Search Results for 'project 52'
  1. M4H Project 52 Theme “Gratitude” Winner and Eye Candy

    Getting started on our Winner and Eye candy for this Week’s theme.

    Also a quick reminder that I am looking towards 2015 and our Project 52 group. I have had the pleasure of hosting this wonderful project for going on four years now. I would love to host this again, but want to be sure of the interest. If there is a project or something else you might want to see in lieu I am completely open to feedback on that as well. Since we are coming up on our last month of this project I want to be sure that there is indeed enough participation to keep this fun train going!

    If you are the Winner for this week contact me via the Fan Page, Contact forms or the email in the info area of the Facebook fan page and I will send you an action set or preset collection of your choosing! (If you would like something no pressure ha!)

    Let’s get Started!


    By: Allyson Louie Ell

    49 | 52: Gratitude
    I’m am so grateful to the everyday heros – the men and women who protect us, take a stand when we’re in harm, risk their own lives, and help to keep our loved ones safe. I’m even more grateful to their families – who give us their husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, sisters, brothers so selflessly.
    Tags: Squishy Prints Photography

    Lots of Eye Candy:

    By: John Simko

    week 49 “gratitude”. since no one had anything about vets and today is the anniversary of Pearl Harbor, i wanted to show my gratitude to them starting with my poppy. He enlisted in the navy on september 15 1942. he was part of the composite squadron 29 aboard the uss santee during 1943. during the time aboard he was the turret gunner on the tbf avengers torpedo bombers where they patroled the waters in the north alantic near north africa. they were tasked to sink german uboats.

    later he went to vc 95 which i think he was stationed on uss bouge in 1944. it was on there i think when his plane was shot down when they went on a torpedo run. the plane got hit with flak and when he looked down the tail gunner was missing with a big hole where he sat. then his plane was hit again and they crashed in the water. the pilot pulled him to safety. he was wounded with shrapnel to the heart. they floated around in the ocean for a few days before they were rescued. i think that was in july of 44,

    my grandma said he was in the hospital for 3 months and his discharge papers were for sept 44 and they got married once he got out of the hospital i think. the group shot was taken in casablanca, some original log reports of a small tour from aug 43 to nov 43, picture of him and his medals. the picture of the 2 flying planes i printed out to show what type of plane he flew in. he was also part of the ships band aboard the uss santee. the one musican Puente went to become famous after the war. while researching the one time i stumbled upon that.

    alot of the information i got was from either my dad or my grandma. he died when i was still to young to actually ask questions about his time during the war. i think it was back in 1989.

    By: Bec Walker


    Grateful for the much needed beautiful soaking rain from this afternoon’s summer thunderstorm. There is a quiet beauty in nature when heaven weeps.

    By: Juliana Atkinson Rothbaum

    P52 | Week 49 Gratitude

    I was a little overwhelmed by the theme this week, contemplating how to capture my gratitude in one image, when I have so much to be grateful for. Sometimes it is the little things. I pulled on this sweater this week and was overcome with gratitude for the time I had with my mom, who gave me this sweater and for the time I had to hold my babies, who left the side of this sweater balled up around my hip. This sweater is a sweet reminder of time I can’t have back, but that I am eternally grateful for.

    This image was freelensed and edited with M4H’s Vanilla action from the Eclectic Collection.

    By: Kelly Cody

    Gratitude | They are my whole heart
    Tags: Kelly Cody Photography

    By: Dani Waage

    {Gratitude} I decided to step away from my photography business and as edit my last few images from my last few sessions, I am reminded about how very thankful I am for my camera. This piece of machinery has given me so many opportunities and has brought so much joy to my life. It has allowed me to document my children’s milestones in a way in which no matter how much time has passed, I can be transported back to that very moment. It has allowed me to mentor under 2 photographers I had only before dreamed of meeting in person. It allowed me to connect with people all over the world who share the same passion, and form friendships I believe will last a very long time. Crazy, that its all because of a little piece of machinery.

    By: Sonja Kireilis Wildt

    Week 49 – Gratitude – I really really really try to be grateful for exactly what I have. Freedom is huge. Freedom of religion. Freedom to homeschool. Freedom to live where I want and to raise my children the way I believe is the best. I wouldn’t have this freedom if it wasn’t for God and ALL the men and women who have bravely protected and fought for it. From the first pilgrims who landed in a new land to all the people who have sacrificed along the way. I am so grateful. I try not to worry about the future of our freedoms – I pray that our kids will have a life that is good and prosperous.

    By: Kristen Mowery

    Gratitude: 2: I wasn’t planning on another entry. It seems I post pictures of Alexander for every theme. However – I am grateful for so many things in this grainy photo. I’m grateful he was put into our life, but did you know that people with his syndrome don’t sleep? (no lie!) Alexander is given an adult’s version of Triazadone for bed… and often is still awake 4 hours later.

    When I walked in and saw him sleeping so peacefully – I needed to take the picture. For myself. Because I was so grateful for his peaceful rest for his body. I grabbed the camera and hopped in bed – at this point my husband started “whisper yelling” at me – “What are you doing?! You will wake him up!!” I didn’t. And I am grateful I have a photo of my sweet child actually sleeping.

    By: Amy MagnetGirl

    Amy Kristin Photography

    M4H 49/52: Gratitude. I am grateful for December, for fall and winter. Even with its cold there is still beauty to be found, and the early darkness makes me slow down and take a much-needed rest.

    By: Sarah Tankard

    Week 49 – Gratitude {I am grateful for all of the moments in life, especially the little and the fleeting. I’m even more grateful when I am able to capture some of them}

    By: Karen Wilson

    49|52 Gratitude
    i am grateful for these three hands that touch my heart daily

    By: Katie Sheehan Downes

    [49/52] gratitude. there is so much that i am grateful for, but today i am especially grateful for a husband who does laundry!

    By: Kelly Waldrop Robertson

    49/52: Grateful for singing and sunsets ; )

    By: Leora Sanford

    Week 49 | Gratitude
    My last baby…girl number four. Feeling pretty grateful that God entrusted me with another.

    By: Justine Bath

    49/52 Gratitude
    I know as a participant of M4H project 52 I have become a better photographer. I am grateful for that. Because of M4H project, I have become better at thinking about how and what I photograph each week. I am grateful for that. I have made cyber friends from around the world as a result of M4H project 52. I am grateful for that. At 3am I had an ephiphnay about what I am grateful for. Words. I realised that I have progressed each week as a writer being involved in M4H project 52. Each week I spend time reflecting and thinking aout how to encapuslate with prose what I have captured. I am grateful for that. Here is my attempt to acknowledge the M4H project 52 for the images and the words I have captured since entering the projecct. My 3 hens, holding 4 hens… Sarah Cornish words can’t truely describe how grateful I am for being a part of this commuinty. xx

    By: Chantal Richard-Mercier

    Gratitude || for my growing belly

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  2. M4H Project 52 Theme “Lazy Days”

    I am so incredibly humbled, and so excited to embark on this project for our third year in a row. If you are just seeing this and would like to participate you can find information on just how to HERE. I do hope you will join us! It isn’t too late to jump in ever!

    Our week’s theme will be:

    Lazy Days

    What do we do when we have nothing to do? Let’s share! I can’t wait to see what you come up with!

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