Picture Perfect Family | Waterford, CT Photography

    I love this family. I love this family so much in fact I was admittedly more then giddy when J messaged me to book a session this year! She had come down to me with her amazing family while in the area for a wedding last year. Well maybe not all that close but close enough! ๐Ÿ˜‰ This year they made a trip to me all the way from New Jersey! I could not believe how big her babies got! When I photographed them last year they were quite literally little babies! They were so sweet and SO active and per usual beyond photogenic! We had a blast! This session was incredible. I really came away on a photographer’s high and looking at these photos I have to say they could easily be one of my most favorite sessions ever!

    Their family is just fascinating. Mama actually takes beautiful photos herself. She is more of a hobbyist at this time but if she ever decides to take her show on the road I have no doubt she will be incredibly successful. Dad is a pilot!! and they both are a dynamic duo and make their own line of Strollers! Really aside from having three GORGEOUS children these peeps are the full package! I love them!

    I hope you love your photos J & J!! You guys are a blast! I can not wait to get together again!!

    10 Lovely Comments  •  Leave a Comment for Sarah

    10 Beautiful Souls Commented

    1. What an adorable family!!! I love the feel of this shoot!! ๐Ÿ™‚ SO beautiful

    2. JodyM says:

      Adorable Sarah. So much eye candy to look at it’s impossible to pick a favorite.

    3. Beautiful summer session!!!

    4. marcia tr says:

      familia linda…fotos de familia sรฃo sempre muito boas de se ver de apreciar e sempre que eu vejo me fazem relembrar o meu passado onde eu vim de uma familia grande e tambem dos meus filhos, gosto muito das suas fotos, das cores, da leveza, sao muito bonitas…

    5. Sheila says:

      These are wonderful! Can I ask what beach you took these on? My brother is stationed in Groton and I would love to take my three year old to visit a sandy beach when we visit in the fall.

    6. Amanda B says:

      Classic and beautiful. Great job, and beautiful editing, of course.

    7. Jen Cooke says:

      Beautiful family!! I’m sure these will be treasured for many years to come!

    8. Tali says:

      Sarah this session is just stunning. What a family! When are you moving to the Midwest so you can shoot us? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    9. Denise Bulone says:

      Love them all! You do a spectacular job at capturing the special moments.

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