The Art of Intention – An Education Guide on Slowing down and Seeing the Details

I am going to lay out a common scenario for a lot of creatives and I want to see if you relate. I suspect we all know this feeling as photographers. We book a session and we are immediately so excited. There is so much possibility in front of us, and we are ready to hone in on our innate sense of creativity and make something wonderful. We plan out all the other details, but leave the photos to the session day. That is where things start to go south. You show up to your session, and all you can feel is nerves and the fear that you aren’t going to capture what you truly need to. It isn’t looking like you imagined it might in your head. You begin to rush and before you know it, you are pulling out the same poses and the same prompts you always use. You may even feel a bit disappointed and know you can do better. This becomes a cycle and before you know it, all your work starts to feel the same and you are now feeling burnt out and bored.

We have all been there. It took me years to learn how to slow down. I  was always fearful I wasn’t doing enough. I was worried that my work didn’t carry the same meaning and purpose I needed it to. I couldn’t get out of my head. But through the years I learned how to create systems and workflows that allowed this. I learned how to honor the way I see the world and create from an honest space. I learned how to go deeper and to make my clients comfortable enough with me to give me deeper, more intimate moments.

That is where this guide was born. I wanted to help other’s see this too. I wanted to give you the power and freedom to create on your terms. I wanted to help with  both  the technical and creative hurdles you may be facing. I also made sure to include helpful information for ALL levels of photographers. These principles can be applied whether you are just starting out, or have been a photographer for years.

Just a peek of a few of the pages:

The Art of Intention is a Photography Workshop Guide designed to teach you how to see the things that truly matter in your work. To give you the tools to slow down and create authentic and intentional work. One of the hardest struggles as a photographer is trusting our own process and knowing that we are 

Inside this guide is 55 pages FULL of information ranging from the settings I use, my shooting workflow, how I tackle tricky lighting situations, making my families more comfortable in front of the cameras, seeing the details, slowing down while shooting to get true emotion and more. This guide’s sole focus is helping you develop a process and unleashing your inner voice as an artist. It is to give you control back over the work you are making and to show you that you absolutely already have all that you need to do so. This guide will inspire you to get out of your comfort zone and also show you that you are already enough. 

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Limited new release sale price





Bonus Note:

This guide is the first in a series of multiple guides ranging in information on shooting, marketing, light, culminating community within your business and more. Those are to come soon, but if you want to learn anything specific or would like me to create a particular guide, please don’t be shy! I wanted to focus on niche topics our industry sometimes misses as well but make a huge impact on our work. I am doing these all a la carte instead of creating a course because I want you to have control over what you invest in. I also wanted to ensure that you can build around what your needs are without a huge time or financial commitment. Please note due to the digital nature of this guide there are no refunds.

I was hoping to have a video to go along with this guide but we need more content. Initially I was going to embed short clips to demonstrate but I would rather give this project the time and commitment it deserves. Anyone who purchases this guide will get 40% off the video if they would like to purchase it upon release.

Mentorship (Sold Separately) 

In addition to this guide I am offering a handful of online mentoring spots at a discounted rate to cover this specific topic. If you want to deep dive with me on how we can take this a step farther and really hone in on your creative voice and help you to slow down, I would love to be your mentor and help you take that step. These mentorships will be held in May and June 2024. I can only offer five right now due to my shooting schedule, so don’t hesitate.

Included is a  90 minute online video call with me where we will go through your existing work and I will guide you on how to create more meaningful composition. I will also help you to trouble shoot the areas of your work that you are most struggling with and help you come up with a workflow that will work for you. We will work on helping you to see the details and how to utilize your time and talent to get the stronger results. We will also work on helping you to define your voice and figure out how to step into your own power as an artist.


If you want to book a mentorship, shoot me a message and we will set up a time, date and invoice to get you booked.

If you need to split it up in two payments, we can absolutely do that with the second payment being due no later than 7 days prior to your online mentorship.