and the occasional difficult client to deal with.


    What was your first official Photographer crush if you had one?

    Probably Tara Whitney.

    What kind of photos do you like to take for just yourself when not working with clients?

    I love to take very real and natural pictures of my kids in our messy house doing   everyday things.


    If you could photograph absolutely anyone who would it be dead or alive?

    That’s a really hard question.  I have an enormous, teenage girl crush on James Marsden, so that would be kind of fun but I’ve never photographed JUST a guy so a better choice would probably be Kate Winslet.  I love how comfortable she is with herself and admire her advocacy for positive body image.


    Describe your style in 3 words.

    Real.  Modern.  Fun.


    Biggest Photography related insecurity?

    Being judged or not taken seriously.  Recently there’s been a lot of talk about MWACs, and it bothers me that there are so many people in the industry who seem to think that being a mom in some way makes you less of a photographer.  I started this journey because I wanted to take better pictures of my kids. I’ve come along way since then but I am still a mother, I still have a camera, and it offends me that the word “mom” is being used to imply that people who started off shooting their kids shouldn’t be working in this industry or that moms have no business pursuing photography.


    Most embarrassing moment on a session would be? 

    I’ve never fallen into a fountain or realized halfway through a session that my shirt was unbuttoned, but I’ve made my share of embarrassing mistakes.  For example, the first time I attempted to light a wedding reception with off camera flash was a complete failure.  I had set it all up at home and it worked perfectly but at the wedding, every time I triggered the lights, they froze and I had to turn everything off and then back on to make them work again.  I gave up and just used on camera flash which thankfully, I am very comfortable with.  When I returned the rented speedlights, I explained what had happened.  They asked me to show them how I’d set everything up and we discovered that I’d plugged the trigger into the wrong hole.  They assured me that it was a common mistake but I suspect that they were just trying to make me feel better and probably have me on their inter office “customers who aren’t that bright” list.


     Any challenges you have had to overcome to be where you are today? 

    I think I’m probably my  biggest challenge.  I’m a pretty confident person, but photography makes me feel vulnerable and I lack the confidence needed to really put myself out there.


    Favorite time of day to shoot is?

    I love shooting in the early evening.

    Have you attended college or had any formal education in Photography? 

    I don’t have any formal photography training.   I do have a masters degree in social work though and I think it really helps me read and connect with my clients.


    If you had to stop taking photos right now, what would you do instead? 

    Do I have to stop all things photography related?  If so, I’d be a social worker again.  If I can still work in the industry, I’d continue to work for Clickin Moms where I am the Executive Director of CMpro and breakout session coordinator.



    What do you do to get your clients to relax with you? 

    I’m very friendly and chatty and I think that I naturally make people feel comfortable.  I don’t do pre session consults, but talk to my clients on the phone before sessions and spend at least 10-15 minutes chatting before we actually start shooting.


    What are your photography related goals for 2012?

    I have a few of them, but the biggest and most urgent is to be more organized and have set office hours that I stick to.  I’m also planning to blog more.  Last year, I only blogged about ten percent of my sessions and I need to be better about that.


    How do you push yourself to keep growing and learning? Any Big Aha! Moments? 

    I’m very lucky to work with a group of incredible photographers at Clickin Moms and to be a part of CMpro.  Those women inspire and push me more than anything else.  I think one of my biggest aha moment was probably realizing that it was okay to just be me and to shoot how and what I wanted to shoot.


    I noticed like myself you began a Project 365 (for those that aren’t aware that is where you take a photo a day for the entire year) and didn’t finish it. Any plans to take this on again?

    If not any other projects you itching to take on?  I’m a 365 failure!  Even though I didn’t post, I actually took a picture a day until about July thinking that I’d spend a night  catching up on the blog.  Clearly that never happened.  I’m giving it another go this year and hoping that I’ll be more successful!  I’ll be posting images on my Ordinary Bliss ( blog again as well as on the CMpro Daily Project ( )blog.  2012 is going to be my year!

    Favorite photo ever taken: 

    Ever?  That’s hard.  I’m not sure if this is my favorite ever, but it’s up there.  I photographed my sister’s home birth in June and took this image moments after the baby was born.  The whole experience was so raw and beautiful and this moment takes me right back.


    Fun Stuff
    Favorite Color:  blue
    Digital or Prints?  Prints (although I am about three years behind on printing my own personal images)
    Favorite Season:  spring
    Biggest Guilty Pleasure: Starbucks Caramel Brulee Skinny Latte
    Pet Peeve:  people who talk on the phone while waiting in any kind of line
    Favorite Pandora Station:  U2
    Studio or On location:  on location
    What did you want to be when you grew up?  Mary Lou Retton
    One thing no one knows about you is:  I did 169 book reports in 6th grade
    Pc or Mac:  Mac
    Lightroom Or Photoshop:  Mostly Photoshop but the Clickin Mom presets are making a LR lover out of me
    Film or Digital: digital
    Props or No Props:  No props
    If you could travel anywhere it would be:  I’d love to see more of Europe
    Glass Half Empty or Half Full:  It’s usually Half Full

    Raw or Jpeg:  RAW

    Favorite Music to Edit to:  It changes, lately it’s been Tenth Avenue North or Mercy Me on Pandora.
    Favorite Quote:  Maybe not my favorite of all time but one that resonates with me right now is, “So keep your head high, keep your chin up, and most importantly, keep smiling, because life’s a beautiful thing and there’s so much to smile about.”-Marilyn Monroe
    Most valued material possession: I’m kind of in love with my Clarisonic Mia
    Processing Style:  clean
    Coffee or Tea:  Coffee

    What kind of Camera bag do you rock?  Love my Ketti!

    Thank you SO much Sarah for allowing me to not only interview but inspire others and expose the photography community your beautiful body of work!! You are an inspiration!!

    There will be another AMAZING photographer featured right here Next Thursday so PLEASE be sure to check back in!!

    40 Lovely Comments  •  Leave a Comment for Sarah

    40 Beautiful Souls Commented

    1. […] be sure to head back and take in the amazing eye candy from the first two featured Photographers Sarah Phillips and Lisa Tichane’ from the past two weeks. When I first began brainstorming how I wanted to […]

    2. Sarah does such beautiful work! I’m so excited about this project! <3

    3. Christine says:

      I really loved this interview. I love photography and definitely need to improve my skills. I often think I would love to pursue it as a profession (when I’m more confident) but so many things hold me back. I’m afraid to start out with the equipment I have, or that I will not be successful and it makes me feel very vulnerable (which I totally dislike) and then it just all sort of paralyzes me. It really inspires me to read that photographers who have been incredibly successful have started out with some of the same hang-ups that I have. 🙂

    4. Faith says:

      Thank you so much for this. It is so inspiring. And I LOVE what she said about MWACs! Being a Mom does not make me less intelligent, less talented, or less entitled to follow my dreams.

    5. Rebecca Thompson says:

      Very Inspiring, thanks so much for sharing!

    6. Lacey says:

      This is great, Sarah! I love Sarah Phillips!!! I’m so glad you started with her and look forward to those who’ll follow!

    7. Leslie says:

      Great, great interview! Sarah C. – you did a fantastic job leading the interview. I felt like Sarah P. was right here with me drinking coffee and talking :). Sarah P. – it was so reassuring to hear that you are your biggest challenge. I struggle with doubt and vulnerability to the point that my husband wants to pull out his hair and I’m glad I am not alone!

    8. Curriculum says:

      Lovely pictures and awesome photography.

    9. Mindy says:

      Such a lovely interview! I thoroughly enjoyed reading through this, learning more about Sarah and seeing her wonderful images – thank you! I was another one who started my 365 last year and ended up failing to post them all midway through the year. Trying again this year though and hoping to keep up with Sarah and her family at Ordinary Bliss!

    10. Liz Hardwick says:

      Amazing images … I am DREAMING … BIG time … like never before! O WOW!

    Leave a Reply to Sarah


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